And Rochey, what do you mean, "if he's twenty"? Most kids know how to use a gun by age ten.
So? I also know how to use a gun. Does this mean I could act competently in a military enviroment without panicing? No, and I'm a lot older and more mature than a ten year old.
Knowing how to use a gun =/= knowing how to act in a dangerous situation.
Oh and for what feels like the hundredth time I've said this, THESE ARE NOT WARSHIPS AND STARFLEET ISN'T A MILITARY!
Do they engage in warfare? Yes.
Do they combat starships of a hostile alien power? Yes.
Are they heavily armed? Yes.
Do they engage in military operations? Yes.
Do they protect Federation worlds? Yes.
Do they protect Fedration stations? Yes.
Do they protect other Federation assets? Yes.
Do they patrol borders with hostile powers? Yes.
How the hell could you look at that list, and
not conclude that Starfleet is a military organisation?
A tip for you; modern militaries engage in
all of these actions.
We know Starfleet has been around since the 22nd century and I don't recall one time when they were the attackers in a war.
So? Ireland has
never been in a war. Does that mean our 'army' is not, in fact, and army?
And just about every guy I knew and still know, knows how to use a gun.
So? If you dropped them in the middle of Baghdad, would they be able to get out of there alive? Nope.
At which point all civilians are offloaded.
So? This is no use if
you are attacked without warning. (wars are rarely anounced in advance)
Also, having to unload your civilians means that any response will take longer than it would otherwise.
Anyway a true military is always armed and ready.
Exactly. That's why Starfleet's heavily armed ships fall under 'warship'.
Outside of the war how often were they sent into battle, or even in a war game?
Nearly every encounter with the Romulans or Klingons inside Federation space.
And asking 'when have they gone into battle, outside of war' is a bit pointless. Battles tend to
require a war to take place.
A military can be deployed into any battle situation for any reason. A defense force is only called on for defending their country, winning a war if necessary, but they can't be thrown into a battle for no reason.
This is all pointless semantics. There is zero difference between these two, other than that one sounds slightly less agresive.
We call our military the Irish Defence Force, does that change the fact that it is a military?
Do you see a military exploring in the name of science?
So, if I took a nuclear submarine, and got it to map the sea floor, would you conclude, despite its armament, that it is not a military vessel?