If we can cross the stars we can strap an engine onto a nearby asteroid or comet. They can live on the periphery, selling us wares and trinkets, but if they cross the perimeter their entire biosphere dies and when the ashes settle we will probably have churned up a lot of ore from the interior of the crust to the surface anyways. Also, they should probably have some restrictions placed on them like no technology, the leadership must be handed over for summary execution. Their government must submit to company policy. There is no way we won't be putting a government in over them. I would also make it mandatory for registration at birth, any freebirthers are enemy combatants. Any support for freebirthing nationalism gets a chunk of rock deorbited somewhere on the planet. Et cetera.Tyyr wrote:You have just been appointed as Colonel Quarith's successor by RDN. The Pandora mining operation is too valuable to the company to lose and you have been told to reclaim it for the company by any means necessary. They'll handle the PR fallout of however you choose to deal with the situation but get that mine back in operation, NOW. They'd prefer you not do anything that the bleeding hearts could label as "genocide" but for $1.4 trillion a year gross they'll deal with it if they have to. Negotiation and diplomacy are out of your hands, your only job is the military response if it comes to that.
Scenario one, you are nine months out from Pandora. The crew of the starship has woken you early to notify you of the situation and give you a chance to plan your response. Unfortunately all you have at your immediate disposal is the crew that was being transferred, a mixed bag of miners, roughnecks, technicians, and mercenaries, and the gear they brought wit them. How do you take the mine back or can you even do it?
Scenario two, you are currently on Earth and studying to ship out to Pandora when you get the news. You've got nine months before the ship launches so in that time you've got to recruit and train any personnel you need as well as choose and procure any supplies you need. The sky's the limit on what you can take, the mass is not. Pick and choose your gear carefully to squeeze it in under the 350 ton limit. If you choose you can request for some of that tonnage to be spent on more cryosleep chambers at half a ton per man.
So, how do you get the mine back and prevent the furries from over running it again?
Or we could reference the ship's library and begin testing nerve agents and defoliants if we wanted to be expensive and gruesome about the matter. But as I said before, such is just inhumane and wasteful.
Personally, I would make sure that the planet gets the rock dropped on it in the end so it can be a clean slate for the introduced Earth biosphere Jr. I darn sure don't want anything like that ecological mess getting loose in a Human world.