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Re: Surviving vulcans

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 5:36 am
by Lazar
Mark wrote:Even so, is 10,000 enough to repopulate? We don't know enough about the Vulcan genome to be able to guess when inbreeding would do to them, so I guess we'll have to wait and see.
I think it would be enough - genetic research suggests that humans went through a population bottleneck (as it's called) of around 10,000 people as a result of a supervolcano eruption about 70,000 years ago, and IIRC they think that the prehistoric Americas were settled with very small founder populations, maybe just like a few hundred people for South America.

Re: Surviving vulcans

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 5:37 am
by Lazar
Mark wrote:Even so, is 10,000 enough to repopulate? We don't know enough about the Vulcan genome to be able to guess when inbreeding would do to them, so I guess we'll have to wait and see.
I think it would be enough - genetic research suggests that Homo sapiens went through a bottleneck (as it's called) of around 10,000 people as a result of a supervolcano eruption about 70,000 years ago, and IIRC they think that the prehistoric Americas were settled with very small founder populations, maybe just like a few hundred people for South America.

Re: Surviving vulcans

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:58 am
by Coalition
Mark wrote:Could the surviving Vulcans even form a viable long term genetic pool with only 10,000 survivors? And to be honest, I AM a little dubious about Spock's numbers. They couldn't have had time for more than a cursory headcount, right? They way I understood it, 10,000 Vulcans survived the destruction of Vulcan.....the event. What about those spacefaring Vulcans, those living off planet such as on embassies and such?
"Computer, subtract the population of Vulcan from the last recorded census of all Vulcans in the Federation."

Presto, instant rough guess.
Mark wrote:Even so, is 10,000 enough to repopulate? We don't know enough about the Vulcan genome to be able to guess when inbreeding would do to them, so I guess we'll have to wait and see.
50/500 rule is where 50 breeding pairs is barely enough to avoid inbreeding after 10 generations. 500 breeding pairs is enough to avoid inbreeding. By that math 5000 breeding pairs would be enough to allow random genetic mutation to have a beneficial effect.

Combine that with genetic screening, and a little bit of genetic tweaking, and 10,000 would be enough to slowly re-establish the population without the Federation having to deal with Vulcan banjo players in a few centuries.

Re: Surviving vulcans

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 7:02 am
by Lazar
And who knows, maybe they could get some sympathetic Romulans to defect.

Re: Surviving vulcans

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 10:25 am
by Graham Kennedy
The Vulcans have a lot going for them in terms of repopulating. Unlike animals they can make an active effort to maximise birth rate and genetic diversity. They can locate those born with genetic issues and limit their reproduction, or correct the issues through gene therapy. And given their logical nature they are far more likely to accept and carry through on such measures than a human population would be.

They'll have to be careful for a while, but I can't see that they will wind up inbred.

Re: Surviving vulcans

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 10:28 am
by Sionnach Glic
Indeed. 10,000 should be more than enough to allow them to avoid genetic defects.

Re: Surviving vulcans

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 6:54 am
by SomosFuga
They will have to forget about pon far, lucky them.

Re: Surviving vulcans

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 8:46 am
by Sionnach Glic
Indeed. Now the logical course of action is to go at it like rabbits.

Re: Surviving vulcans

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 5:05 pm
by IanKennedy
If they are able. We don't really know the nature of Pon Far, is it required to make an offspring?

Re: Surviving vulcans

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 6:38 pm
by Lt. Staplic
that's a good point...that could also add some more credibility to Spock's Endangered species comment, (since 10,000 Humans is way more than enough to rebuild a population)...If they can only successfully mate during certain times, and only once during that time (IIRC) then that could put considerable strains on them trying to rebuild their population, and could eventually lead to some inbreeding.

Re: Surviving vulcans

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 8:33 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Good question, Ian. Maybe Vulcan females are only fertile once every seven years.
Which would lead to the question of how the species ever survived with such terrible birth rates.

Re: Surviving vulcans

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 8:59 pm
by SomosFuga
Rochey wrote:Good question, Ian. Maybe Vulcan females are only fertile once every seven years.
Which would lead to the question of how the species ever survived with such terrible birth rates.
I don´t think thats true because should be the same for romulans and they have populeted their empire in less than 2k years, that´s asumming they have a polulation of billions what is very likely for and interstelar empire; unless of course they have used some science allowing to them reproduce faster in which case vulcans can do the same.
On the other side low birth rates could be reasonable for species with long lifespan.

Re: Surviving vulcans

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 9:01 pm
by Aaron
Rochey wrote:Good question, Ian. Maybe Vulcan females are only fertile once every seven years.
Which would lead to the question of how the species ever survived with such terrible birth rates.
How could it work like that? Do Vulcans magically match their Pon Far schedules with their partners? At least Salmon have the excuse that it all happens at the same time.

Re: Surviving vulcans

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 10:05 pm
by Lt. Staplic
maybe it does with Vulcans too.

Re: Surviving vulcans

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 10:37 pm
by Sionnach Glic
The only real explaination I can think of is that males are wired to be prepared to mate every seven years, and they simply find a woman who'll be fertile during that same period.

Personaly, I don't like the idea. I prefer the theory that they could mate whenever they want, but choose not to as part of the whole "we must supress emotions" thing.