Re: Mass Effect 3
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:38 pm
You've got a valid point there. From a more human point of view though it's like the pope making a deal with the devil. The Reapers are EVERYTHING the geth don't want and know from Legion that the Reapers will wipe them out the same as organics as soon as they're done with them. So it's not really submission in lieu of extinction, it's submission to buy you a couple decades prior to extinction."Is submission not preferable to extinction?" - Saren. No didn't bother me,
I'm critical yes, but if you don't just go with, "The writers are crap and the producers lazy," then an all female good guy cast in Legion's vids could be support for the manipulation. Still, it's a rather tiny bit of supporting evidence for my hypothesis and not the main point.Really? I didn't notice that all. Well ok, might be subtle manipulation but imho you are a bit to critical there,
Pretty sure it was a female who was bringing in several to hide them. Kal does have a fanbase but his fans are a stiff breeze compared to the Talimancer hurricane.Wasn't the one trying to hide one a male? Idk, need to look it up). Honestly the coolest quarian was never Tali, but Jayne Cobb...I mean John Casey....I mean....what was his name? Kal Regar or something?:)
It's presented in a fashion that makes Micheal Bay's "Uh-Rah 'MERICA!" patriotism seem tame. Poor put upon geth trying to flee and hide. Evil quarians hunting them down. Legion (again, who DID NOT exist as a discrete unit during the morning war) defending his helpless comrades and after a spirited defense the Quarians leave. It paints a very sympathetic picture of the geth, completely glossing over the baby murder and grandma punching. The Morning War in it's BROADEST strokes is similar to what's depicted but you have to completely ignore that the geth went WAY beyond defending themselves into the kind of mass murder that leaves no one innocent. I'm going to Godwin this up, it'd be like retelling the history of WWII in Europe from the German side and ignoring the concentration camps, if they'd killed 600 million instead of just 6 million. You're kind of leaving out a rather significant portion of the narrative just to make yourself look better.Yeah.....what again did bother you there?
As did I. Now I don't want you to think I'm purely siding with the quarians here. I do understand that from the geth perspective the Quarians tried to do the exact same thing to them. However in my book they aren't both innocent because of that, they're both equally guilty. So for me making peace between them was more or less seeing both sides get a second chance to make it right.Maybe it is a bit cheap but in the end I was glad I had engouh reputation to bug out of the situation by just making peace between the two.
Fire bombing Dresden was messy. This is walking though a neo-natal ward with a baseball bat and murderous intent. You've gone from collateral damage to willfully slaughtering even those who cannot resist on purpose.Yes, war is always a very messy afair
That's not really here nor there. Yeah, the quarians started it, but the geth went from defending themselves to executing prisoners for shits and giggles. The geth went beyond the point the quarians could actively resist them and just kept on killing. In any legal arena if that were two people where one started the fight, even with murderous intent, but the person who is attacked fights back, incapacitates their attacker but then continues on to kill that attacker it's no longer considered defense, it's murder.The questions are who started the whole mess?
I don't give the quarians a pass here. It's obvious to me that they intended to delete every geth that could track down. But that doesn't give the geth the right to reciprocate. Both side's hands are stained in blood, both are wrong.What would the quarians have done if they were the victorious side? Would they have left the geth alone as soon as they left?
Yeah, no. Like I said before, even if you assume that every geth of suitable age was in the military you're still only talking 50% of the population. You cannot tell me that the quarians were seriously considering active resisitance to the geth after 50% of their population was dead and all that was left were the elderly and children. Quarian resistenence in any real fashion was over long before you even got close to 50% casualties. You cannot tell me that if the geth had presented a peace offer after Rannoch was running... red, or blue, or green with the blood of 2 billion quarians that they wouldn't have taken it. I'm just not buying it. At that point it's not that they might not want to resist, it's that they no longer even have the bodies that can resist.As for the war itself, if the quarians needed to suffer a 99% population loss to realize it is time to pack your bags...
