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Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:25 am
by Nickswitz
So, our English teacher (who I might add is an egotistical moron who shouldn't have been allowed to teach anything, let alone AP English) gave us an assignment to do, in the last 3 weeks of class we're supposed to write a 10 page final paper, which is ludicrous, we just had the biggest English exam in the country and now we have this crap, and I have no idea what we have to do for it, it was assigned a week ago, expected to be due next Tuesday, and our teacher refuses to give us anything on what were supposed to do, and by that I mean, when we ask him what we are supposed to do he looks at us and chuckles, and then we say we're serious, and he just shrugs it off....
I'm so stressed about finals and he gives us this crap to do that we have no idea what the heck we're supposed to do, and I mean everyone, the smartest girl in our class has no clue, she just bsed something.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:58 am
by Sionnach Glic
He told you to write a ten-page long paper....but didn't actually tell you what it should be on?
Just pick a random topic. If he marks you down for doing the wrong one, complain to whoever's above him in the food chain that he completely failed to give you any actual instructions.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:04 am
by Lighthawk
Write the report on the difficulties of working without proper instructions.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:41 am
by Reliant121
Get someone to record the conversation with him asking for what to do, but him not telling you. That way you've got proof for the big boss of this ass if you need to take stuff higher.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:43 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Lighthawk wrote:Write the report on the difficulties of working without proper instructions.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:48 pm
by Mikey
I was once assigned to write a short paper on Macbeth in high school, with no further instructions that it was to be "about Macbeth." I closed the paper with something to the effect of "Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow... will be Thursday, and at least I'll have turned in this paper and won't have to worry about this crap anymore."
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:52 pm
by Nickswitz
He told us this, "Take the idea behind the summer assignment, and expand on it..."
Tomorrow me and a third of the class are going to the Principle for him expecting this without proper notice, instructions, or preparation, and the best part, my mom isn't even hassling me about it, because she doesn't know what he wants.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:06 pm
by Tyyr
I'd write a ten page paper about how much I love my dick and being a guy.
If he doesn't like it, tell me what he does want a paper on.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:38 pm
by Mikey
Nickswitz wrote:He told us this, "Take the idea behind the summer assignment, and expand on it..."
Do you know what that assignment is? If so, I'd say he has indeed given you your subject matter.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:43 pm
by Nickswitz
Oh, yeah, it was on a book of our choice, looking at it through a critical lens. However, this book has to be different, and we have to focus on something else, and use a different lens. And he wants it to be expanded upon, using a different book, I have no idea how I am supposed to expand on something I can't use.
Oh, and it's a research paper, so we're supposed throw in random peoples opinions in to make ours sound smart.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:28 pm
by Mikey
Nickswitz wrote:I have no idea how I am supposed to expand on something I can't use.
You can't use the book about which you're writing?
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:30 pm
by Tyyr
"Examine the root causes of the second world war."
"Ok, for your next paper expand upon your first, but you can't discuss the second world war."
So is this guy out of his mind or what?
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:57 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Who the hell let that guy be a teacher if he can't even make what fucking assignment he wants done clear?
I dunno about you guys, but if I wanted an assignment done I'd make it clear
1) What the overall topic is (Eg, the start of WW2).
2) What the focus is (Eg, influence of the rise of fascism in Europa on the beginning of the war).
3) How long it should be (Eg, 72 pages).
4) When it's due (Eg, tommorrow).
Then write that info up somewhere that it can be copied down at the leisure of the students. Should someone miss the class and turn up the next day, make damn sure to let him know what's wanted. Should someone come to you and mentions they're unclear on what exactly they're supposed to do, take five minutes at the end of the class to explain it to them and any others who are unsure.
Teachers like that honestly make me want to smack some sense into them.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:01 pm
by Captain Seafort
Sionnach Glic wrote:I dunno about you guys, but if I wanted an assignment done I'd make it clear
1) What the overall topic is (Eg, the start of WW2).
2) What the focus is (Eg, influence of the rise of fascism in Europa on the beginning of the war).
3) How long it should be (Eg, 72 pages).
4) When it's due (Eg, tommorrow).
72 pages in an evening? I'm glad I never had you as a teacher.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:08 pm
by Tsukiyumi