Blackstar wrote:That list could still apply to a mercenary aka security firms as well.
Fine then. Add: Is it operated by the government? Yes.
And why do you guys even have an army? You negotiate with your terrorists.
For protection, for guarding the Irish Sea (yes, we do have a navy), for important police duties (bank vans travel with a military escort over here), and the fact that Ireland has an unfortunate history of violence.
And yes, we do negotiate with terrorists, we try to
avoid loss of life when possible. And it mostly worked.
And their ships are far from being heavily armed.
12 phaser arrays, and two torpedo tubes with 250 rounds on a 641M long ship? I'd call that heavily armed.
Relativly speaking of coarse.
Relative to what? They are still well armed for their size.
And if there is a war then you wouldn't have civilians on board so then you have no problem there.
Yeah, because clearly your enemy is going to anounce his intentions to invade beforehand. The fact that there is civilians on them
at all is completely stupid, and makes the civilians on them a legitimate military target.
So, just what idiot would let you have a sub, much less a nuke.
The same idiot that made Janeway a captain?
It was an example, showing how stupid it is to assume, despite its armament, that just because a ship is sent to explore somwhere, it dosen't mean it isn't a miliotary vessel.
Military subs usually aren't used for mapping during military operations.
Exactly, that's because modern militaries are
Military ships can be used for civilian purposes, and civilian ships can be used for military purposes. But if a civie ship is used by military personel does that make it a military boat?
If the aforesaid civie ship was armed with military grade weapons and defences, then yes.
Thorin wrote:And it would neither matter if civilians were placed on a purpose built science ship or a powerful Galaxy class if they are attacked without warning.
Yes, it would. Unless your enemy is on a mission to exterminate you, they are unlikely to destroy civilian vessels. Put civilians on warships, and they are standing on a
legitimate military target that the enemy has every right to attack.
Also, civilian ships are unlikely to be sent into combat with the enemy.
Teaos wrote:It's not a primary role but if there is an enemy threatning to obliterate you you better throw everything you have at them.
Yeah, like your military force you just sent off exploring.
According to DITL stats only 5-30% of internal volume is given to weapons which is bugger all.
So? How much internal volume is taken up by shields, life support, corridors, quarters, engineering, jeffries tubes, shuttle bays, computer cores, seperation systems, and a whole bunch of other things.
Now, how much internal volume do you think science systems take up, after acounting for all of those other systems. I'd be surprised if it was 10%. Let alone 30.
The amount of time doing anything remotly military is nothing compared to the time spent on science.
So? Irish waships spend more time sitting on the river Liffey than doing
anything else. Does that mean they're not military vessels?
And this thread is massive. 16 pages. It's beat the TR-116 by quite a lot.
Yeah, it even beat the old
Prometheus thread.
Thorin, again, wrote:the chances of getting attacked unannounced are probably just as small (or large) for a science ship as they are a Galaxy class ship.
Only if the attacker is xenocidal.
Devoted science ships probably go into more hazardous situations than semi-devoted science/military ships, as they are studying spatial phenomena - and spatial phenomena, in the world of Trek have always posed a greater risk, and done more damage, than an attacking enemy.
Well, here we get to the problem of 'Starfleet are idiots'. While its true that civilian ships could also get destroyed by these anomalies (although that would often be avoided by a competant government), at least this way you would not lose important military assets.