Wikipedia wrote:Hood was the largest ship in the Royal Navy when completed; thanks to her great displacement, she seemed to combine the firepower and armour of a battleship with the speed of a battlecruiser, causing some to refer to her as a fast battleship.
Just like m52nickerson has stated previously.
The Sovie has the capacity to resist its own guns, thus it is tougher then a Battle Cruiser, on par with a Battleship.
It does, however replace mass with speed, which is why I believe the best analysis of the evidence presented comes from Deep, when he suggested that I merge the Battleship/Battlecruiser roles in my fleet list.
It is clear that the Sovie can act well in both roles.
I've seen suggestions of what the Paladin could do flanked with two Sovies.
I say a Sovie could do almost as well if it was also flanked with two other Sovies.
I mean, can you imagine the DW with a trio of Sovies leading, say, the retaking of DS9?
Or the battles of Chin'toka?
Deepcrush wrote:A.) Evidence they can't produce a battleship?
Well, what's the evidence that they can?
If it was so easy, then why do they not have one?
Who's to say that right now, the Sovereign doesn't represent the limit of what can be done?
Remember the first time the Defiant was taken out?
It was "overpowered for a ship its size".
Everytime they took it out, it wanted to "tear itself apart".
I too believe that the Federation has the Technology to design a bigger, more powerful ship, but perhaps they are having the same issues with it as when they designed the Defiant.
Upscaling technology and energy weapons may not be as easy as installing bigger power sources, or bigger emitters.
Again, just as we were discussing on the Nebula upgrading, you may have to redesign every circuit connected to those circuits, the Warp Core may produce more power then the relays and plasma conduits can tolerate or regulate.