m52nickerson wrote:Perhaps.
No perhaps about it.
Which did not involve starships.
Irrelevent - it demonstrates the case, and I've pointed out repeatedly that it's even more true of starships than of RL ships.
As many =/= all.
Do you have any proof that a smaller ship would not be able to generate enough power to fire it's phasers at there upper limit? Most likely not. Why would Starfleet or anyone design a ship that could not fully power its weapons?

Of course a ship should always be able to get the best performance out of its weapons. My point is that for a big ship that performance would be better than a smaller ship.
I was answering Rocheys point. It could be said that they still are a danger. A photon torpedo fired from a GCS is just as powerful as one fired from an Intrepid.
Correct, however PTs are far less dangerous to starships than RL torpedoes are to battleships, as starship 'armour' (their shields) cannot be bypassed in the same way as a battleship's belt.
Again, and you still fail to put the whole argument together, if the larger ship can't bring its weapons to bear then the advantage is taken away.
Wrong. It would still have the advantage of more weapons, more powerful individual weapons and stronger defences, regardless of whether they can hit an attacker with 100% of their weapons or not.
Your right they could not bring more simultaneously, but they would be able to bring all, or nearly all of its weapons to bear through out the battle.
1) The same is true of the larger ship.
2) The fact that they can use all their weapons at different points does not increase the firepower they can bring to bear.
No you are discussing naval facts, not me. There may be some principals the same but there are still a large amount of difference. Naval ships don't have energy shields, phasers, the don't move like starships. All of these change the name of the game.
Protection. Firepower. Mobility. These factors dominate warfare. They always have since Ug bashed Og with a rock, and they always will. How they are achieved is irrelevant.
Apart from that, starship technology makes raw power output more important than during the world wars, not less, as I have pointed out time and time again.
It does in the ways I have described.
No it doesn't. Go and watch DS9.
Yes, exactly we see a small ship just about take out a large station.
No we didn't - we saw a large ship hurt the station slightly more than smaller ships could (i.e. at all). Note that the station rapidly got its shields back, and was ready to continue.
If you are debating that then fine, I proving that in one-on-one situations larger ships may not always be superior.
No, you're not - you're attempting to do so, and failing miserably.
In some instances yes, if the larger ship is powerful enough to destroy the smaller ship in only a few shots, of if the smaller ship can't harm the larger one. These are not absolutes.
They are - they are inherent in the ships' relative strengths. More powerful ships will always be able to kill less powerful ships in fewer shots than the reverse could be achieved.
Or the federation ship were better overall designed. Unless you can prove that it was a technological advantage all we know is that the Federation ships were better overall, not just better weapons and shields.
Explain how a jack-of-all-trades ship could be successful in battle against a purpose-built warship without having superior weapons and shielding technology.
It does not mean that they can't be finessed to death.
Explain how this could be done.
Really, and you know this for a fact?
Again if the GCS can't hit the Intrepid with those torpedoes then they are useless.
1) The Intrepid has never demonstrated sufficient manoeuverability to dodge torpedoes
2) I see you're completely ignoring the second point. We saw the GCS used as a battleship. We never even saw an Intrepid in a battlefleet.

You want proof that power comes from reactors instead of thin air?
The Dominion battleship was much, much larger then the valiant, and in that situation the power advantage was great enough to overcome any maneuverability advantage, plus the Valiant flew right into the firing path of the Warships main weapons. Wolf 359 the Borg had a tech advantage. The Federation fleet really could not damage the cube or protect themselves. In the fleet actions involving DS9 we also see a much large station taking out much smaller ships easy, larger ship were still a danger. FC battle?
The battle in FC.
You accept that larger ships are more effective then. Thank you.
As stated it would not be simultaneously, but they could still be used.
Irrelevent. Only simultaneous attacks can be counted in effective firepower.
Also, you have not offered any proof from canon that a larger ship with the same types of weapons as a smaller ship would be able to cause more damage with each individual weapon.
Big ship = more room for reactors and fuel and more room for bigger weapons = more power to weapons.
If the same design of weapons were being used, then the larger ship would be able to mount more of them, and would therefore have greater effective firepower.
You have yet to show that that is true in all situations.
I have done so repeatedly.