Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:03 pm
We have no mods. Maybe you could send a PM to Graham or Ian to split the thread if you wan't.Actually is there any possibility of a mod snipping this thread up into different topics.
Trust me. We'd just end up back here again.I'd kind of actually like to talk about the Soverign, and I don't think that sort of discussion can survive our favorite hot topics.
How do you figure that? What have we seen the Defiant do that the Sovereign can't?We see a nearly entirely(but not quite wholly) military ship in the defiant, and the Sov doesn't seem to even approach the defiant when it comes to pound for pound firepower.
And keep in mind, we have no canon statements or images that suggest the Sovereignp class has anyhting like the science facilities on the Galaxy class.
As Seafort said, there are weaons visible on the model, so it is armed.-Captain's Yacht, designed for special diplomatic missions. It could have some kind of delta flyer warship down there. But no, a relatively unarmed Yacht.
And where do we hear that it's specialy designed for diplomacy?
So? What does this prove? The Federation has a tendancy of using 'politicaly correct' terms for warships. 'Type 2' could simply be how they class a battleship.-The official cutaway poster of the vessel that was released for First Contact designates the ship as an "Explorer Type 2".
Keep firing long enough, and that happens to anyone.-Freaking ran out of ammo.
Do we know how many it had in the first place?And perhaps more importantly obviously had internal volume to spare for more.
We've seen precisely zero evidence on screen, ergo it is non canon.-The arrangement of living quarters was designed to be modular, so that at any time a particular area could be reconfigured to create larger or smaller residential areas. That's from Alpha so it's probably cannon. This would seem to indicate some considerations for changing the type to crew carried, should the current mission change from near earth troubleshooter to something else.....
Memory Alpha is good for general info, but don't go there for details.
So? Even the Akira class has those. All this points out is the stupidity of Starfleet's design teams.-and again things like windows to the outside in crew quarters, and all the stuff Rochey hates about starfleet vessels when they aren't pure military.
No canon evidence to support those claims.And is again a multirole ship, perhapse with the eventual task of deep space exploration.
Or maybe its an actual warship, due to the current needs of Starfleet.It's simply more militarized than previous multirole ships, due to the current needs of starfleet.
What do you mean by 'the furthest Starfleet went in the other direction'?The galaxy represents the furthest starfleet went in the other direction for such a ship, going so far as to conceal its torpedo tubes.
And I would hardly call them 'concealed'.
That's because Fed ships use phaser strips, things which look nothing like a conventional weapon. That's why no one would be able to notice them. Replace them with weapons people can recognize, and people will be able to point them out.If you ask someone who doesn't know trek to point out the weapon systems on that thing they'll point to the navigational deflector and the bussard collectors, maybe the bridge. That's it.
And if they built their ships with a bit of inteligence, they'd be able to do it even more safely.Built for a time when the Federations exploration and rapid expansion through diplomacy made them able to safely deal with their known aggressive neighbors using their larger fleet of multirole ships.
Just because they're able to do something, dosen't mean they do it in the best possible way.