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Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 12:54 am
by sunnyside
Seems reasonable to me. Tougher and with more punch to the forward arc than a fed runabout, but lacking the flexibility, spacious interiour, and speed.
I suppose I'd have the "sensor" variant runabout not the "bomber" or other varients since it fits what Cech was (supposedly) going out to do. Lets say with a "crew" type aft, and I would think mandatory science module.
Uh. Does anybody know what would actually be in a "science" module set? I would guess a small additional computer core for research and handling the extra sensor pod, a small but high resolution replicator and wide range of base materials, a bunch of different sample storage things, one of the standard research workstations with the force field sample holder in the middle that runs scans and bombards the sample with stuff, a couple EV suits in a closet along with extra tricorders and such, and then maybe an extra console to handle the stuff.
At least we have pictures of a "crew" type rear configuration.
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:08 am
by Mikey
I think it would be safe to say that any sort of laboratory or data analysis equipment you could reasonably ask for would be aboard, especially considering that "science" or research-fitted Danubes probably dispensed with creature comforts for more than one or two people.
Thanks for the input on mine. I was trying to keep the relative strengths and weaknesses, compared to its contemporaries, of the original Xindi assault craft. That's the reasoning for the high-level SIF, higher maneuverability but relatively low warp speeds, etc. I had been toying with the idea of a fourth particle cannon a/o second torp tube, as well as a standard (rather than light) hull or some armor, but decided that this probably wasn't initially designed as a true fighter or warship. Thoughts?
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:14 am
by sunnyside
I was figuring the standard aft crew quarters since we actually have pictures of those and I don't know that you can actually swap that section out other than pulling stuff out to use it as storage.
On that note how much internal space and stuff is inside the Xindi craft? If there is much of it I would increase the size of the craft.
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 12:09 pm
by Mikey
Hmm... I'll have to revisit that. I hadn't thought it would be too much, but I should probably increase it.
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 12:16 pm
by Mikey
OK - edited the dimensions of the Myrmidon to have a more common-sense cargo volume... thanks for the tip Sunnyside!
Any other comments?
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:14 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Seems a fairly sound design, Mikey.
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:14 pm
by sunnyside
Wait I just noticed that DITL puts low level SIF on all small craft. Including the Deltatastic flier.
Maybe that just isn't an option until you start getting defiant size? Thoughts?
I'm curious about Rochey's take on his Laithan ship. It sounds like they use low tech but presumably numerous and big ships to counter it.
I'm imagining a low speed, lower manuvability, sparse creature comfort/cargo craft that counters with a tank thickness of high density armor and bristling with primitive weapons.
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:20 pm
by Reliant121
A dreadnaught of sorts.
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:42 pm
by Sionnach Glic
I'm curious about Rochey's take on his Laithan ship. It sounds like they use low tech but presumably numerous and big ships to counter it.
You more or less nailed it in one, there. The technology used by the Laithan Imperium is incredibly primitive in appearance if you compare it to a group like the Federation. However, this is more by choice than necesity. The weapons they use, though based on very old principles, pack one hell of a punch and it's a bad idea to underestimate their power on the appearance of the weapons themselves.
The Imperium tends to use old, reliable, but powerfull technology rather than using the most advanced things available (projectile weapons are commonplace amongst the army, for example). They simply don't see the point in discarding something that's already working perfectly for it's role just because something shinier came out. As such, the technology they use is well understood, easy to maintain and very cheap to manufacture en-masse.
I'm imagining a low speed, lower manuvability, sparse creature comfort/cargo craft that counters with a tank thickness of high density armor and bristling with primitive weapons.
Again, spot on.
The ship is probably going to be the slowest of all the personal craft on board, and the thing handles like a flying brick. The ship houses a small crew area (for use during long-range patroll missions), but is incredibly cramped. As for armour...well, let's just say that it's able to take one hell of a beating before going down. Detracting from that, however, is the fact that the ship's shields aren't exactly top-of-the-range.
As for the weapons, they are highly primitive in appearance, (the assault cannons are basicaly mini-guns) but combine the older, more reliable, tech with more lethal and advanced ammunition (mini-guns with high-explosive bullets) to allow them to hammer an opponent into submission with brute force.
I gave a fairly detailed run-down of the ground forces and technology they use
here. I'll have to write up one for the navy, sometime.
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:00 am
by Mikey
Assault cannon and heavy bolters, Rochey?
Maybe you should just fly a Thunderhawk.
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:06 pm
by sunnyside
You might want to work in a little extra omph for the weaponry. Trek small arms leave something to be desired at least when in use against unarmored unshielded humanoids. (At least until the hero needs to take down a bunch of people fast and then they find the wide angle setting). So Laithan ground force units might do fine enough.
But ship weapons, while still not that awsome, are pretty potent with megaton yeilds.
Luckily you can get that kind of yeild with low tech by using nuclear weapons, though that's a problem logistics wise. As DITL and general fandom reckons things one of the microtorps should have a yield a bit over a megaton. Trick with that is the theoretical limit on efficiancy for a fusion based nuke is 6 Mt/ metric ton. Meaning a weapon with a microtorp yield would have to at least weigh about 200 kilograms. And practically probably twice that.
But with the Trek ability to extend the periodic table maybe something better came along. Or you could throw a bit of technobable on the ship weapons.
Or I guess you could just say screw that and haul around a bunch of heavy stuff.
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:34 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Mikey wrote:Assault cannon and heavy bolters, Rochey?
Maybe you should just fly a Thunderhawk.
Hey, if a system works, why not use it?
Sunny wrote: Trick with that is the theoretical limit on efficiancy for a fusion based nuke is 6 Mt/ metric ton. Meaning a weapon with a microtorp yield would have to at least weigh about 200 kilograms. And practically probably twice that.
True. But did I say exactly what
type of fusion it is?
After all, even M/AM is a type of fusion, right?
Or I guess you could just say screw that and haul around a bunch of heavy stuff.
Well, that
was kinda the idea that I was going for.
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:01 pm
by sunnyside
Don't know that it would come up. But are the Danubes two mini torp launchers forward facing or one fore and one aft as many of the bigger ships do things.
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:03 pm
by Sionnach Glic
If it's your Danube you're talking about, couldn't you decide for yourself? There's nothing stopping you from making a few modifications to the ship, after all.
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:14 pm
by sunnyside
Baring any cannon info I'll go with one for and one aft. Seems appropriate for federation style.