SolkaTruesilver wrote:Sadly, you exemple doesn't count. Bajor has been under the occupation for 50 years, and their whole society/culture were now based upon resistance against the cardassian. The countries you named had been under Nazi occupation (oh s****. I DON'T WANT TO HIT GODWIN'S LAW), for about 4-5-6+ years. No so much of a change
Even better. Since the Bajorans had been fighting the Cardies for decades, and their society had improved tremendously as a result of having to organise around the resitance, they weren't about to let the Federation take over as the resident puppetmaster, regardless of any assistance provided.
And I don't think Godwin's Law applies when we're taking about pretty stereotypical Space Nazis.
Now compare this to India Vs Great Britain. Indians had to fight for their independance. The influence on their culture wasn't that big (compared to the Bajorans), but if GB simply awaked one morning and told them "ok. We leave, here are the keys to your country", I am pretty sure the Indian nationalism wouldn't be as strong as it is today.
British influence on Indian culture was pretty extensive - the prohibition on suttee being one of the major points. As for fighting for independance, other than Gandhi's non-violent protests I don't recall reading anything about Indian armed resistance to British rule. The colonial government had been following a policy of Indianisation for decades before the official handover, and the intention was to turn India into a self-governing Dominion along the lines of Canada, Australia, NZ and South Africa. Most of the serious drama was the Hindu-Muslim fighting that led to the splitting of the country. However, the Indian Independance movement isn't my strong point. In practice I'm not sure what your point is WRT the Bajorans - "we're off, you sort the mess out" was effectively what the Cardies said when they left.