Captain Seafort wrote:Nonetheless, removing the windows entirely would remove a key weak point in the ship's design. Moreover, this image, from DITL, shows that there are substantial rows on windows in the engineering hull - the section that should have the heaviest protection.
I agree, removing the windows would increase the hull's resistance, because like you, i also doubt that the windows are as resistant as the hull's other material, but this still doesn't prove that the Defiant has more armor on its hull then the Sov.
Remember my firepower claim?
You claim the Defiant has more armor:
Prove it.
You still didn't adress my point that having armor around those windows and making those windows sturdier would also increase the hull's resilience, or that the windows aren't that easy to target.
We've canonically seen the E-E take massive amount of damage and still function pretty well.
Those windows didn't seem so much of an issue.
Why would you waste a good crew, and a good ship, in actions they weren't suited for? I'm not saying the Sovs are poor ships, far from it - I'm saying that they're poor battleships. As battlecruisers, in the role the type were originally designed for, they'd probably do all right. Separate them from the main fleets and have them conduct raiding missions deep into Dominion territory - they've got strong enough shields to be able to hold in shorter one-on-one actions, they're very fast, and they're heavily armed.
Again, you're assuming that the reason they weren't in fleet actions was because they wouldn't do well, which you can't prove.
We've seen the E-E take massive amounts of damage, even when their shields are down, so we know the Sov can take it, at least as much as the GCS, so if we did see the GCS in fleet actions, then the Sov should perform as well, if not better, because they have more powerful weapons.
Again, neither of us can prove why the Sov weren't in the fleet actions.
They could have been used to reign in the Tholians who could have tried to annex territories during the DW.
There were also the Gorn, and it could have been on the klingon borders to the Federation when the alliance fell through.
Their firepower would be most needed at the decisive point. The war was never going to be decided on those other fronts - it would be decided on Cardassia.
Not in a fleet action involving
hundreds of ships.
Even their greater firepower would not affect the battle when you depend on
entire wings of ships to put part of the plan in motion.
We have no DS9 battle who's outcome would have changed if a Sov had been there, while there may be many smaller fights outside of the big group actions that were won exactly because they had a Sov available.
I'm not suggesting it's stronger - I'm saying it's relatively stronger.
Sizewize, yes, which brings us -
again - to the point I was making, that the Sov was probably their
current most powerful ship they can build successfully.
I'm not talking about refitting the Sov - I'm talking about building a dedicated warship of that size.
See my point above, which has yet to be disproven.
That "profound redesign" is what I'm advocating.
Ok, then we agree on this point at least.
I've conceeded the Battleship point on account of the firepower issue which I can't prove, but you still haven't been able to prove that Starfleet
currently has the ability to build a Sovereign-size Defiant.
We can only both rely on our own positions, yours being they just didn't want to, mine being they either cannot at this moment and/or don't feel the need for one.
Other than all those windows...
Which point to a
relatively weaker hull integrity then the Defiant, but still doesn't prove that the hull itself has less armor.
Overall, those windows are small, hard to target, and part of the hull.
When I said capital ship, I meant historical ones, from the World Wars.
Well, if you're going to compare our actual war designs to the Federation's, then every Fed ship, even the Defiant, would be failing, even for their specific roles.
You guys have shown time and again how the Federation and Starfleet's strategies are flawed, their designs bad, and how ST seems to fail at everything military.
It is only natural for them to fail at a Battleship design as well,
when compared to their real-world counterparts.
That's just being mean to ST...
You're comparing the worst design in Star Trek to one of the better ones.
This "bad design" was successfully upgraded and field tested in the DW, and in fact were also very effective.
But the reason I'm using it as a comparison, is that it was brought in many lists as a Heavy Cruiser, a role for which many people seem to think it would succeed at.
so the "upgraded" GCS must not be so bad.
So? The F-15 is slower and much less stealthy than the F-22. Does this mean that the US can't produce aircraft as fast and stealthy as the F-22? Of course not.
Bad comparison.
The Sov would be the F-35, the Scimitar would be a plane superior in
every way to the F-35.
It's as if China was to devellop, say, a MiG-37, far more advanced then even the MiG-35, based on the Russian designs.
the Scimitar is not just faster, it has better shields, better firepower, a better cloaking device, it's basically better at everything then the D'Deridex (which is slower then a GCS, and cannot fire while cloaked, has weaker shields) and far more powerful then the Valdore (which also cannot fire when cloaked, has weaker shields, and has less firepower).
The JH shrouds.
I knew that, my sentence was more like:
"You're saying that the personnal shrouds are technically superior to what the Feds could do?" in a shorter version...
Me wrote:First, the Federation has signed a treaty stopping them from researching and developing cloaking devices.
So if you cannot do research and devellop it, it stands to reason you will not possess it.
The USA knows how to create nuclear warheads, just like Russia.
They don't because their treaty signed with Russia forbids them too.
If an alien were to come here and see the absence of nuclear warheads in the USA, could he be justified in saying:
"Oh, they're less advanced then we are, we have nuclear weapons and they don't!"
We know the Feds worked on cloaks before, cloaks that were so advanced compared to the other powers that they were able to phase through matter as well as cloak a ship.
If they are so good when able to use only part of their research teams (the cloak being a secret illegal project and all), imagine the kind of cloaks they could have built using their full research capability.
Just saying one power doesn't have Tech A doesn't they can't produce it or understand it.
The reason for the Tech's absence is also very important.
That entire system was dependant on the main Fed facility - when Data disabled that, he also disabled all the suits.
You're right, but they are still capable of creating those suits, which aren't "full" cloaks, but which also show that they are pretty advanced.
I'm not sure how this is relevant - whether it's got the same number of guns, but more powerful models, or the same model of guns but a lot more of them, it's still just as powerful.
Aren't Battleships supposed to have the biggest and most powerful guns, and not just the greater number of weaker weapons?
We don't know whether the Dominion Battleship was capable of delivering a more powerful blow then other Dominion ships, or just more blows of the same power.
Indeed. The same is true of the Negh'var's attack.
In that case, this is like me saying:
"Well, the Sov is extremely powerful, because its shots destroyed the Borg cube in FC!"
Fact is, its shots destroyed the Cube after all these other ships had been firing at it for a long time, and a lot had also fired at the same time as the Sov attack.
Meaning we have no clear indication of the beam's power from the Dominion or the Neg'Vhar.