Oh believe me, I was raging at that point. Regardless of whether or not the Catalyst had seen such things before and failed there is no way anyone's Shepard would have just stood there and not pointed that out. Hell, I had the quarians and geth at peace and actively fighting the Reapers and my ship's AI was in love with her pilot and he with her. Synthetics vs. Organics was a theme of the games but it wasn't that the two cannot ever come to a peace, it was that at the end of the day synthetics are living things to and deserve a chance to live and grow and organics can coexist with them. At least until the Catalyst shows up then that shit is right out the window.that they have achieved a fragile peace, that this is as far as we know a first in this cycle AND that it was NEVER mentioned ONCE by Shepard to the cataclyst. I desperatly searched on the "wheel" the "Screw you star child. Our synthetics are peaceful and are even now working with their creators restoring their homeworld, so take your reapers and piss off. You are out of a job and we managed to came up with a far better solution to the "chaos" on our own. So long sucker!" option.
No.My point is, of course it is bullshit, but it is a bit late to start complaining NOW. Just go with it.....
Yes, Shep's ressurection is a SoD moment but Mass Effect has usually been better than most about keeping things from going too overboard. Hell, on Tuchanka in this very game when fighting the first Destroyer even a near miss was enough to blow Shepard through the air and pulverize the Krogan stone bridge you were standing on. Then you get to Rannoch and you can just combat roll under the beam like it was a laser pointer.
Ten minutes earlier, Shep standing over the hole, orbital bombardment comes in and nearly kills her. Ten minutes later she could spit on the target that's getting orbitally bombarded and not even get her hair mussed. It. Was. Bullshit.The distances were to close to conformt considering orbital bombardment.
If they ran out of time and money then this is the cause. They had the talent, they had the resources, they even had the time. They reused the previous game's engine and combat system only tweaking them leaving them two years to just work on the game itself.Or just plain mismanagement of the considerable ressources they must have had,
Cortez, is just creepy. Straight FemShep in ME2 levels of creepy. The guy's husband isn't even cold in the ground yet and there's Shepard trying to get him over his husband so he can get under him. It's just... ewwww. That's just... fucked up. Not to mention I can't imagine anyone clamoring for a gay love interest was hoping for a new character to pop up. Kaidan was originally supposed to be one and if you've got him there then he's been with you far longer than Cortez. Even Garrus if they had to. James doesn't exist for any reason I can discern and they don't even bother explaining who he is or why he's here he just leaps into the narrative and is accepted without the least bit of explanation to the players. Allers is... ugh. Again, Tali was supposed to be a female love interest in 2. Kelly sort of was. Was anyone really begging for a new swings both ways option? No, use what you've got. If you cut out James, Cortez, and Allers the game wouldn't have lost anything of significance. And I'm someone who actually liked James.Yes, I am not sure what the game was here. Both James and Cortez were completely unnecessary characters imho. I understand Cortez is there for giving you a gay love interest choice but then I understand Kalenko also is suddenly gay for the I am really not sure why the introduced those two in the first place. At least Cortez has a mini-story arc you can help bring to a conclusion but James? Why is he exactly here? Couldn't figure it out...didn't much care either.
Pretty sure they aren't. I will say emphatically that I know they didn't get a short scene of their bridge like every other race got when checking in so Joker may have mentioned it but I know they got no quick bridge scene like everyone else.Isn't there? I thought there were. Most replay it but I believe Joker makes a mention of them standing by. Honestly, I played that part only once so I might be mistaken.
What we've heard of the inner workings is that Casey Hudson and Mark Walters more or less wrote the ending independant of the rest of the writing staff and it was never put through the critique process. It was more or less dumped on everyone without any second looks at all.So maybe they should have checked with EA prior to writing their ending if they are forced to make another one, but from a business point of view, this doesn't make much sense imho.
