I thought that was self-explanitory. You see, if you win that means you're the best.
No, it just means you wasted your time sending your fastest ship into the middle of nowhere for no point. If the Romulans won the race would they then be the most powerful race in the quadrant? Hell no. All this race is going to show is which race has the fastest ship, which means damn all in the grand scheme of things.
the fighters and shuttles. A warship would have an unfair advantage over civie ships.
Then why are we redeploying an entire warship? Send some piece of crap transport with a souped-up fighter inside if this race is so necessary to the continuation of the Federation. This makes it even
less likely for the
Daystrom to get involved. Unless the fighter was built on the ship itself, it wouldn't come anywhere near us. And this also means that the "the engines broke down" excuse becomes even more worthless, as the fighter can just launch out of its transport and warp there itself. Unless the engines on the fighter, the transport, and any backup fighters all broke down at once, there'd be no need for us to intervene at all.
We still have to hammer out what kind of race it is. I'm thinking to keep it interesting, have it multi-stage with interesting hazards to avoid,
So....what? You warp to point A, run some gauntlet for no reason, warp to point B, run another gauntlet for no reason, etc?
That's a pretty damn pointless race, in that case.
maybe even having combat drones and training phasers involved with a targeting stage.
Then it's no longer a race. It's a dogfight.
It's cheaper then modifying the Daystrom's engines.
So? It's still a massive waste of time and resources.
And we still have that half-finished ship in the shuttlebay.
Yes, the ship that Blackstar was working on, and is the only one who knows what the ship's capable of.
Easier to modify a ship under construction then modify a finished ship.
Not when that ship's a custom made vessel that you have no ideas of the capabilities of.
. Besides, sometimes some adjustments is all it takes to make a better engine. By dropping some 'extra' parts and making some modifications to the car's computer he got an extra 20 MPH out of it. And that was without trying.
Well whoop-de-doo for him. So what? As I said, for the
Daystrom to get involved there'd have to be a ridiculous number of coincidences.
The fighter's engines would have to break down.
The backup fighter's engines would have to break down.
The engines on the transport carrying them would have to break down.
The Federation would have to be dead set on participating in this race, despite there being no gain whatsoever in it for them.
There'd have to be no other ship in the area closer than us.
We'd have to figure out the design, contruction and capabilities of Blackstar's half finished fighter within a few days.
We'd have to finish building the ship within a few days.
There'd have to be no other ship within a few day's travel to here, otherwise they'd get here before we could finish the shuttle.
Starfleet would have to be so brain dead that they'd insist on dragging vital military assets away from their deployment zones to go partake in some interstellar joy-ride that gains them nothing at all.
And that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure if I though some more into it I could find another hundred or so reasons why this scenario makes no sense at all.
Seriously, have you ever raced?
No, never had the inclination to drive round in a circle fifty times.
"why win?" Because we don't want to lose.
That's not a good enough reason. What possibly justifies this criminal waste of resources, time and manpower?