m52nickerson wrote:Prove what the evidence, watch Nemesis again.
Others have already countered this idiocy.
The beating we have seen the E-E take are proof that it is the best by far in protection.
We've never seen a Sov in a long fleet action - only in two relatively short duration skirmishes against one or two other ships. In both these encounters she rapidly suffered damage, venting from the nacelles in the first, and suffering several hull breaches in the second. Plus the ubiquitous overloading consoles.
What if there is no other ship? We see nothing of any other Sov class in cannon.
We do, however, know that there is at least one other ship - the USS Sovereign herself.
Fine I give you this. That does not mean the Sov's were not being used else were in the war
Of course not, and I never suggested they weren't involved.
and being kept out of large battles because of lack of protection.
Then why else would they not be involved?
Especially considering the use of older outdated ships that were dropping like flies.
The smaller, older ships were employed in a completely different role to that the Sov would fill - they were there as cannon fodder, adding a bit of extra firepower and a few more targets to distract the Dominion ships from the real threat posed by more modern ships. The loss of those ships wouldn't seriously hurt Starfleet, although their crews would be another matter. The loss of such a powerful ship as a Sovereign would hurt them, therefore, they were probably used in roles where their speed and firepower could be put to good use without subjecting them to sustained heavy fire - hitting Dominion outposts, convoys, and independently operating heavy ships. I've explained this several times over the course of this thread.
Perhaps if the armor was made in the shape of the hull and then holes for windows were cut into it. If armor plates were placed around the windows they would not be weakened.
It would reduce the problem slightly, but the plates would still have to be cut to the shape of the windows, stressing them, and the belt would still have a lot of holes in it. The result would remain inferior to a ship with an homogeneous belt.
Yes it does, but even if no armor name another Starfleet ship that can take the punishment that a Sov can.
Defiant. War-GCS (the Galaxy herself suffered and survived massive damage at First Chin'toka).
So a ship with armor and shields is better better then a ship with just shields even if the ship with just shields can stand up to much more damage?
Go back and read my post you quoted, and then kick yourself for being an illiterate idiot
Those aren't running lights, those are windows. They are not even on the nacelles.
Point taken. I would say, therefore, that the walls of the Defiant's ventral cutaway are unarmoured and therefore vulnerable. It's possible that that entire protrusion forming the cutaway may be unarmoured.