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Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:36 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Captain Seafort wrote:I wouldn't say the TIE vs X-wing comparison is one of quantity over quality so much as mission roles. The TIE was a short-range interceptor while the X-wing was a long-range fighter-bomber. Some TIEs were definitely equipped with shields, since shield effects are observable in ANH (the fighter that bounced off Vader's in the trench).
Vader's fighter had shields. It was a prototype for the Avenger type TIEs. They had sheilds and a Class 4 hyperdrive. I still don't know why that TIE went nuts and crashed into Vader. He wasn't even shot.
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:08 pm
by Captain Seafort
I know the Advanced x1 had shields - I'm talking about the one that hit him. You can see a green blur that follows that TIE until it hits the wall (
here, 0:52-0:55 ish). There's also a scene in the Falcon vs TIE fight escaping from the Death Star that shows a laser bolt hitting thin air - I'll see if I can dig it out.
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:11 pm
by Deepcrush
Sorry but I saw no sheilds on the TIE. What I saw looked like a plasma flame.
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:11 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Deepcrush wrote:Sorry but I saw no sheilds on the TIE. What I saw looked like a plasma flame.
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:18 pm
by Captain Seafort
"Plasma flame"? You've been watching too much Trek - plasma is simply gas, and you can't get a flame in a vacuum. Regardless, there's also this image, originaly posted by "Rogue 9" on SDN.

That's clearly a laser bolt hitting a shield.
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:32 pm
by Deepcrush
I said "Looks like" not "Was" a plasma flame. I couldn't think of anything better to describe it (plus it was a very pretty green).
But at a most that makes only one TIE that has said sheilds. There are other things that it could be but they aren't very likely.
I also have to comment that I haven't seen any TIEs take the same amount of damage that a X-wing can take. As I see it the TIEs still follow the base line...
No sheilds - only one TIE even hints at having them
Okay cannon - same 2 lasers as an A-wing
Very little armour - seen them survive a very slight hit
Impressive speed - TIEs outpaced both Y-wings (not saying much) and X-wings
No warheads - no warheads
Short range - only personal life support systems
Pretty agile - TIEs have been shown matching X-wings and outmatching Y-wings
Very cheap - they are the ford focus of the galaxy
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:35 pm
by Reliant121
Deepcrush wrote:I said "Looks like" not "Was" a plasma flame. I couldn't think of anything better to describe it (plus it was a very pretty green).
But at a most that makes only one TIE that has said sheilds. There are other things that it could be but they aren't very likely.
I also have to comment that I haven't seen any TIEs take the same amount of damage that a X-wing can take. As I see it the TIEs still follow the base line...
No sheilds - only one TIE even hints at having them
Okay cannon - same 2 lasers as an A-wing
Very little armour - seen them survive a very slight hit
Impressive speed - TIEs outpaced both Y-wings (not saying much) and X-wings
No warheads - no warheads
Short range - only personal life support systems
Pretty agile - TIEs have been shown matching X-wings and outmatching Y-wings
Very cheap - they are the ford focus of the galaxy
Don't you knock the Ford Focus!!!
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:36 pm
by Deepcrush
Don't you knock the Ford Focus!!!
Why not? Its true! I used to work on those damned things!

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:38 pm
by Reliant121
Deepcrush wrote:Don't you knock the Ford Focus!!!
Why not? Its true! I used to work on those damned things!

That may be so but its the best car my family has ever owned
*Comparing to an Aging Hyundai Lantra, you gotta admit that the Focus is a step upwards*
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:43 pm
by Captain Seafort
Sure, TIEs prioritise mass-production over having all the bells and whistles - that doesn't mean they're useless junk. I've provided two examples of shielded TIEs (the second admittedly a lot more definate than the first) - are you trying to claim that only those two had shields? There have been plenty of times X-wings have exploded on the first hit, and they're universally accepted as shielded. Indeed, the fact that TIEs operate in interstellar space is evidence that they must have some form of shielding, and the screencap above shows that at least some of them have shields capable of stopping a shot from a souped-up Correlian AG-2G.
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:43 pm
by Deepcrush
*Comparing to an Aging Hyundai Lantra, you gotta admit that the Focus is a step upwards*
I work for the Government fool! I don't have to admit anything! 8)
If you are looking for a long lived car then try a Saturn, much better and cheaper then the ford focus. Only buy ford trucks!
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:45 pm
by Reliant121
Deepcrush wrote:*Comparing to an Aging Hyundai Lantra, you gotta admit that the Focus is a step upwards*
I work for the Government fool! I don't have to admit anything! 8)
If you are looking for a long lived car then try a Saturn, much better and cheaper then the ford focus. Only buy ford trucks!
I are an have completely alien cars to me...a long living car here would be...lets see...possibly an old Honda or a Toyota perhaps...
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:46 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Looks like the bolt exploded. There could be a fighter in its shadow. Or the bolt struck a piece of debris, or it is a result of the bolt being defused from long range. Star Wars weapons tend to have very short ranges.
The TIEs have no shields, minimal weapons, no FTL propulsion, minimal armour, and short range. The only advantage it has is its agility and cheapness.
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:46 pm
by Deepcrush
Honda is pretty good but they have some high repair costs.
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:46 pm
by Captain Seafort
A Toyota, definately. Anything that can survive Clarkson giving it abuse must be bloody tough.