Re: Names
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:41 am

Now, did you already know that or look it up?thelordharry wrote:Sarah, right?IntrepidPrincess wrote:This thread is for members to post and discuss the meanings behind their names.
This can include the reason(s) you chose that name for ditl, what that name translates to (in any language), anything you want to tell us about the history of that name, etc.
Do not feel compelled to reveal if it is your true name or not.
I'll start. I chose "Intrepid" because it is Voyager's class, and I love Voyager (go to my blog if you want to know why).
I chose "Princess" because that is what my real name translates to in Hebrew.
If you're reading this, IT'S YOUR TURN NOW!
Now do I lie and make myself look intelligent or admit that I googled it and....damn, too latestitch626 wrote:Now, did you already know that or look it up?thelordharry wrote:Sarah, right?IntrepidPrincess wrote:This thread is for members to post and discuss the meanings behind their names.
This can include the reason(s) you chose that name for ditl, what that name translates to (in any language), anything you want to tell us about the history of that name, etc.
Do not feel compelled to reveal if it is your true name or not.
I'll start. I chose "Intrepid" because it is Voyager's class, and I love Voyager (go to my blog if you want to know why).
I chose "Princess" because that is what my real name translates to in Hebrew.
If you're reading this, IT'S YOUR TURN NOW!
**giggle**thelordharry wrote:Now do I lie and make myself look intelligent or admit that I googled it and....damn, too latestitch626 wrote:Now, did you already know that or look it up?
That is seriously twisted.thelordharry wrote:I got my screen name from the lads mag 'FHM' (British version). We're talking circa 1996 and they had a column in one issue dedicated to weird things people do or exclaim whilst orgasming and this one girl wrote in to say that her boyfriend shouted out "by the Lord Harry!" during the act. I fell about the place laughing and when the internet eventually arrived for the masses, I always used it as a screenname
My father-in-law tells me that it's also a euphemism for the devil in some Charles Dickens book? Never heard that one thoughRoyal_Foxx wrote:That is seriously twisted.thelordharry wrote:I got my screen name from the lads mag 'FHM' (British version). We're talking circa 1996 and they had a column in one issue dedicated to weird things people do or exclaim whilst orgasming and this one girl wrote in to say that her boyfriend shouted out "by the Lord Harry!" during the act. I fell about the place laughing and when the internet eventually arrived for the masses, I always used it as a screenname
Wow, nice on the names.thelordharry wrote:So your initials are 'SS'? Shame Sarah isn't your second name and your first name is something like 'Ula'.
Sorry guys, I really have NOTHING to do today
Ya know, I need to check if that things even still in business. That's where I met LH. Ya know, I've known him almost as long as I've known my wife.Lighthawk wrote:Mine orginated when I signed up at the TMFFA ( Tenchi Muyo Fan Fic Archive)* nigh on a decade or something ago. The name is relevant to the anime, and I've just stuck with it ever since.
It was. First thing I ever wrote was for it. Each iteration got progressively shittier though. Thankfully they let the Tenchi in Tokyo and Tenchi Universe continuities die and just kept with the OVA one. Mihoshi > all other anime girls.Tsukiyumi wrote:I remember that show. It was pretty good, IIRC.
That's better. I don't like olives!stitch626 wrote:Wow, nice on the names.thelordharry wrote:So your initials are 'SS'? Shame Sarah isn't your second name and your first name is something like 'Ula'.
Sorry guys, I really have NOTHING to do today
The same reason yours looks like he's about to rip one.thelordharry wrote:Why does your avatar always look constipated?
Sadly no, the site has been "under construction" since Feb 2008. Seems like a dead site to me.Tyyr wrote:Ya know, I need to check if that things even still in business.
Well, I learned something new today.That's where I met LH. Ya know, I've known him almost as long as I've known my wife.
If that ain't God's own truth. I never did understand why the creators felt the need to keep reinventing the universe, and make it dumber each time they did.Tsukiyumi wrote:It was. First thing I ever wrote was for it. Each iteration got progressively shittier though.
Too bad they could bring it back up to the standards of the original when they did finally get around to wrapping things up.Thankfully they let the Tenchi in Tokyo and Tenchi Universe continuities die and just kept with the OVA one.
You know I have to disagree with you on that.Mihoshi > all other anime girls.
It's interesting, you've had a few different names, but always the same avatar. I've had the same name, but a whole slew of different avatars.Tyyr, is just a variation on one of two names I've been using for freaking ever. Got the idea for it back when I played NWN for the first time.
I haven't read all of (any 8) ) Dickenses books.thelordharry wrote:My father-in-law tells me that it's also a euphemism for the devil in some Charles Dickens book? Never heard that one though