Re: Favorite Designs: Ships
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:34 pm
Tyyr wrote:Lacey Chabert
Daystrom Institute Technical Library
Tyyr wrote:Lacey Chabert
And I was 17. So...Tyyr wrote:...who at the time the movie was made was about 14 or 15.
True enough, though personally I like Lacey Chabert much much much better...SomosFuga wrote:Don't forget Heather Graham.
The ARC-170 was just a bad ship altogether. Two medium forward cannon and a warhead launcher at the cost of the craft and THREE crew. The X-Wing had four medium cannon and two warhead launchers for a single crew and ship. The Y-Wing (film wise as there were so many variants) has two medium/heavy cannon plus a two warhead launchers plus an Ion cannon. The Arc was just a bad ship, period.SomosFuga wrote:The only thing i don't like about the ARC-170 is the large crew, 3 clones plus an astrodroid, too much for a fighter IMO; the B-Wing and the TIE Defender had only one pilot.
The power wasn't so much how long the TIE Defender could last but how long anyone else could last against her. The sheer amount of fire that thing could lay down on a target is INSANE to put it lightly.SomosFuga wrote:The TIE Defender, as most of the TIEs, has a quite odd shape and very big profile, looks easy to hit and hard to shield or armour.
My guess would be that the biggest problem with the B-Wing is that there has never been a fighter like that. The whole system was brand new. Pilots of the Alliance and later the New Republic were used to flying models based of the Y-Wing controls.SomosFuga wrote:The B-Wing it's allegedly hard to fly (according to Wookieepedia) but that was fixed with the B-wing/E adding a gunner.
Because Lucas doesn't know military? If it were up to him, while filming a World War II movie based in the South Pacific, he'd probably make SBD Dive Bombers and TBF Avengers into fighter aircraft.Cpl Kendall wrote:I suspect the ARC-170 would have been a decent fighter if it had been employed in it's intended role; recce and deep strike operations. Why they were using it in the furball over Coruscant is beyond me.
Well I was looking for an IU explanation but you are correct and that's been obvious since TESB.SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote: Because Lucas doesn't know military? If it were up to him, while filming a World War II movie based in the South Pacific, he'd probably make SBD Dive Bombers and TBF Avengers into fighter aircraft.
Sorry but for me the whole craft is a waste. There is nothing that ship does that can't be done by other more effective and cheaper ships.Cpl Kendall wrote:I suspect the ARC-170 would have been a decent fighter if it had been employed in it's intended role; recce and deep strike operations. Why they were using it in the furball over Coruscant is beyond me.
*shrug* Maybe the Republic suffered from pork barrel spending.Deepcrush wrote:
Sorry but for me the whole craft is a waste. There is nothing that ship does that can't be done by other more effective and cheaper ships.