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Re: Star Trek Online (F2P)

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 1:58 pm
by Tyyr
Depends if you're PUGing or doing it with an experienced and geared group. If you're with people who know their stuff then just blow the fuck out of everything. If not you really need to learn the tricks and methods behind each fleet action and be ready for them. If you've played any other MMO it's pretty much the same. PUGs are hell, good groups make even the hard ones lol worthy.

Re: Star Trek Online (F2P)

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:17 pm
by Deepcrush
stitch626 wrote:
Deepcrush wrote:So i've spec'd out my Escort in the same manner as I did for use in our Sims. TBH, it works like a dream!
Thats awesome.

And scary...
Why scary?

Re: Star Trek Online (F2P)

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:18 pm
by Deepcrush
Tyyr wrote:Depends if you're PUGing or doing it with an experienced and geared group. If you're with people who know their stuff then just blow the fuck out of everything. If not you really need to learn the tricks and methods behind each fleet action and be ready for them. If you've played any other MMO it's pretty much the same. PUGs are hell, good groups make even the hard ones lol worthy.
The trick is, let the stupid newb rush in and you sit just behind him. Close enough to blast the hell out of things but not the closest to the enemy.

Re: Star Trek Online (F2P)

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:49 pm
by Teaos
The battlefields that opened up at 50... wow. Generally I am not a fan of Borg battles, but the Cure is very fun. I still like the Big Dig for ground combat. Had a good team once that did the whole thing in 6 minutes. basically did the whole thing in a non stop run with one group unloading massive DPS on them. Average gear drops though. Still using the Jem Hadar kit from the story lines.

Re: Star Trek Online (F2P)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 1:18 am
by stitch626
Deepcrush wrote:
stitch626 wrote:
Deepcrush wrote:So i've spec'd out my Escort in the same manner as I did for use in our Sims. TBH, it works like a dream!
Thats awesome.

And scary...
Why scary?
That something which was developed for a paper SIM worked well in a video game, both of which have been unrelated to each other (other than topic). Its just a little mind blowing...

Re: Star Trek Online (F2P)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 1:25 am
by stitch626
Teaos wrote:The battlefields that opened up at 50... wow. Generally I am not a fan of Borg battles, but the Cure is very fun. I still like the Big Dig for ground combat. Had a good team once that did the whole thing in 6 minutes. basically did the whole thing in a non stop run with one group unloading massive DPS on them. Average gear drops though. Still using the Jem Hadar kit from the story lines.
The Cure is fun... very difficult on Elite, I think I've lost about 50% of them.

The Khitomer one can be fun if the team is even remotely decent (some aren't). The Elite of it however is very hard, because 2 ships must focus on keeping the portal clear. I think I've only won one of those.

The other one (name escapes me... ) is impossible to lose, but can take a long time if done wrong. As Elite, doing it right is even more important, as it can take several ours to finish.

The Unimatrix one is very hard, even on normal. Have yet to win it... but haven't played it recently so I'm not sure if its been nerfed.

All of the ground ones are difficult and frustrating, taking about 30 minutes to 4 hours to complete unless you are with an excellent group.
One of the ground ones has a Boss that take about an hour to kill, because he can one hit just about everyone, from anywhere in the battle area, and all at once too.

But yes, the STFs can be great fun, and decent gear sometimes (especially Elites).

Re: Star Trek Online (F2P)]

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 3:34 pm
by Deepcrush
stitch626 wrote:That something which was developed for a paper SIM worked well in a video game, both of which have been unrelated to each other (other than topic). Its just a little mind blowing...
To be fair, a good design will generally work anywhere as long as the same basic ideal of play is involved.

Re: Star Trek Online (F2P)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 5:22 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Speaking of those, we should run a Trek battle... using the designs we came up with in the sims. I'd love to see Deep's Klingon ships against Staplic's Federation behemoths from the first Alpha. Or my Breen designs vs. well, anyone's ships.

Re: Star Trek Online (F2P)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 10:46 pm
by Deepcrush
Wouldn't be fair, the Battle Cruiser I built by the end of the first sim was a 36,000 CR ship. My escorts where more leveled with the different tech levels of the other races.

Re: Star Trek Online (F2P)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 11:48 pm
by Lt. Staplic
might be worth a go if I can find my old records. IIRC when the SIM ended I was waiting on my next generation of ships to come out (those are the ones I can't find the stats for, besides the new Battleship) The ships from the previous generation:

Liberty Class BS: 17,780
Thor Class BC: 18,561
Alextria Class CC: 17,959
Vengence Class DD: 3,938
Pierre Class PC: 11,610
Etat Class FF: 2,673

Based of my growth rate from the Liberty BS to the Phoenix BS the Dauntless BC would have been right around 54,000CR

Re: Star Trek Online (F2P)

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 12:05 am
by Deepcrush
Well I could just half the Mek'leth class and that would be close to perfect for your Liberty, Thor and Alextria.

Re: Star Trek Online (F2P)

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 6:45 am
by Tsukiyumi
Or do a two to one battle.

Re: Star Trek Online (F2P)

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 4:58 pm
by Deepcrush
Maybe, a large part of the CR from the UFP ships was from their warp drives. We would have to recalc the ships without their warp drives to get a better picture of things.

Re: Star Trek Online (F2P)

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:51 am
by Deepcrush
Just got level 40 for my KDF character and stacked my weapons with nothing but plasma Mk X, with tacs giving me an 83% boost to plasma damage. Oh so sweet...

Re: Star Trek Online (F2P)

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 7:39 am
by Sonic Glitch
Did anyone have any problem getting through "By Any Means -- A Promising Plan?" Each time I Complete that segment of the mission and exit to sector space, It tells me to continue the mission by going through the act again. I don't understand how to move on.

[EDIT] Never mind, fixed it. I guess I missed a step (deactivating the defenses).