OMG, I've seen whores on the street with more sense then you...
Monroe wrote:Now I don't want this to turn into a twenty-odd page thread where I prove you wrong over and over and you blabber on constantly only to have it locked
Right, and when this happens in the real world, come and let us know. Other then everyone one here has torn apart all the crap you've posted on yet another subject to which you know nothing about.
and the mods PM me telling me that I destroyed your arguments but you too much of a bone head to accept that you're wrong.
Well, if you need to beg for help yet again... call them in here. Have them say in the open where and why I'm wrong. Ask them if you can post those PMs or if they'll speak for you. Until I see proof of anything you ever say. I'm going to treat you for liar that you are. Besides, I get PMs from admins and mods too, pretty often in fact and normally not happy ones. They haven't told me I'm wrong, just that they don't like the way I go about beating on you or other people when I'm right. PS, I don't give a shit that they don't like it. Since you act like trash, I'm going to treat you like trash. I'm sure you have plenty of little excuses of spins on how things are going. I'm sure you've tried to pretend that by not answering or flat out ignoring statements made by me makes them go away. Slit problem is that I never shut up... EVER. Which means that until you beg the mods to ask me to leave you alone again, or they lock the topic... I'm just going to keep beating you like bitch you are. And I'll love it, because it means yet another person who I get to break down and watch crawl about begging for help that will never come. Have a nice day.
So I'm going to wait 2-3 responses after your next post so other people can get involved.
Fair enough, I do the same from time to time.
What's your plan in 15 years and the Minbari are still attacking.. or smug in the fact they destroyed you in 3 years (as opposed to the normal 2) because you only sat and killed the ones who came to you with no objective in the war.
Wrong again. My plan, as stated several times over, not that you'd ever bother to read before you speak. Is to fight a defensive campaign against the Minbari. Had this have happened, the outer colonies would have been left alone. The inner colonies would have been covered in Sol, and the Religious and Worker Castes would have succeeded in starting up peace talks without outside interference. Had the peace talk been run inside of Minbari or Sol space then the Centauri attack never would have happened. The Warrior caste would have been isolated and then, when the next cycle came around (I think its every 1.2 earth years, no promises) then the other two thirds of the Grey Council could have voted to end the war. Earth would admit defeat, the Warrior caste would claim a victory, and everyone walks away ALIVE. That being the most important part.
-Disclaimer- yeah I know the war would end by then anyway. But I'd like to think that that knowledge shouldn't have an impact on this thread cause then the OP topic wouldn't make sense.
Agreed on this. 15 years of war would mean that by the end the only fighting going on would be the Minbari hunting down Human survivors spread out around the galaxy.
My plan has drones, a targeting solution, and a method of attack. Your plan has exactly what the EA did and hope for a different outcome. If you run your head into the wall and it still hurts why would you keep running it into the wall?
Since you've never seen the show or movies, I'll just point this one lightly. My plan has nothing to do with those of the EA during the War. In fact we know very little of the EA's over all plan. Though it seems the sent ships out on a regular basis which points to an aggressive policy. Not a defensive one like mine. You really should read before commenting back.
Your plan has drones, which is tech that is worthless since the EA has to use visual targeting. You're targeting solution has already been put down as its less effective then just using a lens. Last but not least, I'm stating this again since you've proven you're as good at reading as you are at being honest, my plan had nothing to do with what the EA did.
jeez you're bitching about which rule is first in a make believe rule book of war that never existed? I figured surviving would be #1. Or at least damage to loss in your side's favor. But honestly I can't believe you're making a point of a make believe rule book. Its really sad. But fine in the make believe Rulebook of War you're absolutely right. I believe pages 289-294 cover it quite well.
Anyone here who has served in the armed forces will tell you there are many books used in the instruction of war. All of which are based on how to... drum roll please.... how to kill the enemy in the most effective way possible. Sun Tzu's primary point of war is "Defeat the enemies will, not their army". This is the guy who truly wrote a Rule Book of War... And guess what... Its not pretend or make believe! What a wonder about that.
A. my mistake. I know your gf plays, figured you would be familiar. The whole listening to interests and/or hobbies of girlfriends.
Oh, I do listen, and I even played it for a while. I know what it is, I know what its about or the basics at least. But I'm not familiar with the gaming aspects of it. She's also my Ex g/f now. Was this really the best insult you could throw? A "you don't listen" joke?
B. wow and I'm not talking about the video game. Just wow. Again you missed the whole point. I could have said chess but then you would say the grunts can step backwards. Its like when I used the apple example your lack of grasp on the most basic metaphors is astonishing.
How cute, another dodge. I got what you were saying, I pointed it out and I gave you something closer to the matter to use for a better understanding. However, like whenever you get in a position that you can't grasp, you just skip answering the point and try to dodge. Either make a counter point or concede. Otherwise, you know I'm just going to keep beating on you about it.
