Tsukiyumi wrote:To be fair to the looney tune, Texas does have the right to secede; it was in the original charter when we joined the union. We were the only state that was an actual country first.
I didn't know that, I'll admit; but once a state secedes, talking about its
right to do so being legally authorized by the government
with which it is no longer affiliated is a bit ridiculous.
Tsukiyumi wrote:So, I could go build a house in the woods, and hunt and fish for food, build my own tools, and all for free? Nope, The land is "owned" by someone, the game (besides being scarce) is regulated; I'd have to pay fees and get licenses, pay property tax even if I owned the land... no choices there.
Sounds like the issue isn't one of choice at all; sounds like you're pissed that someone else got there first. Let's say you went to build your house in the woods, and started hunting, fishing, farming, or whatever on the surrounding land. Now let's say I decide that I want to do the same thing, but your house is already there. Did you just abrogate my ability to choose how to live? According to the logic you presented, you sure as hell did. According to the real world, nope. That's the same thing as you claim to be abrogation of your choice.
Tsukiyumi wrote:Do you really want to play that card with me? There are 14,000 full-blooded Comanche left in the world as of the last census; we were wiped out systematically, rounded up and put in concentration camps by whom? That would be the United States government.
Wiretapping, email surveillance, 24-7 camera monitoring, indefinite detainment in secret facilities, execution by drone or otherwise without trial, surveillance drones in American airspace, rampant police brutality, secret police, forcible disarmament of the population, internment camps, double standard laws, private armies... nope, not a police state at all. We've still got our free speech though, right?
Yeah, I really do want to play that card. Of my wife's ancestral tribe, approx. 12,000 remain - which figure comprises three different tribal groups which tend to be lumped together based on linguistic kinship. So, in truth approx. 4,000 - 5,000 remain, and only regained their status as an independent nation following a double appeal of a suit levied against them by - of all people - the Cherokee Nation, which sued to declaim their status and take whatever land was left to them. So, you don't need to lecture me about what happened to the NAN's. As to the rest - yeah, it all sucks, and I'd wager I've been to more marches, phone and mail campaigns, congressional representative harangues and harrassments, etc. than most folks you know. I'm not ignorant of any of the evils that have been done in this nation in the name of the gub'mint. If you're going to tell me that any of it compares in magnitude or in the actual degree of evil to what happened to the Jews, Catholics, communists, homosexuals, or other involved groups during the Holocaust or pre-war Germany, then I'll call you an ignorant misinformed knucklehead at best and a misanthropic liar at worst. Like I said before, sometimes things suck - and things get FUBAR when us imperfect humans are involved. Call those things wrong if you want, and I'll stand by you and say it with you. Call this a police state when you can look all over the world and see what true abrogation of individual rights are, and I can't.
Tsukiyumi wrote:I don't "consider" it otherwise, it is otherwise. We are not genetically wired for it. It is a social construct, just like suppressing the desire to kill or injure your rivals as a male (something we are naturally wired for).
That is one man's opinion, not evidence. It is
not otherwise, no matter how many people feel like they need justification to live otherwise. Don't want to be monogamous? That's fine with me, and you don't need to create some pop-psychobabble to justify yourself. Just leave my wife alone. You'd be correct in asserting that many of the
forms created to deal with marriage, monogamous, or closed-loop polygamous situations are social constructs; but to say that the behavior is goes against common sense. Why would a civilization evolve such constructs if they didn't speak to the way the constituency lived? Again, suppressing the desire to kill your rivals both has precedence among the "lower" animals, and is an innate part of civilization; how long do you think the first farming conclave comprising a few clans of former hunter-gatherers would have coalesced into a culture if the people were predisposed to killing each other?
Tsukiyumi wrote:That is not a problem with the burger, it's a problem with people and their lack of willpower. The bacon cheeseburger, as a concept, is flawless.
Wrong. If the burger were flawless, there would be no innate property that would make it unhealthy to eat three a meal, three times a day. If you have the willpower to avoid that, then great - but there is still a lot of unhealthy shit in that burger (BTW, plug for Jersey - try a Trenton burger sometime [topped with pork roll and cheese] and you'll never go back to bacon cheeseburgers.)
Tsukiyumi wrote:See my above comment. The US government took my people's surviving children and washed their mouths out with lye soap when they spoke their own damn language. My point was the fact that the generation in question were paid a higher equivalent wage for their work, no matter how you twist the numbers. They also weren't required to own a computer and pay an internet bill just to keep employment or go to school.
Yeah, and that same U.S. government took in my family when everyone else - including the lauded Nazi fighters, the British - told them, "Krystallnacht? Herded into concentration camps? Oh well, we have nothing for you, so we're going to send you back, K?" BTW, they weren't paid a higher equivalent wage, and there was
always each generation's internet - whether it was literacy, or radio, or TV. My grandfather lamented the days when it seemed like "nowadays," people needed automotive transport to get to work.
Tsukiyumi wrote:Hell if I would. Believe what you want; I'd use that capital to tear down this system and replace it with one that has a future.
I'd like to think that of everyone I know, including myself. Unfortunately I know too many people to believe it.