Wrong. NONE of the TOS ones were in any episodes. If so, prove it, with a vid clip of the ep.DSG2k wrote:I gave you the links, and you lie to the faces of all. All those vessels are canon, because they are seen on screen, whether on shipboard computers (what, you think someone was photoshopping on the bridge?) or in live-action.stitch626 wrote:None of the ships that make use of the TOS Connie hull are canon, and therefore do not exist in Trek. I'm not sure which ship has the TMP Connie saucer, so if you could point it out by name, that would be helpful.You are incorrect.
TOS saucers: http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/articles/sftm.htm
TMP saucers: http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/articles/ds9tm.htm
That's a lot of Constitution saucer usage, as well as nacelle usage. I'm counting at least five different classes or variations. And we can't forget the Miranda either, can we? That's six.
You guys are getting more desperately dishonest with each passing post. It's truly astonishing to watch.
As for the TMP, I see no TMP ship that used the Connie saucer, so please enlighten me. Point it out specifically, either by name or with another pic.