Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Post by Coalition »

Tyyr wrote:1724

"One minute cog-girl!" Intias yelled.
Litila looked back at the Commissar, after checking the final results under the Salamander. "The steering system needs to be reasembled, and the track brakes are lying in pieces. The battery is missing so the Salamander needs an external power supply to start, and the Chimera will be able to handle that."

She briefly made a note to request an Energy Cache with her next upgrade, to allow for internal power sufficient to jump start a vehicle.

"I will need more than one minute, and estimate ten minutes to get the Salamander back up and running. From there, the bolter cannot turn, but it does have (in base ten) 100 rounds. I can repair that enroute."

She also began to run a theory, about only repairing the Salamander's track brakes, and shoving repair equipment on board, and using the Chimera to pull the Salamander. They would only need to outdistance the mob for proper repairs to be performed, and mobs didn't normally travel as fast as a Chimera. The other alternative would be pulling whatever could be pulled from the Salamander, tossing as many troopers inside the Chimera as possible, and having the Ogryn riding on top.
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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Post by Deepcrush »

Buck roared! "LET FIGHT COME HERE! WE BREAK THEM FOR METAL GIRL TIME!" Boar slammed a heavy fist into the auto. "GIRL NEED TIME SO WE GO MAKE TIME!" The brothers lifted up the auto between them and threw it outside the west door. Running up behind it. Buck punched Boar. "When enemy come..." a short push motion from Buck's hands "...we use auto to run them over! Then we fight hand to hand! Make crush spots of them." Boar broke out into an evil laugh, showing his agreement.
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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Post by Mikey »


"BUCK! BOAR!" roared Lirk, causing some of the metal shutters in the building to vibrate and those humans nearby to cover their ears. When the two other ogryns turned, Lirk continued, "Need stay close. Com'sar says we go to bigger fight, more 'portant. Not break ranks yet." Turning to Intias, Lirk added quietly, "Ogryns made to fight in Emp'ror's name. Need to fight, not get trapped in garage."
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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

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The brothers looked back confused. "We not stop them out here away from Com'sar and metal girl?!"
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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Post by Mikey »

"Just no charge away from us," Lirk said. "And no get shot before we go."
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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Post by Tyyr »

As everyone moves to their positions those at the doors see the first groups come into veiw. A score of disheveled looking men and women come quickly around the corner of the building brandishing weapons and guns. You can hear their angry shouts and see the rage on their faces even from this distance. Most of the group wears the dingy coveralls of spaceport workers. The rest wear civilian clothes with gaudy blue caps perched on their heads and tattoo's all over their skin. The civilians are mostly carrying clubs and a few small arms but the ones in blue are brandishing heavier ordnance.

As the turn the corner down the street a woman in the tan coveralls of a laborer cries out, "There they are! Guard! Get'em!"

Intias takes a half step forward to the barricade that the ogryn had erected. Brandishing her pistol she yells, "Lay down your weapons and disperse!"

The mob responds with weapons fire, a few poorly aimed shots pinging off the concrete of the building and steel of the barricade. Half the crowd surges forward but the tatto'd boys in blue hang back, a bit more cautious in their advance as the civilians surge forward.

"FIRE!" Intias scream/squeals.
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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

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Intias yelped as the shots started to ping around her. She leveled her pistol at the first attacking civilian she spotted and ripped back on the trigger sending a full burst at him. To her amazement and everyone else's, every single shot hit, peppering the unfortunate man's torso with las shots. His chest exploded into flames and he keeled over, very dead, his body sliding to a stop in the gravel.

Following orders Jastilus poked his head and lasgun up over the edge of the cover and picked out a target. Sending a trio of lasbolts down range he caught the man with two of the shots. With a strangled yelp he keeled over and dropped to the ground unmoving.
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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Post by Aaron »

Stranga and Zen take cover behind a convenient building, Zen going prone and Stranga standing over her. They both single out a target and open fire with their laspistols, Zen's round goes wide but Stranga's impacts solidly on the civvie's torso.
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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Post by Coalition »

Litla looked at the Commissar and said, "I will need ten minutes to repair the Salamander. If we do not have that amount of time, the other option would be for excess personnel to ride on top of the Chimera." She carefully left out who might be considered excess, as that was the Commissar's decision.