At the time Indoctrination proponents were saying, "Yeah, it's leaving us hanging. They're going to put out an Ending DLC to finish it." Which turned out to be wrong. And honestly given the ACTUAL ending that we got I'm ok with the idea that the game ends on a cliffhanger because the actual ending is worse than anyone could have imagined. I like to imagine that my Shep woke in the rubble of London and realizing that the Crucible was a trap and Harby was the key to it all had everyone focus on Harby and kill him and not use the Crucible. Or something. My actual fic ending won't even remotely resemble the actual one because of how stupid it was.My main problem with it is that if it is true, they cut the game basically at the climax and left us hanging.
Eh, I've been saying since day 1 that any story DLC taking place during ME3 is just pointless. If they aren't going to change the ending then what's the point of a story DLC that we know in advance will have no affect on the plot? Leviathan proved it as it managed to only make the Reapers even stupider. Omega proved it as well since it has no affect on the plot, doesn't pretend to, and so allows you to enjoy shooting things without constantly replying to, "This could change everything!" with, "No, no it won't."Now there is still one DLC left afaik, but on the one hand they confirm that the body in the rubble is Shepard and the rubble is from London and on the other hand they say there will never be any post ending DLC changing what we got. To me that sounds just like toying and mindfucking with the fanbase.
And the Devs have been consistantly giving the fanbase the finger since the furor started.
Because it's stupid. Really think about it. The Reapers ARE the problem. If using Mass Effect technology increases Dark Energy and that's going to destroy the galaxy... THEN WHY THE FUCK WOULD THE REAPERS MAKE SURE EVERYONE USES IT? ME1, convo with Sovereign, "Your civilization advances along the pathes we desire..." The only problem is that you come to the end and are standing there looking at the source of the problem and unless you want to condem the galaxy to destruction you have to lay down you arms and let these collosal fuckwads that caused the problem kill everyone you have been fighting for or give them the finger and condem everyone to death in a century or two.Incidently, have you heard of the "original" ending? One writer said that originally it was all about dark matter destroying the galaxy (like we see in the Tali-recruitment mission in ME2) and the reapers harvesting cultures to prevent this and come up with a solution. The reaction to this was so negative that they changed it.
It is just as bad as the ending we got, maybe even worse.
And if that's what you prefer then you're entitled to it. I can understand what you're after. It's not what I want but well, that's how it works.I see what you are getting at. You are right of course, the thing I wanted to get across in the first place was that I do not really care that much about it. I care mostly about a good story with solid believable characters in it. If you have a ton of choices it is great. If it is completely linear but with a great story it is also fine with me. But if having a ton of choices means that the story or dramatic impact suffers I would prefer a BIT less choice.
I'll be honest with you, I like that. I like that things can vary depending on how you played and that just mindlessly mashing the blue option everytime doesn't automatically give you the most dramatic and intersting story. First, why bother giving a choice if you're essentially making blue the right choice and everything else suboptimal. Second, if you only ever pick blue no matter what you're playing Superman and sorry, Superman is boringly one dimensional.Even in the brilliant tuchanka scene are examples of that. For instance there is a pretty powerful line from Mordin imho standing in the elevater: "I MADE A MISTAKE. Always looking at the big picture. Big picture composed of smaller pictures. Won'T make that mistake again." (Not word for word but you get the gist). Powerful stuff imho and completely missing from the scene if you always are straight hero.
And hell, that scene can go a lot of other ways. I got choked up when he yelled "I MADE A MISTAKE!" but I also smiled because of how great it was to see that because of what I'd chosen to do he evolved as a character and I had brought him to my viewpoint. Then I watched the other play throughs and holy shit. When you betray him... you shoot him with the gun he gave you back on Omega. When Shep then looks at the pistol and tosses it away in disgust? Wow. Then you get the scene with Wrex (maybe) where in the end someone who you've known for years is regarded as nothing more than a piece of garbage to be disposed of. You get a serious shot to the face for what betraying people is costing you to try and save the galaxy.
