So, Deep: you're saying that every ship carries PT launchers but that it doesn't make every ship a torp boat; but then, you go on to say that the very purpose of having torps is to put up torp spam. Hmmm... and I'm the dumbass... right...
First let me say fuck you for misquoting what I said. Or just plain out lying about what I said. Either way doesn't matter to me.
You did say, didn't you, that the New Orleans was an earlier design for the same role as the Akira? Now, what other basis is there for that assumption other than the fact that the New Orleans has three whole torp tubes? (BTW, Fact Files has lower reg numbers for Akira-class ships than the Encyclopedia has for New Orleans-classes...)
The New Orleans class was seen 8 years before the Akira class. That should be easy, even for a mod.
Other basis for the retards that seem to be popping up around here. You have two ships, one that is 8 years older with a primary armament of PTLs. Now 8 years later you have a newer ship with a primary armament PTLs. The difference between the two is size and ability.
I can tell... it was your logic that would equate them. It's actually as easy to tell them apart as it should be between the Akira (big, lots of high ROF tubes) and the New Orleans (little, a few tubes of undefined ROF.)
God you've gotten pathetic. You've been around seafort for to fucking long. When did I say that a fucking PT boat and a SSN were anywhere near the same? Answer... never. If a ship built around PTLs is meant for a different role then another ship built around PTLs. Then tell me what the difference is. You still haven't managed even that much.
C'mon, now who's quoting out of context? I said that the huge difference in number of tubes, magazine capacity, and possibly in ROF should be considerations in evaluating the ship's role, not the role of a torp launcher.
Context, I haven't met a person here who can even read let alone get the idea of context. What is the advantage of PTs over phasers in trek...? Think range... then take ships that are built mostly around PTLs instead of phasers. That gives you a ship meant in mind to fight at long range. Same fucking point as I started with that you just can't seem to wrap your head around.
We can read it - there's just no reason to believe it. There's more circumstantial evidence for the Defiant being expensive than the nonexistent evidence for it being cheap.
A.) if you could read worth a shit I wouldn't have to repeat myself so much.
B.) cheap or expensive is based on materials not money. Which ship is made up of more material with more complex parts? Thats the more expensive one. We had a debate like this when I first joined this site and I think you were even the one pointing this out.
Now here's the question again: how do you equate the role of a little ship with a few tubes (New Orleans) with that of a massive ship with shitloads of tubes (Akira?)
Asked and answered... not that it reallys matters with the pieces of shit around here lately...
New Orleans class.
a.) built in a time of peace where SF didn't want to look like it was going to threaten anyone.
b.) built in a time when SF was more looking to explore vs fight.
Akira class.
a.) built with the mind of fighting a war.
b.) built with the idea of a possible uber enemy coming.
c.) most likely part of program to replace the old ass cruisers that SF had been stuck with.
Of a side note. The New Orleans class looks to have 5 PTLs instead of just 3. The pics on DITL show the model to have the same base build fore and aft as the GCS which includes the location of the fore and aft PTLs. That gives the New Orleans a fair bit more punch then I had thought to begin with. However, while that still leaves it under powered next to the Akira as a whole. That means Rochey's idea of the wolf packs of NO's roaming around works pretty well. Since the other then the Akira's phasers. Pound for pound the Akira is not much better then the New Orleans class. The Akira just has a lot more pounds behind it.
Now that I'm all ramped up over this subject... I need a break from it. See you tomorrow or something.