Blackstar the Chakat wrote:Mark wrote:What is a Captain's first duty? To the Ship or to the Crew?
crew, it's his job to get them home alive. Ships are replacable, lives are not.
Yet when Troi was taking the bridge officers test, Riker flat out told her, "My first duty is to this Ship." That's when she figured out she had to order holo geordi to his death. For the ship.
Don't forget the Captain's duty to Starfleet. Because of his negligence, the Ferengi captured a Starship. That isn't a commen event. I'm not sure if any other ships have been captured by hostile powers, but in RL today, that would be a HUGE deal.
Even Janeway was willing to sacrifice the lives of all of her crew when she ordered the destruction of Voyager when the Vidiians boarded in that episode where eveyone got doubled, or some such. And again when the Kazon were taking over Voyager, she tried to engage the auto destruct sequence, but it was off line and she didn't have time to scuttle the ship any other way. The whole reason that a ship has a self destruct system is to prevent it's capture. If that system goes off line, it's a Captains responsability to make sure that his ship cannot be captured.
But your right in that a Captain has a duty to his crew as well. And Picard already had the survivors safely away. But by leaving Stargazer how he did, he put more lives than those of his crew potentially in danger.