Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 10:10 am
Happy crew = productive crew. They will do there jobs better than they would other wise. The reason starfleet keeps ahead in science and technology is because of its people.And, again, how does a possible increase in the happieness of the crew make up for all those major problems I mentioned?
Children are in danger everywhere. In school they can get shot by other students in a build they can get hit by a plane in a car they can get in a crash.Do company buildings go looking for dangerous anomalies? No, but starships do. The chance of a Federation starship getting blown up is vastly more likely than a building getting bombed.
Statistically a starship would be just the same or even safer than anything else.
We can count the amount of times the federation has lost ships with civilians on board with one hand. A few of those events would have happened even if it was a pure science vessel or even a cargo ship so they hardly count. The rest are down to starfleet not following prodedure or being stupid which agree with you on.