Re: RP characters
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:08 am
Well I want to use a video game mechanics. So we just pick something that the majority of people have yet is cheap enough new people could buy. And hell the GM could make up a world.
We don't have those here.Tsukiyumi wrote:Mmmmm, morels...
Maybe a ship designed specifically for boarding an enemy vessel? An enemy vessel is worth more intact then destroyed. Since we seem to be leaning towards SW I guess a ship with a ton of Ion cannon power. Just been watching an anime called One Piece lately and one of the characters is a swordsman known for using a triple sword technique. But if it proves impractical I guess I'll just save the character design for another time.Mikey wrote:I think the universe is really secondary to the game system.
PR - yeah, I'm with Tsu. What kind of master swordsman is there in 'Trek - and what exactly would that accomplish in ship-to-ship fighting?
Well, if we do a Star Trek RP I think I can come up with a well-balance swordsman-type character but a SW swordsman would be a lot easier.Tsukiyumi wrote:In a SW RP, there'd be plenty of room for a swordsman-type character. Me, I'm sticking with my trusty blaster.
Depends on the time the Star Wars RP takes place.Tsukiyumi wrote:In a SW RP, there'd be plenty of room for a swordsman-type character. Me, I'm sticking with my trusty blaster.
I think Grey Jedi is relativly close to how I'd be. And they aren't limited to a specific era like some of the others.Deepcrush wrote:It seems that we are leaning to SW. Sword based characters could be Jedi, Dark Jedi, sith, Gray Jedi, Jensaarai, Imperial Knight or Noghri. Thats all I can think of for now. All of which can be ship bound and serve in fleet matters.
I'll work for the highest bidder of courseDeepcrush wrote:Then you would have to figure on what you would be doing in the RP. I would be making up missions of different sizes and values. Your Gray Jedi would be a free lance so you could go anywhere and do anything.
They'd stomp our collective asses.shran wrote:...hell, I can even imagining us 'invading' coalitionverse, which our administrator thought up.