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Re: ST: Discovery Klingons Full Analysis (Trekyards)
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 2:08 am
by DonP
Eh, I mostly think this show looks like a steaming pile, but considering Starfleet used four significantly different phaser designs during Kirk's era, I can't get too worked up over this.
Re: ST: Discovery Klingons Full Analysis (Trekyards)
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:58 am
by Bryan Moore
DonP wrote:Eh, I mostly think this show looks like a steaming pile, but considering Starfleet used four significantly different phaser designs during Kirk's era, I can't get too worked up over this.
Agreed. Honestly, I'm not really worked up about any of this... all a bunch of angry fanboys popping off because it isn't their classic Trek. I can't wait for the new version...
Re: ST: Discovery Klingons Full Analysis (Trekyards)
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:46 pm
by T'Pau
I feel for the actors forced to wear such heavy prosthetics made of either foam latex or even the more light weight silicone. So many pieces to apply, especially now that the head design is so outlandishly huge on the back end. Add in the speech-defying dental appliances and contact lenses that appear to irritate everyone in close ups to the mix, and it must be exhausting for them. Add in the costume's weight, and they should all be getting hazard pay. Someone call SAG!
Re: ST: Discovery Klingons Full Analysis (Trekyards)
Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 6:15 pm
by T'Pau
Bit of an update:
Glenn Hetrick is the make up professional in charge of the Klingon fiasco. Yes, the design would have had to make it past the muckity muck high ups, but it's all him. After watching many seasons of his tv make up competition show "Face Off", I had a sneaky suspicion that he had a hand in it. And sure enough, the most recent episode blabbed on about him being involved. After checking his imdb page, it was confirmed. I have no doubt that the man has some form of social media, so if folks really want to express their disgust in his design, have at it!