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Re: Episode nits on the main site

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:57 am
by Graham Kennedy
Okay, all fixed now apart from the button one. Not sure what that's about.

Re: Episode nits on the main site

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:04 am
by Sonic Glitch
I do believe this is spelled wrong, from the Amok Time page:
Quote : "Love long, T'Pau and prosper." - Spock to T'Pau, the first time this phrase is used.

Re: Episode nits on the main site

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:07 am
by Mark
me,myself and I wrote:I do believe this is spelled wrong, from the Amok Time page:
Quote : "Love long, T'Pau and prosper." - Spock to T'Pau, the first time this phrase is used.
Or it was instructional :happydevil:

Re: Episode nits on the main site

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:26 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Holy crap how did I miss that one. Fixed.

Re: Episode nits on the main site

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:49 pm
by Mikey
The first spelling of that quote was probably instructions from Sting. :wink:

Re: Episode nits on the main site

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:17 pm
by twitch2oh
Another series of nits from yours truly...

Under episode morals (see 'TNG: A Matter of Time' or 'Moral: CONMEN') it says "Charm and a little knowledge does mean they're really from the future." Shouldn't it say "does NOT mean"? To me the sentence is a bit awkward as it stands right now...

Secondly, under the main "Little Bangs" page... First you say that "...we can say that throughout Star Trek we have seen thirty seven shuttlecraft destroyed. Another ten were probably destroyed, whilst a further twenty two were possibly destroyed - but more likely recovered and returned to service.

(Now to begin my nitpicking! Muahahaha!) First off, compound numbers should always have a hyphen between them (e.g. thirty-seven). Second, the table above this sentence reflects 39 shuttle deaths, 11 probable deaths and 27 possible recoveries. The sentence should be changed to fit.

A little further down the page, we see this sentence: "Enterprise is going to have problems with shuttles, I can tell. It is establispag in "Terra Nova" that the ship has only two shuttles." I'm pretty sure that 'establispag' translates to 'established'...though I'm not sure of the language! Haha... Also, all of the Enterprise episodes have been released, right? So why say 'I can tell?' Shouldn't you have already seen? Or are we talking about 'they will have problems on the adventures we never see'?

Another numerical error: "We saw thirteen shuttles destroyed throughout the seven year run of Voyager, of which a dozen belonged to Voyager itself (the other being the Runabout Yellowstone). Another four were probably lost, and another twelve possibly lost - a total count of twenty eight craft." The math is wrong (13+4+12 does not equal 28, it equals 29), but there are more important things here... Voyager is supposed to have 14 possible losses, not 12... so the total should be 31. And once again, please refer to my note on compound numbers.

Further down... See the addition in red. Small and insignificant, but I'm a perfectionist... "Think of the Type 9 shuttle as being something like one of those kit cars you can buy - and any/a reasonably equipped garage could assemble such a car. "

And finally towards the bottom: "Nevertheless, the design is finispag and the ship built from scratch within a few days." Once again, 'finishpag' should translate to 'finished'. Is this the language of pag-ed? The suffix '-ed' is replaced with '-pag'? Might be fun, like pig latin... Oh, and shouldn't it say 'and the ship was built' instead of just 'ship built'?

Ok, that's all for now! You guys have done great so far... Hope I could help make it better without ticking anybody off! :poke: lol

Re: Episode nits on the main site

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:32 pm
by twitch2oh
Whoa! I missed a big one here... Shame on me! First off, under the description for Chroniton Torpedoes, it says that Kes used a tricorder to determine the temporal flux of the torpedo in Voyager. I believe Kes had already left Voyager by then. Instead, it was Seven of Nine who scanned the torpedo, who in my opinion is much better looking than Kes! :) Plus, under the page Temporal: Year of Hell you state "This variation on the Empire was equipped with Chronaton torpedoes..." Throughout the rest of the site 'chronaton' is spelled with an 'i'. Which is right?

Just thought I'd let you know...

Oh, and we know that Janeway 'invented' chroniton torpedoes from Endgame...right? (It's been a while since I've seen that episode, but i thought the future Janeway gave the Voyager of her past ablative armor and chroniton torpedoes...?) Anybody have an idea of where she got the idea? (Boy, does that sound repetitive...)

Re: Episode nits on the main site

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:34 pm
by Mikey
One small nit on your nits...
twitch2oh wrote:See the addition in red... any/a...
"any/a" is not preferred grammatically, if not altogether incorrect. Grammar prefers brevity when part of the dichotomous phrase may be understood; i.e., it should read "any" or "a," but not both. That's why using either "his" or "her" is correct when referencing a subject of unknown gender, but not "his/her."

Re: Episode nits on the main site

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:43 pm
by twitch2oh
First off, thank you Mikey for pointing out my own grammatical error. I was in a hurry at that point and decided to sacrifice the conventions of grammar for something that most people could still understand... But I'm glad people are awake! Haha...

On another note, under the page pertaining to the Emergency Medical Hologram, the word 'undaunted' should be capitalized. Also, the page makes no reference to the EMH's command protocols which he wanted to add and did, as referenced by "VOY: Workforce, Part 1" and also by "VOY: Author, Author" during the trial to establish the Doctor as more of a person than a program. Also missing on the page is any reference to the Doctor's daydreaming subroutine...which was the whole inspiration for his Emergency Command Hologram routines....

Also, under Planets (see "VOY: Blink of an Eye") the title and link for the planet is misspelled. It is currently speeled "The Wierd Planet". this is one case where 'e' comes before 'i'...and a perfect example of why English is so hard to learn. We can't keep the rules the same! Ok, I think I'm done now...

Re: Episode nits on the main site

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:33 pm
by Captain Seafort
Nitpicking the nitpicks..
twitch2oh wrote:First off, compound numbers should always have a hyphen between them
I've never heard this before - where did you get it from (an incidentally, which country are you in)?
Another numerical error: "We saw thirteen shuttles destroyed throughout the seven year run of Voyager, of which a dozen belonged to Voyager itself (the other being the Runabout Yellowstone). Another four were probably lost, and another twelve possibly lost - a total count of twenty eight craft." The math is wrong (13+4+12 does not equal 28, it equals 29)
However, 12+4+12 does equal 28 - the thirteenth was the Yellowstone, which wasn't one of Voyager's shuttles (and was in an alternate timeline in any event.

Re: Episode nits on the main site

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:05 am
by twitch2oh
Thank you Captain Seafort for keeping me on my toes! :)

I'm in the USA, and according to the Holt, Rinehart and Winston Elements of Language: Introductory Course Chapter 22, Page 606 (see ... 06_608.pdf for my source) "Use a hyphen with compound numbers from twenty-one to ninty-nine."

I would also think that if we are counting the Yellowstone under Voyager in the Little Bangs table, it should be counted as a loss in the text.

Re: Episode nits on the main site

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:32 am
by kostmayer
Think there's a typo in the Analysis section of the review of The Undiscovered Country.

The second sentence reads "Like ll of the good Trek films.." - should it read "like all of the good Trek films..." ?

Re: Episode nits on the main site

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:24 am
by Sionnach Glic
Or maybe he's really comparing them to just two of the good Trek films.

Re: Episode nits on the main site

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 6:29 pm
by Sonic Glitch
I'd like to argue the YATI for "The High Ground." Riker is called a hypocrite for going on a dangerous mission after being left in charge of the ship, it could be explained away merely as Riker still operating in a First Officer frame of mind. He's the one used to going off on the dangerous away missions.

Re: Episode nits on the main site

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 7:35 am
by Mark
I've got to disagree. Riker learned that lesson in BoBW.