Prove it? Iirc all we hear or see about is the Chin'toka system and the planet hold by the 11th order you mentioned. Are you implying that the CU only had two major systems within their borders? (quite possible, I do not know for sure, maybe has some better data).
Prove what? That the CU only had THREE (you forgot Cardassia Prime) major systems in their territory which would explain why they are thought of as a local power and have attack others for greater reasources and during a massive war all three of these places were points of heavy ground combat requiring the use of large number of ground troops? What about this is hard for you????
PS, just said that sentence out loud and felt like Ace Ventura.
The final battle against the dominion started at the border of the CU implying that there was a great deal left of the CU at this point. Also the founder pulled only back to cardassia prime after the cardassian fleet turned on the dominion. Since the battle turned unfavourable for the dominion at that point, falling back to their most well defended system and leaving the rest more or less unprotected is hardly surprising. That does NOT, repeat NOT mean that there wasn't anything left anywhere in the CU!
First, you should get a map and find out how close Bajor and Cardassia prime were. The UFP declared that Bajor was inside the CU during the occupation. They weren't at the border, they were on the lawn heading to the front door. Second, that last battle was to be the last push of a two year long war in which the allies had turned the tide against their enemy and were pushing inwards against enemy territory. If you think the Allies missed something then you should try and find out what and prove it.
As for the allies having a staging ground with DS9 and Bajor: that is absolutely true but is was within allied controlled space. We were talking about planets held by the enemy for further use as staging area as soon as conquered.
Dumbfuck of a retard as you are... DS9 and Bajor's moons were enemy controlled, to the view of the Dominion. Wars aren't one sided. There are in fact two or even more sides in a war. Retaking the Bajor system gave the Allies a place to rest and repair and build up supply stocks and even hospitals.
Bajor was never conquered or even enemy territory, DS9 was reconquered without ground combat and you people explecitly told my how ridicoulos it is comparing DS9 to a planet
Wrong! First, read that statement and then go kick yourself in the balls. We don't need you breeding. Yes, your breeding was just insulted by a redneck, that should tell you where you stand. First, Bajor spent several months under Dominion Control. In fact that was the first battle of the war! Have you not seen the series... EVER? The fact that the Dominion didn't attack them was because Bajor didn't resist them. Second, no one ever said DS9 was a planet. The topic I covered was about the MOONS OF BAJOR! Read the fucking statements before you make an ass out of yourself.
Now look, before you are getting unfriendly again,
You should expect that until your IQ reaches double digits, I will be very unfriendly.
I completely agree with you that the chances are that there where massive ground battles etc and the oou reason is that they just hadn't the time/money to show us this battles but no matter how much sense they would make,
I never said jack shit about this so fuckoff if you're just going to try and play spin games. They don't work on me. Either face the debate topics and statements as they are or just don't talk at all.
fact is unfortunatly that we hardly hear about and even harder see those battles. So please do not take it so personal when someone trys to explain this plot wholes away.
What plot holes? What the fuck are you bitching about? Seeing how no one has the budget to show a battle between an army of half a million cardis plus whatever the hell was strong enough to treat it like a cake walk. What does "seeing" the battles matter? We know they happened and were in fact important matters of the war. The only hole here is the one in your head where god should have plopped a brain instead of salad.