I know and I agree. But you have to also hurt the enemy. You can't just absorb every attack and not throw anything back. Eventually your lines will fail. You can kill them in far greater numbers than you yourself lose. In the end your plan relies on OOU knowledge. IU knowledge would state that your plan is doomed because you have no offensive. You have no objective except hold out a little longer.
Wrong. Its not OOU knowledge. They knew there were peace talks going on because they were there. They knew that many in the Minbari command wanted the war to end because the Minbari told them so. The EF knows the effect of mines on the Minbari ships. They know they can't beat the Minbari in a stand up fight. So, don't go out looking for the enemy. Make them come to you. Try to think of the point of a Defensive War. Its to drain your enemy, not to defeat them in battle, but to make them feel that the forced victory isn't worth the cost when the other side is willing to bow down and say "You win" without anymore cost.
I'm not familiar with this story. Guess I'll have to watch In the Beginning. What were the two other castes wanting at this point? It was before they believed that Minbari became humans wasn't it?
The war ended when the Minbari found Minbari souls in humans. That was during the Battle of the Line.
You really should work on your argument style.
Normally I just hit people as stupid as you. Since that hasn't happened and I haven't offered too, I'm thinking I'm doing pretty well. Plus I have a hard time picturing you thinking, at least in a meaningful way.
That last part isn't required. But eh what other choice do the EA see?
You don't see them making it home with the very information that your whole plan rides on as important??? And yet you wonder why you're a joke to me.
I'm sorry I thought a thread asking how we would change things means that we have control over things.
You're control is limited to the scope of the Universe itself.
-EA has drone technology. We have it today therefore they must have it in the future.
A, prove it. B, prove that those drones can run a ship. C, prove that those drones can engage the Minbari since they don't have eyes.
-I solved the targeting problem. Its not a perfect fix but it would allow ships to open fire.
You didn't solve anything. You pointed something out that has already been shown to be worthless by those very people you say PM you how much they support you.
-yes the Minbari homeworld is an issue as I've said before but if it can be found it can be nuked to death.
Then prove that the EA in the E-M War has the ability to find it. Then prove they have the ability to hit it. Then show why the Minbari wouldn't just bypass the EF lines and glass Earth in response. Good luck.
-Other species know of their worlds:
[quote"B5 Wiki"]The Norsai are a peaceful agrarian people living on the border of Minbari space. For centuries they relied on the Minbari for their protection. In 2261, they experienced devastating attacks against them by the Drakh and were amongst the hardest hit of the many worlds bordering the Minbari. With the Grey Council gone and Minbari divided, the Warrior Caste refused to act in their defense most likely because the treaty was initiated by the Religious Caste.[1]
Wrong, this means like everyone else they know where the border is. Read your own statement.
Proving EA knew the location of worlds:
A mid-randed base... proves NOTHING. Other then the EA found out there was a base mid way between them and the enemy. More then likely a border depot. Even if its not they have no directed statement as to if this was even a Minbari world and not one of the worlds they protected. So, like the common for you, you've fail to prove anything.
I fixed this problem:
Regarding the targeting problem. No, you didn't fix anything. In fact the very people you claim always support you were the ones who shot this idea down before I even had a chance to speak on it. You've yet again failed to prove anything.
So as you can see while knowledge of their space is not known at the beginning of the war it could be learned quickly if the EA played their cards right. And my targeting solution alone would increase the 1-5 kill-loss ratio the EA ships had more than any vague 'bolster the defenses' strategy.
As everything you just said has been shot down by several people here and you're just unable or unwilling to listen... We're just going to state that you've still failed to prove anything.
Its okay Deep after page 17 of that last argument we had I changed to enjoying making you more and more mad. You started off in the popular decision and by the end of it everyone was on my side of the argument. So if you want to make yourself look like a fool all over again by suggesting that by hardly doing any difference you're going to change the outcome of the Minbari-EA war go right ahead.
You had one kid who knew nothing about the subject supporting you (another person who knew nothing on the subject) and somehow you think that is going to matter to me? You could have ten, twenty or fifty people supporting. I don't care since none of them knew anything about the subject at hand. When it comes to fighting, I trust people who have been involved in it. I have not in the past nor ever in the future have any care of what a bunch of uneducated civis have to say about how combat works. Oh, by the way, on that last argument, you didn't win, you ran away, then you begged some of the mods to make me stop. Don't feel bad, they didn't ignore you, they asked me to or at least asked me to be nicer about it. I laughed at it because you got raped so badly that you had to beg for mercy. Now, you can try to spin this as much as you want. Until you act with honesty I'm going to keep kicking your ass over every topic I catch you bullshitting in.