Deepcrush wrote:This has been a point that I've been trying to make for awhile now.
What, that there's nowhere to put extra guns?
This is true, but still they had so much going for them and they lost. Tells that their advantage wasn't what either side thought it was.
The defeat at Endor, despite Imperial superiority, was mainly due to the following factors
1) Poor defence of the shield generator.
The Imps should have cleared the area around both the front and rear entrances to the bunker, and established fixed defensive positions to cover said entrances. By scattering into the forrest after the Ewoks they reduced the concentration available at the critical point and allowed Chewie's AT-ST to defeat their forces in detail.
2)Failure of the Imperial Fleet to engage the Rebel ships at range.
This was on the direct orders of the Emperor (not the sort of bloke you want to argue with) since he wanted to show off his fancy new toy. They should have used long-range turbolaser fire to destroy the Rebels' capital ships, attriting them before they could close to point-blank range (and negating the Imperials' numerical superiority. As an addition to this point, the superlaser should have taken out the Home One-type ships first, rather than the comparitively insignificant Liberty-types.
3)Loss of the Emperor
This was the critical blow. Without the active coordination the Emperor was providing, the fleet lost cohesion, and suffered an appalling drop in morale and efficiency. Thrawn attributed the loss of the Executor, six Star Destroyers and the Death Star itself to this loss - none of which would (in his opinion) have occured had the Emperor not died.
4) Premature retreat
Linked to pont 3), since it was largely as a result of the confusion and demoralisation ensuing from the Emperor's death that the retreat occured. At that point the Imperial Fleet still had the Rebels trapped against Endor, and possesed superior numbers and firepower. An able and determined subordinate commander could have rallied the fleet and destroyed the bulk of the Rebel Alliance, even after the destruction of the Death Star. Instead conflicting orders from several sources led to the bulk of the fleet following the
Chimera's instructions to withdraw from the Endor system.
I mean EVERYTHING THAT I'VE BEEN SAYING. They ISD was a great multipurpose vessel. But, it failed to meet the growing abilities of the Rebels. The ISD wasn't built to face off against ships that were their equal. If they could mass produce them then they should have spent some extra time working out the weak points. The only major problem I have with the ISD is that it's not properly covered. If they would have had better weapon arcs then the Rebels would have never lasted five minutes.
All ships can face off against their equals - that's the definition of "equal". If you're saying it isn't a perfect design, then sure, nothing is. It's a comprimise between the roles of starfighter carrier, assault ship, and ship-to-ship combat. It does pretty well at all three. Sure, it isn't the most effective ship-to-ship design for its size, but its still superior to the Mon Cals under normal circumstances. The circumstances of Endor were anything but normal, as I've pointed out above.