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Re: Rumours, news and general speculation

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 8:32 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Neither of those looks like a Michael Burnham to me...

Re: Rumours, news and general speculation

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 8:37 pm
by DarkMoineau
Beautiful Ladies playing Starfleet officer trying to respect Prime Directive during a mission on a desertic planet... Not much about the show is revealed.

Re: Rumours, news and general speculation

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 12:34 am
by stitch626
One thing I noticed... they modified the ship. Maybe an improvement but hard to tell from the second long glimpse.

Re: Rumours, news and general speculation

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 12:46 am
by Graham Kennedy
Huh, I didn't even realise there was a trailer., that looks terrible. The acting is so wooden!

Re: Rumours, news and general speculation

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 1:06 am
by Graham Kennedy

Re: Rumours, news and general speculation

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 1:09 am
by Nutso
For anyone who is region blocked.

Re: Rumours, news and general speculation

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:18 am
by Mikey
Yeah, looks just about as I expected.

Re: Rumours, news and general speculation

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:20 am
by Graham Kennedy
I'm actually kind of depressed about this. Not just that it looks bad, but in a wider sense... I hated Prometheus, I hated Covenant, I hate Discovery... I seem to spend more time hating sci fi than loving it these days. Have I gotten so old that these shows and movies aren't for me any more?

Re: Rumours, news and general speculation

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:35 am
by Mikey
Graham Kennedy wrote:I'm actually kind of depressed about this. Not just that it looks bad, but in a wider sense... I hated Prometheus, I hated Covenant, I hate Discovery... I seem to spend more time hating sci fi than loving it these days. Have I gotten so old that these shows and movies aren't for me any more?
No. I've spent most of my adult life regarding frankly my own cynicism, and I recognize when there's something else in play. If your (and my) age have any bearing, it's simply that we've been lucky enough to have seen what could be... at least, enough to be disappointed with things that might have reached those ideals but didn't because of lack of effort. Put another way, I'm not interested in Alien: Covenant precisely because of what an amazing job Scott did with the original Alien. I don't think having an internal demand for a degree of quality from the Star Trek brand is an indictment of us so much as not fulfilling that demand is an indictment of what CBS is doing. I feel the same way as you about this, but there is also SF being made that I still get giddy about: The Expanse, Killjoys, The Orville, etc. And it's not the fact of using an established franchise, either; IIRC, the BBC took a loved SF franchise dating from the early 1960's - one with a die-hard fanbase - and managed to bring out a modern reboot of a generally high quality and which managed to avoid pissing off fans of the original.

Re: Rumours, news and general speculation

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 11:52 am
by Bryan Moore
I am just delighted there will be Star Trek, on whatever level it exists at.

Re: Rumours, news and general speculation

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 12:04 pm
by DarkMoineau
Well, look more like JarjarVerse and Klingons are ugly but the crew and the Shenzou are appealing at least.

What I am affraid is that Discovery, which is hidden, will be disapointing.

Re: Rumours, news and general speculation

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:50 pm
by Griffin
Well, that looks nothing like Pikes era. The uniforms in particularly look straight out of the reboot films. It's not like it's impossible to upgrade dated visual aesthetics but keep the core the same, because Rogue One just did that spectacularly.

Re: Rumours, news and general speculation

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:21 pm
by Graham Kennedy
In a Mirror Darkly did pretty well out of it too.

And honestly, I wouldn't even mind some updating. Take the JJ version of the TOS uniform. It updated the original, but in a way that kept the spirit. And I wouldn't mind them reworking control panels to be less clunky, stuff like that.

Or a reimagined phaser like this, say


I just don't see the point of abandoning every detail of the time period you chose to set your show in.

Re: Rumours, news and general speculation

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 2:43 am
by sunnyside
Graham Kennedy wrote: I don't even know if I will watch it at all.
At first I just sort of read that and went on...then it hit me that this is the webmaster saying that.

I suppose we'll see just how good or bad it is, and maybe you'll follow good reviews to CBS.

But it's a little sad to think of the site going out to pasture.

Re: Rumours, news and general speculation

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 3:19 am
by DSG2k
DITL wouldn't be going out to pasture. Trek did. It did so starting in 2009 and this is the not-unexpected result . . . lower-brow popcorn stuff, like Lost in Space was in the 60s and once again in the more recent film version. The modern era is, or is thought to, feature fans who prefer "young-adult"-level drama and depth over the deep concepts often explored before. The creators of such things aren't wrong . . . Potter, that Running Man remix film series, et cetera. It's made by grown-up coddled children for younger coddled children, and the adults have left the proverbial room. Sure, the techniques and budgets of shows and movies have improved tremendously, and many enjoy the continuous storytelling arcs of shows adapted to binge-watching, but these things are not contrary to Trek. The popcorn aspect, however, simply leaves old fans behind. We're stuck watching old shows on Netflix and berating others to get off our lawns, proverbial or otherwise.

Back to the matter at hand, I have very much enjoyed watching the descent into madness of many who've decided an STD is right for them, lapping up the nonsense concept of a "visual reboot" in an unchanged Prime universe, still believing the Kelvin was a Prime ship, posting pics of TMP Klingons versus DS9 Klingons and claiming some great distinction to justify the jet-black quadri-nostrilled Clawngon with obvious African caricature elements, et cetera.

The STD producers can call it Prime for whatever legal reasons they wish, what with the Paramount/CBS Trek-sharing arrangement, but it is obviously STINO: The Previous JJeneration and an appeal to the JJ-Trek audience. To paraphrase the Great Bird, it may be good, but it isn't Star Trek.