Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:22 pm
Ugh, finally. Got Mithras finished. I might increase his backstory later along with some details about his chapter.
Daystrom Institute Technical Library
I love the Iron Dragons iconography and coloration. Since it's just an artists own scheme there's zero actual info about them so I'm making it up.Cpl Kendall wrote:Created your own Chapter?
Purified? I don't discount it, after all there's at least one chapter that makes getting possessed part of its training.I was thinking of something like that using the geneseed stored on Mars from the Traitor Legions. I swear to the Dark Gods I read about a Chapter created from purified Alpha Legion geneseed.
DH gave them the recharge quality. Frankly I think it drastically overbalances them.Mikey wrote:I like the bit about the plasma guns. All the fluff mentions that they are specialized for tank hunting/hard targets; and there is approximately zero mention in fic about a long recharge time.
I think it's between 5 and 8 roughly.Tyyr - what was the average increase in damage for the melee weapons from the Astartes addendum to your owen table?
Hmm... scratch that. I'd probably only use it with the pistols. Even if I take Ambidextrous, it would still be three attacks with a -10 penalty (LA + TWW) vs. three attacks straight-up (just using LA.) I'll keep both TWW talents, just in case I want to mix the claws and a gun. Which leads to another question... according to DH, worn armor doesn't stack. With the shields, etc., in the AA addendum, it seems like those armor values do. What's the story?<em>Mikey</em> wrote:I'd probably use the straight-up Swift/Lightning Attack most of the time, except when I'm trying to attack two different targets in the same combat turn.
Agreed, from everything I've read. The plasma is just a rare and costly weapon. Not a slow one.I like the bit about the plasma guns. All the fluff mentions that they are specialized for tank hunting/hard targets; and there is approximately zero mention in fic about a long recharge time.
First, I've never shot a Boar. We don't have them around here, and they're risky to mess with anyways. Second, if I were you I wouldn't even worry about multiple attacks with a pistol. Take a melta/Power fist. Getting extra attacks with that is far more worth the wild. Take a shot with the melta the smash them with the power fist. Oh, sorry... Wait, who are we kinding? We know I'm not.Deep - don't catch feelings, brother. I can't stay mad at a guy who named his two ogryns after the last two things he shot in his backyard. Besides, it would be a relatively uncommon occurence anyway; I'd probably use the straight-up Swift/Lightning Attack most of the time, except when I'm trying to attack two different targets in the same combat turn.
I thought they counted as Power Field/Power Shield/Parry? If not then I might say screw it and trade my Great Sword for a Power Fist.Mikey wrote:Red "X" of Death.
The AA addendum shows the combat shield as having an AP for the arm, but the description lists it as being able to parry as if it were a power weapon. I think the shields in DH were just described as having a blunt attack.
Mind me I'm not at home so I don't have the AA guide with me. BUT! Only by a Terminator? That doesn't make a single bit of sense.Cpl Kendall wrote:Unless Tyyr changes things then a Power Fist can only be carried by a Termie.
Do you have an axe, great axe, chain axe or power axe right now?I might trade my axe in for a Thunder Hammer though.
Yeah, I know.Deepcrush wrote:
Mind me I'm not at home so I don't have the AA guide with me. BUT! Only by a Terminator? That doesn't make a single bit of sense.
Chain Axe but if I ditch it and take the Power talent it'll use up the rest of my XP. which I have nothing to really grab with. Other than another rank of Forbidden Lore (Xeno).
Do you have an axe, great axe, chain axe or power axe right now?
IIRC, they have the Unwieldy quality.Deepcrush wrote:Tyyr, are the power fists going to could as slow for this? They have the strike last feature on the table top.
That was never an issue; Swift Attack/Lightning Attack only apply to melle attacks. I'd just take the hit to BS and use two hands if I wanted extra pistol attacks.Deepcrush wrote:if I were you I wouldn't even worry about multiple attacks with a pistol.
No Melee Waepons (Power) until next rank. No Pistol (plasma) or (melta) yet, either... I'm going to take the Lightning Claw, though.Deepcrush wrote:Take a melta/Power fist.