Raltus looked around, and found a few troopers shooting at the enemy mob coming in. Cracking off a burst from his lasgun, he missed.
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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Post by Lighthawk »

Hilda pressed her back to the wall of the building and kept well out of line of sight around the doorway. She hefted her flamer and waited for the mob to come closer.

Hak meanwhile let out an excited whoop and ripped off a trio of shots from his lasgun that walked up the leg and then body of one of the incoming hostiles, the final las bolt igniting the unlucky target.

"Taste the Emperor's wrath dirtsucker!" he crowed.

"Idiot!" Hilda shot at him. "You've got a turret mounted multi-laser and you're shooting with your lasgun?"

Hak blinked, and looked down at the controls of the heavy assualt weapon. "Oh yeah...whoops."

"Dumbass, get it in gear!"
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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Post by Tyyr »

"Fix the Salamander," Intias snapped.

Outside the closest group of civvies broke out into a run as three of their number dropped. They were screaming incoherently and waving their weapons as they came. Behind them the gangers started to take potshots with their guns as they cautiously moved forward.
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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Post by Coalition »

Tyyr wrote:"Fix the Salamander," Intias snapped.
Litila bent back over the engine, and kept on reworking the equipment. The sooner the en-jinn was healed, the sooner they could get away from the mobs. From there, she could repair more items on the Salamander, until it was operating as it should.
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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Post by Mikey »

Crank peeked from the cover of the door jamb and quickly noticed a somewhat clear line of sight toward a mobber carrying a shotgun. Seeing that as the greatest threat in the first group, Crank quickly lined up a shot and snapped off a short burst. All three las-rounds struck the grimy habber square in the chest, knocking him onto his back and setting him alight. The man hit the ground immobile as the ever-present wind kicked up the flame that had begun to roast him.

Meanwhile, Lirk strode deliberately and brazenly out towards the nearest mob. Solid shot rained around him, and a couple of bullets struck him to lodge in his hide or further tatter the shell of his flak jacket. His usual grunting became more strident until it resembled an unintelligible battle-hymn as he raised his massive ripper gun and fired. The huge shell struck one of the mob in the midriff, peppering his coveralls with myriad bloody holes and tearing larger chunks of flesh. Lirk grinned and continued his singing as his eyes grew wild and a thin stream of saliva made its way from his grinding teeth and down one side of his massive jaw.
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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Post by Lighthawk »

Hilda waited, listeing to the sounds of the battle coming closer, the screams and cries, the crack and buzz of weapon fire. Finally judging the enemy close enough, she rolled around the corner of the garage door, lifted her flamer, and pulled the trigger.

Blazing flame poured forth towards the appraoching mob, a fire storm that swept over the group. Two individuals managed to jump hastily away from the flames, the rest were not so quick or lucky. Pained cries filled the air as flesh crisped and scortched.

The flamer fell silent, and the greater part of the flames swirled away. Smoke curled from the mob's clothing and hair, from blackened flesh. One unfortunate sreamed as he tried to beat out the flames still clinging to his body.
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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Post by Tyyr »

"FOR THE EMPRAH!" Buck roared as he stood up behind the wreckage of the car he'd thrown. His ripper roared like an autocannon hurling buckshot the size of marbles down the road. Visibly shaken and terrified after the violence that had overtaken them Buck's target took a load of shot in his arm, sending blood and gore across the pavement. The man cradled his injured arm as he cried out in agony.

Boar bellowed his agreement with his brother and fired his own ripper towards the remains of the group that had charged them. His unfortunate target took two shells, one in the chest leaving his coveralls a ragged mess and the second in his arm. The man folded up with a silent scream of agony as the impact cracks bones throughout his body. He drops to his knees and supports himself with his uninjured arm.
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