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Re: Fanwanking
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 6:15 pm
by Deepcrush
With Asgard tech, resource gathering becomes far less important. Even so, it would seem she's over reached by the info you've supplied. But without her being here or anything from her directly stating her abilities, its hard to say she's really "fanwanking" if its acceptable In-Universe for the RP she's a part of. Fanwanking is based directly to the Universe which its related. With the Asgard, we've seen that population isn't really important, with the SG program the often operated with small numbers as well. In ST again population vs ability seems to have no connection.
Re: Fanwanking
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 11:00 pm
by McAvoy
I am giving you all the info she has given me. She quit arguing with me and others in trying to explain this ship of hers and her universe.
Like I said, 14 kilometer vessel out of context is either a good idea or straight up fankwanking. The general feeling about her among others is that her whole universe is fanwanking. The 90 kilometer battleship she described is the only ship in his faction.
I can give you the link to the discussion, but some of this has gone to personal messaging as well.
Re: Fanwanking
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 11:46 pm
by Deepcrush
Could be and interesting read, go ahead and post it.
Re: Fanwanking
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 11:53 pm
by McAvoy
Gateworld Original Starship design
Keep in mind there were a couple of point where I was drunk when I responded.
Re: Fanwanking
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:06 am
by Deepcrush
Which page is this thing on?
Re: Fanwanking
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:08 am
by McAvoy
Page 661. It doesn't go directly to the page?
Re: Fanwanking
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:23 am
by Deepcrush
Found it, though she said it was a mobile Shipyard. Still, she doesn't sound like a fanwank but just a kid having fun with it all.
Re: Fanwanking
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:29 am
by McAvoy
I looked through it again myself. I missed or forgot about the three galaxies part with four thousand worlds a piece part. In the same post she said she had unlimited resources to build whatever she wanted. Technically even now I feel that sort of a fanwank. But fun I guess for her.
Personally umlimted resources takes the fun out of designing ships. For example I find it fun to design naval vessels within the constraints of the timeframe. For example, I designed a 12" armed armored cruiser follow up to the USN Tenneessee class designed in 1906. Stuff like that.
Re: Fanwanking
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:37 am
by Deepcrush
In the Trek Sims we did here on DITL, I did the same with my ships. To the point of annoying the hell out of Big with the details I would bring up with him. Though building a fleet from an Empire of two hundred systems with many of those systems being Hive Worlds and a population over a trillion. It often felt that my resources were nearly unlimited. I could only imagine what the resources of four thousand worlds would bring in and so to a untrained mind I wouldn't doubt she'd got the feeling that she had unlimited resources with which to play.
Re: Fanwanking
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:52 am
by McAvoy
Fair enough.
I just don't see the point in having unlimited resources to do what you please. It was one of the points I brought up too. While whole "I want to build a ship that shits planets and eats stars" thing.
Re: Fanwanking
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:54 am
by Deepcrush
Also remember that this sounds like the work of a child, at most Middle School aged along with dozens of others around the same age. Their thought processes are still free of logic requirements that many adults will try to employ in life later on. But this is the point of imagination, to just say "fuck the rules and go!".
Re: Fanwanking
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:57 am
by McAvoy
Deepcrush wrote:Also remember that this sounds like the work of a child, at most Middle School aged along with dozens of others around the same age. Their thought processes are still free of logic requirements that many adults will try to employ in life later on. But this is the point of imagination, to just say "fuck the rules and go!".
Yes. But somewhere down the line someone has to say no even though they may not listen now, but eventually they will. At least she can spell and use proper grammer though.
Even around her age, my fanwank ships were about 1,000 meters long (and basically looked like a Galaxy class with the saucer turned 90 degrees).
Re: Fanwanking
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 1:03 am
by Deepcrush
While its going to point out faults, you generally have to accept that the majority of people are pretty stupid. Look at some of the debates that have come up on DITL and while there are a number of foolish and a few out right stupid members that have popped up. The population here is generally better then the averages you'll find out on the street. With fanwank, the limit of your ship is only the limit of your mind's eye.
Re: Fanwanking
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 1:13 am
by McAvoy
Deepcrush wrote:While its going to point out faults, you generally have to accept that the majority of people are pretty stupid. Look at some of the debates that have come up on DITL and while there are a number of foolish and a few out right stupid members that have popped up. The population here is generally better then the averages you'll find out on the street. With fanwank, the limit of your ship is only the limit of your mind's eye.
Yeah pretty much.
I am just trying to figure out fanwanking. It's basically like putting god-mode on your ships.
Generally I avoid topics like those because it does involve abit of it. My favorite was someone posting a ship large enough to carry Stargate's 304s (Daedalus class) around like fighters.
Re: Fanwanking
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 1:33 am
by Deepcrush
Again that depends on the Universe in question. If you're talking SW or 40k or Dune then its not a reach by any means. If you're talking ST or SG or BSG then you've got a problem.