Which I am ok with due to Youtube. And it's a small reward, kind of a hidden thing for those who picked a different path in the game.Another example, if you never romance anyone, you get a whole dialuge with Anderson on the citadel before he dies about family, what Shepard will do now, maybe have kids etc. (I am not sure why this was cut to be honest, since it would still fit even when you romanced one) before he says his "I am proud of you son" and dies. That scene was brilliant, where is my tissue box? Completely missing for 99% of the players who probably romanced someone at one point or another.
I don't disagree about the scene but I'd call that a failure of writing. Her living should have had as significant an impact as her living. I didn't spend two games trying to break her loose from Cerberus and keep her alive just to kill her off for drama. I'm also against killing off LI's in any other way than more or less the PC fucking up so bad it would almost have to have been on purpose.Or Miranda. There are at least 6 ways in the game to kill the character off. Obviously they want her out of the picture.
Two things, first, be nice to Kelly. Second, just killing off people left and right for drama is bad writing, ESPECIALLY in a game. Shep, and by extension the PC, is the grim reaper, chosing who lives and who dies. Killing off Kelly just to kill her off to say, "This is Brutal!" doesn't work. The PC has been picking who lives and who dies for 2 full games so at this point killing off significant characters with no input or ability to influence the outcome doesn't communicate that this is brutal. It communicates that the Devs are taking away our influence and railroading us for drama. So it fails to be dramatic and just feels like you're being dicked over ala. Tiptree and Joker's sister.Kelly Chambers. Hit me like a brick that she was just executed by Cerberus the poor thing and that I only learn about it via an offhand remark by a bystander. That shouldn't have been an optional occurance. It hammers the point home that this is NOT Mass Effect as usual, that was fucking brutal.
It's a failure of writing, just like most of the ME2 characters who just become points in the War meter. Rather than making your choice to save or let them die matter it just becomes the equivalent of scanning a random planet and finding a prothean doo-dad. Again, in game development writing is a free action. Fixing a script prior to production costs you almost nothing and you were already bringing in the voice actor so give them more to say and make a difference. Have a proper impact on the player by giving their choices weight. I was sorely disappointed that I saved Kelly and.... nothing.But it is optional for whatever reason and if you managed to save her.....she never has anything to say or do afterwards anyhow. (And probably dies on the citadel anyhow. Why make it optional then? Just go for maximal impact.
My perspective on that isn't that one option sucks and is lacking so get rid of the choice. 95% of the work is already done getting the character there, bringing in a voice actor, coding and modeling a scene, so the fact that one option is weak and meaningless and the other dramatic is a failure of the writers to produce a quality product. The only way I'd say the choice should be removed is if we're just going to accept lazy writing in RPG's. If that's the case stop calling it an RPG and admit it's an action game and I'm just watching Shep's story rather than giving me the illusion I'm helping craft it.Now I could bring a few more examples but I think I made my point saying that those are instances where I would have prefered that the dramatic impact of those scenes takes preference over player choice which ultimately will still lead to nothing or the same outcome.
I'm always happy to talk.Btw. thanks for the discussion Tyr, it's cathartic
I also freely admit that I'm borderline hyper-critical about stuff like this. The problem is that I take writing seriously and to get better at it I read a lot and watch a lot and then I pick it apart. Now, factor in that I LOVE Mass Effect and how intensely disappointed I was in this game and suddenly that hyper-critical nature is turned on this game with a very pissed off person in the driver's seat. I can do this to ME2 and I have though with a touch less bile. I will argue with anyone that the open act of ME2 is seriously fucked up, that Jacob should have been cut, and that most of the romances range from cheesy to down right creepy. The difference is that for the most part ME2 was an intensely rewarding game that was tremendous fun, so I tend to shrug and go, "Yeah that's messed up but how about meeting Garrus again or giving Tali a hug?" One of my long term projects is to strip all the pissy-ness, bile, and nit-picking out of my initial review and boil it down to something a bit more concise and impartial. I stand by my rating of the game and that's not changing but I can tone down the loathing.