n the Nemesis one, there are plenty. Particularly just after the Scimitar loses its cloak and the E-E fires its aft torpedoes at quite an angle downwards.
I'm not positive about which event you are talking about. The one at 1:02 is a 90 degree shot. The one at 1:45 is a hard anlge to judge but doesnt seem to be very steep, it could have easily banked the torpedoes after it lef the tube but it is a bit iffy. The ship is also turning making it harder to tell.
For one, you don't know it's in position, and two, they were torpedoes anyway. So he uses the biggest guns he's got
What do you mean I dont know its position? I can see it. I have eyes, two of them, I watched the video, I pointed it out to you, what more do you want? It was a head on run, the Scimitar has its big guns up front. It could use them, it didnt. What is your explanation for this?
e didn't use them, he used torpedoes. Though you've still not addressed the fact he fired at the bridge at all. Another lack of addressing.
I cant debate you on the torpedo point, you wont see reason. And I have addressed the point Thorin, I said he fired at the bridge area (in front of the bridge acutally) with his weak disruptors.
And I have addressed the point Thorin, I said he fired at the bridge area (in front of the bridge acutally) with his weak disruptors.
And I have addressed the point Thorin, I said he fired at the bridge area (in front of the bridge acutally) with his weak disruptors.
See I repeated myself three times so you wont miss it this time.
The ones fired at the bridge and the ones fired at the ventral hull of the Valdore are the same projectiles. The ones fired at the ventral hull of the Valdore have a lot of movement. They curve round.
You are refering to the area of video 1:30 - 1:40.
All the blasts travel in a straight line like disruptors do. They LEAVE the ship at different angle like disruptors do and like Torpedoes are unable to do.
You're saying he never used torpedoes on the Valdore either, which there is no debate about him holding back.
I'm saying he used what weapons were in range, since the warbird came for in from behind he used the disrptors facing that way (I have refrained from using the term secondary disruptors since you cannot grasp that concept). They seem more than up to the job.
Considering the speed of that fly-by disruptors are a much safer bet than torpedoes.
The projectiles used against the Valdore's belly are the same as the torpedoes used on the E-E's bridge, so you're telling me he never uses torpedoes, even against the Valdores?
Answered that multiple times. Its disruptors (the secondary ones at that). I believe someone awhile ago agreed with me on that point to.
They move in curved paths - disrupters only ever move in straight lines
See now your just lying. Give me an exact time reference cause every shot I see leave the ship then continues in a straight line.
Regardless of all this, he still aimed at the bridge, knowingly, to create a massive hole in it.
I laugh at what you consider massive. And I have pointed out several times that he used weaker guns and is not very rational.
Talk about hypocripsy - you ask me where you failed to address my points, where you should have actualyl responded to my point about Shinzon ripping out 100 cubic metres of the E-E's hull right where Picard was sitting.
Again please tell me where the number of 100m comes from? I provided video eviedence that the hull there doesnt even look a meter thick and is full of wires. You fail to counter me, not the other way around.