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Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:34 am
by Teaos
Ok so its been almost 3 days since our team made our post. I realise real life gets in the way sometimes but the other team is welcome to use the rule which allows their captain to post in place of their missing member. As this is the first debate I was willing to give a lot of flexability in the rules but its getting a little long.
Please either pass on this turn and allow Kendall to make the final post and then we get the results or Seafort can invoke the captain clause and post in Monroes place.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:52 am
by Captain Seafort
It may be that the 24 hour rule is too restrictive, and for future debates it might be worth extending the limit to two or three days, to give people more time to read and absorb posts, and to fit their reply in around RL.
Anyway, post made.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:58 am
by Teaos
I'd go for 48 hours. That leaves plenty of time to read and reply with out letting the debate stagnate. But lets see what other say.
I will point out that people could have the majority of their posts written out days in advance and only edit them to respond to points made. This will make it possible for members like Rochey and Stitch with unpredictable sheduals to join in. Jabe their posts written when ever they have time and then tweak them before posting.
It would probably also be best to send a copy of their prepared post to the captain who can post it in their absence if they cant post.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:08 am
by Captain Seafort
Teaos wrote:I'd go for 48 hours. That leaves plenty of time to read and reply with out letting the debate stagnate. But lets see what other say.
For simply reading and replying, two days is fine. The reason I suggested three as a possibility was to give a bit of slack in case of RL issues cropping up.
I will point out that people could have the majority of their posts written out days in advance and only edit them to respond to points made. This will make it possible for members like Rochey and Stitch with unpredictable sheduals to join in. Jabe their posts written when ever they have time and then tweak them before posting.
It depends very much on peoples debating style. Some prefer to make long, analytical posts, which would fit your suggestion, while others prefer to respond directly to individual posts point-by-point, which wouldn't be possible until a post had been made.
It would probably also be best to send a copy of their prepared post to the captain who can post it in their absence if they cant post.
I disagree. The point of a debate is for each side to analyse and rebut each other's points, not for them to post half a dozen pre=prepared essays with no reference to the other side's points. I think the current system, with the team captain subbing in for a team member who's unable to post is the better system.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:15 am
by Teaos
For simply reading and replying, two days is fine. The reason I suggested three as a possibility was to give a bit of slack in case of RL issues cropping up.
I agree RL issues come up, in which case I'd leave it up to the judge to decide on a continuence or a penalty.
I disagree. The point of a debate is for each side to analyse and rebut each other's points, not for them to post half a dozen pre=prepared essays with no reference to the other side's points. I think the current system, with the team captain subbing in for a team member who's unable to post is the better system.
Just because you hold a copy of a members post doesnt mean you must use it. It is up to the individual team captain to decide how to handle the situation, passing on the turn, writting a responding post, posting a premade analytical post.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:16 am
by Aaron
So who's turn is it now then?
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:19 am
by Teaos
Your turn.
Your the last one. Results are posted 48 hours after your post.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:37 am
by Aaron
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:48 am
by Mikey
Actually, I've been keeping a running tally, so it shouldn't even be that long.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:54 am
by Teaos
Well it needs to be a minimum of 24 hours to let the team captains file any formal complaints such as rule breaking by the other team. But if both team captains have no complaints you can post them when ever your ready.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:22 pm
by Teaos
Ok debates over. You all can rip apart the points made in the debate as soon as the results are posted.
I'll make a Debate II prep thread tomorrow so we can sort out any changes in the rules we want like Seafort suggested and sort out the next topic and teams.
Also do you guys want me to continue to be the one to open and organise the threads or leave that up to the judge since he is an impartial observer.
I thought you might find it a little odd me acting as a Team captain this time and a normal debater in the futer while also doing the official running of the debate.
I don't mind either way. This time I let the opposition have first choice of topic to avoid any confilict of me rigging this to my favor.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:29 pm
by Captain Seafort
I suggest that, rather than making it a "Debate II prep" thread, we make it a general "Debate I debrief", to consider any lessons learned with the aim of producing a revised set of rules. This would allow us to separate those adjustments from the task of setting up the second debate, with all the planning of questions, participants and teams the prep thread would require.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:32 pm
by Captain Seafort
Teaos wrote:Also do you guys want me to continue to be the one to open and organise the threads or leave that up to the judge since he is an impartial observer.
It worked well enough this time, but in the long term I think an impartial organiser would be preferable, were we to make these debates a regular occurance.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:12 pm
by Aaron
Teaos wrote:
Also do you guys want me to continue to be the one to open and organise the threads or leave that up to the judge since he is an impartial observer.
The judge/s would be a more impartial choice. I also suggest we find more judges, I'll volunteer for it.
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:07 pm
by Mikey
OK, here it is: the long-awaited, often-imitated, never-duplicated, (and probably much-debated) result tally:
Team Seafort: 193 pts.
Team Teaos: 185 pts.
This is considering the waiver of the penalty for a substitute post which Teaos graciously offered. Congratulations to both teams for an enjoyable and well-done debate, and for a very close score - which, BTW, was NOT done artificially. Feel free to post here or PM with any questions; I have individual scoring for each post available. Thanks again!