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Re: Starfleet response time

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:01 am
by steamrunner
I would use older ships (i.e. Mirandas and Excelsiors) for the outlying patrol areas and use newer, more powerful ships for core world/hot spot duty...

Re: Starfleet response time

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:35 am
by Bryan Moore
steamrunner wrote:I would use older ships (i.e. Mirandas and Excelsiors) for the outlying patrol areas and use newer, more powerful ships for core world/hot spot duty...
Absolutely makes sense, and we see it in the E.U., but then the fleet is spread pretty thin after all the Dominion then Borg stuff...

Re: Starfleet response time

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 6:43 am
by Mark
Yep, they need to kick up production a notch.

Re: Starfleet response time

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:19 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Meh. They were able to muster a fairly sizeable fleet around Earth with little to no warning time in the last episode of VOY. They seem to be getting their act together.

Re: Starfleet response time

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:56 pm
by Mark
Well, slip the jab enough times to a boxer and he either learns to keep his guard up, or he gets knocked the fuck out :mrgreen:

Re: Starfleet response time

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:06 pm
by Mikey
Meh. Half of those were captains who burned their warp cores out trying to blockade Janeway from returning.

Re: Starfleet response time

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:46 am
by steamrunner

Re: Starfleet response time

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:59 am
by Sionnach Glic
"Oh shit, it's Janeway! Scramble the fleet!"

Re: Starfleet response time

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:54 pm
by Mark
"Damn, it's her again. Why couldn't she STAY on that side of the galaxy?"

Re: Starfleet response time

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:58 am
by JudgeKing
Mark wrote:"Damn, it's her again. Why couldn't she STAY on that side of the galaxy?"
"Don't worry, we can court martial her once she arrives."

Re: Starfleet response time

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:04 pm
by steamrunner
JudgeKing wrote:
Mark wrote:"Damn, it's her again. Why couldn't she STAY on that side of the galaxy?"
"Don't worry, we can court martial her once she arrives."
Or promote her... :roll: :bangwall: :suicide:

Re: Starfleet response time

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:14 pm
by JudgeKing
steamrunner wrote:
JudgeKing wrote:
Mark wrote:"Damn, it's her again. Why couldn't she STAY on that side of the galaxy?"
"Don't worry, we can court martial her once she arrives."
Or promote her... :roll: :bangwall: :suicide:
Mid 2380

"Ding dong, the witch is dead. Cause of death, falling into the sun onboard a planet sized Borg Cube." :party: :guitar: :clappy: :celebrate:

Re: Starfleet response time

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:43 am
by SomosFuga
We don't know how pacific/pacified is UFP space, probably the space in the "center" of the federation, the older members, the core worlds is more quiet than others. Hard to imagine a pirate gang operating in the route between Earth and Vulcan. More feasible targets for pirates are distant relatively small colonies and their trade and supply routes and the routes to/from non members's space.

I think UFP have some sort of cost guard to patrol trade routes and similars, they could use SF ship clases like Miranda or Centaur and small ships like the Federation Raider.

I don't like the idea of local military (maybe cost guards but not military), every new member military should join SF, if its ships are good enough it will became part of SF too.
USSEnterprise wrote:The problem with leaving systems to have their own defense forces is what if they don't have the expertise to make such craft. The Angosian for example, were prime Federation candidates, but they didn't have any craft to catch a damn sublight transport. The Vulcans and core worlds would probably be able handle their own defenses, but other Federation worlds may not be able to.
They could buy, rent, borrow other members or SF ships. Or even ships built by private companies or others like klingon houses. Or hire private security, companies with their own personal and equipment.

Re: Starfleet response time

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:11 pm
by Mikey
SomosFuga wrote:if its ships are good enough it will became part of SF too.
I would agree with this, but the limited evidence contradicts it. In TNG: "Unification," we saw Vulcan ships - they patently followed a design aesthetic which was unlike anything in Starfleet.

Re: Starfleet response time

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:35 pm
by Sionnach Glic
There's also the fact that Starfleet vessels may simply be unsuited to the task required. We've not seen any short-range patrol ships among the fleets so far.