Blackstar wrote:Then he should accuse all Caitains, and at no point specify that he's accusing M'Real.
is accusing all Caitians, he said that in the very piece you quoted:
Monroe wrote:There's enough info to start an investigation. M'Real's relation to the captain and all. Any other Caitains onboard would be suspect also. Total racial profiling and all.
And she's got an airtight alibi and helped clean up his mess by capturing the ringleader and some of his men. Plus a security recording of what she said the the Caitain captain, since I'm sure the brig would have some sort of recording system in place.
Possibly, but if the aforesaid recording system happened to catch you mentioning that he was your father, you're in some seriously deep trouble when Rochey hears about it.
Regardless of what you did afterwards, the motivation is right there in plain view for the whole crew to see, and it's more than enough to start some sort of investigation over, maybe even a trial. Sure, you'd get out of it easily enough, but it'd be a serious blow to your reputation and credibility on board the ship, and would drag any investigations you're involved with to a complete halt.
He was along for the ride when they got to the planet.
Yeah, and? You mentioned that you had one contact: Thrall. You never said you had numerous contacts, or that he's useful or trustworthy. In fact, given my later order to Mikey to kill Thrall, it would be quite logical of Munro to assume that Thrall was not trustworthy.
Could create one of your own, or have another universe jumper like I did.
Maybe. I'm fine with my current character for now, though. If I get tired of him I'll replace him, but for the forseeable future you're stuck with the cruel and uncaring Tholian.
Maybe someone who's competent should take over the investigation.
Like yourself, who has so far been unable to get a meeting with the ship's XO, let alone bring any investigations on the ship to a conclusion, and who would also be a prime suspect? Not likely.
Someone who hasn't shot his own men, hasn't ordered one of his own men shot, and didn't let prisoners escape. So that rules out Monreo and Rochey.
How does that rule me out? Let's go through those bits one by one:
Someone who hasn't shot his own men,
Okay, good. I never shot one of my own men, so I'm safe there.
hasn't ordered one of his own men shot,
Neither have I ordered a crewman killed. Still good.
and didn't let prisoners escape.
Nor have I let any prisoners escape. That's Munro's department, not mine.
Hmm, seems like I'm just fine for taking on the investigation of this matter after all.
Taoes seems like the best choice since he had nothing to do with the away mission. However Mikey more likely had the necessary training for that job.
Teaos is a scientist. He'd be good at figuring stuff out, but I'm not sure how good he'd be in an investigation of this scale and importance.
Mikey's not a bad choice, as he's smart and knows what he's doing.
However, this is a security matter, so it would naturaly be handled by Munro, who is head of security. If you can somehow convince the Captain to get command of the invetigation taken away from him, then it would be transfered to someone higher up the chain of command. And that, naturaly, would be me.
Teaos wrote:I think Rocheys character has consistently been the most interesting. He flows well with Monroe while clashing with my guys laid back style. He has a mutual respect with Mikey while not really trusting him and a seething hatred for Blackstar.
He is not a super hero and is very well rounded and has a good character. I would be very sorry to see that character go.
Thanks. He's definitely an interesting creature to play as, and contrasts nicely with how Fed ships are generaly run. His paranoia, scheming, and distrust of virtualy everyone else on the ship is also fun to work with. His alliance with Munro also means that there's a very powerful and ruthless faction on board the ship that has both the authority and will to get things done, no matter the cost. As M'Real is undoubtedly finding out, that alliance of high-ranking officers can make it very difficult to bring charges against any of them.
Hmm, now that Thorin is back in action, I'm sure Rochey would be interested in getting the Tactical Officer on his side, as well.