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Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 2:17 am
by Jordanis
ChakatBlackstar wrote:Jordanis wrote:ChakatBlackstar wrote:Do you have to argue with me about everything? There is still a reasonable design lineage that can be seen.
Do you have to be wrong about everything? There is no reasonable design lineage. At the time of the Vulcan ring ships, the split was ~1800 years in the past. At the same time, Romulans were using a two-nacelle design. The Warbird is also a two-nacelle design, it just happens that the hull is fashioned in a way so that it superficially bears a slight resemblance to the Vulcan ships.
The Vulcan design gets its shape from the way Vulcans made warp drives, apparently (since the rings glow). The Romulan design gets its shape from the Romulans liking to make their ships have sweeping large-area wings. In this case, they apparently decided that one sweeping wing didn't provide enough volume, or something.
The differences in their techbase indicate that they have been developing independently for a long time. They don't even use the same kind of energy weapons. The last 'vulcan' ship the Romulans had in their lineage was, again, 1800 years in the past. The only design commonality left is that they move through the same medium. That's the only commonality an aircraft carrier has with a trireme.
No need to get personal. This is all opinion. Now I can see the common design lineage, but if you can't that's alright, not everyone has the imagination for that kind of thing. Oh and your Trireme and carrier do have something else in common, hull shape. Now there is obvious differences, but they still have the general shape needed for floating and moving at high speed(for that era).
Oh lord, at least I have the imagination to create my own species instead of using one that some creepy old guy invented as a vehicle for his wide variety of sexual fetishes.
And yes, my trireme and carrier have exactly what I said they have in common: they move through the same medium. That means there are a few similarities in hull shape, but the trireme had no actual influence on the design of the carrier.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 2:18 am
by Grundig
I can see a resemblance between these two designs, but that's different than seeing a common lineage between the two. I mean, Klingon and Romulan designs both incorporate wing shapes. The original Enterprise reminds me of a boat sometimes... If you squint... If anything the ring-shaped warp drive really sets the Vulcans apart from everyone in terms of design.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 2:21 am
by Jordanis
schizo-hal wrote:I can see a resemblance between these two designs, but that's different than seeing a common lineage between the two. I mean, Klingon and Romulan designs both incorporate wing shapes. The original Enterprise reminds me of a boat sometimes... If you squint... If anything the ring-shaped warp drive really sets the Vulcans apart from everyone in terms of design.
Yeah, the Vulcan warp design is really odd. I wonder what it comes from. Some sort of logical consideration, no doubt, but what's logical is another question. Is it speed? Efficiency?
Given Vulcans I would guess efficiency. It must not be possible to make it go very fast in TNG terms, though, or we'd see it on civilian freighters and whatnot in that era.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 2:41 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Jordanis wrote:ChakatBlackstar wrote:Jordanis wrote:
Do you have to be wrong about everything? There is no reasonable design lineage. At the time of the Vulcan ring ships, the split was ~1800 years in the past. At the same time, Romulans were using a two-nacelle design. The Warbird is also a two-nacelle design, it just happens that the hull is fashioned in a way so that it superficially bears a slight resemblance to the Vulcan ships.
The Vulcan design gets its shape from the way Vulcans made warp drives, apparently (since the rings glow). The Romulan design gets its shape from the Romulans liking to make their ships have sweeping large-area wings. In this case, they apparently decided that one sweeping wing didn't provide enough volume, or something.
The differences in their techbase indicate that they have been developing independently for a long time. They don't even use the same kind of energy weapons. The last 'vulcan' ship the Romulans had in their lineage was, again, 1800 years in the past. The only design commonality left is that they move through the same medium. That's the only commonality an aircraft carrier has with a trireme.
No need to get personal. This is all opinion. Now I can see the common design lineage, but if you can't that's alright, not everyone has the imagination for that kind of thing. Oh and your Trireme and carrier do have something else in common, hull shape. Now there is obvious differences, but they still have the general shape needed for floating and moving at high speed(for that era).
Oh lord, at least I have the imagination to create my own species instead of using one that some creepy old guy invented as a vehicle for his wide variety of sexual fetishes.
And yes, my trireme and carrier have exactly what I said they have in common: they move through the same medium. That means there are a few similarities in hull shape, but the trireme had no actual influence on the design of the carrier.
What did I say about getting personal? Chakat's are not for sexual fetishes(of coarse that doesn't hurt), and have become a respected member of the furry community. Not to mention the details on Chakats are well defined, unlike most made-up species. What species did you create? Oh, and this was not the proper place or time to bring that up. If you have a problem with me and my choice of fursona, do it properly in messege or seperate forum topic, not as an insult that has nothing to do with this topic and is inaccurate in everyway I know of.
Anyway, the hull design has no need to be that close to Vulcan designs in space. I'm just saying that it's more likely to be lineage related in this specific case then for it to be a coincidence.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:28 am
by Jordanis
ChakatBlackstar wrote:What did I say about getting personal? Chakat's are not for sexual fetishes(of coarse that doesn't hurt), and have become a respected member of the furry community. Not to mention the details on Chakats are well defined, unlike most made-up species. What species did you create? Oh, and this was not the proper place or time to bring that up. If you have a problem with me and my choice of fursona, do it properly in messege or seperate forum topic, not as an insult that has nothing to do with this topic and is inaccurate in everyway I know of.
Anyway, the hull design has no need to be that close to Vulcan designs in space. I'm just saying that it's more likely to be lineage related in this specific case then for it to be a coincidence.
It's good of you to tell me not to get personal right before you tell me I have no imagination. And if you think Bernard Doove didn't create chakats because he had an impressive list of fetishes he wanted to express, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn and a whole bunch of other metaphors for your gullability. I'm not even going to touch 'respected member of the furry community', though. I've met a lot of respected members of the furry community, so I can't imagine someone wanting to be called that.
And I'm saying it's a complete coincidence and they don't even look that much like each other. If there was a Vulcan influence in Romulan shipbuilding, it would be evident in more than one ship. You've latched onto this irrationally because I decided to point out how tenuous a connection it is.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:56 am
by Reliant121
Jordanis wrote:schizo-hal wrote:I can see a resemblance between these two designs, but that's different than seeing a common lineage between the two. I mean, Klingon and Romulan designs both incorporate wing shapes. The original Enterprise reminds me of a boat sometimes... If you squint... If anything the ring-shaped warp drive really sets the Vulcans apart from everyone in terms of design.
Yeah, the Vulcan warp design is really odd. I wonder what it comes from. Some sort of logical consideration, no doubt, but what's logical is another question. Is it speed? Efficiency?
Given Vulcans I would guess efficiency. It must not be possible to make it go very fast in TNG terms, though, or we'd see it on civilian freighters and whatnot in that era.
I have a theory. Perhaps the Vulcans wanted to make as Eenergy Efficient a design as possible. Because The Sh'raan and Surak cruisers have a thin Axial hull, the ring nacelle may be designed to make the warp bubble fit the profile of the hull as closely as possible and therefore decreasing Spacial Resistance or whatever the hell drag is called in star-faring terms.
And Jordanis and Chakat can you please leave your little squarral at the outside when you walk into this topic. I dont see the point of this argument. Its getting just a little
old now.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:40 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Jordanis wrote:ChakatBlackstar wrote:What did I say about getting personal? Chakat's are not for sexual fetishes(of coarse that doesn't hurt), and have become a respected member of the furry community. Not to mention the details on Chakats are well defined, unlike most made-up species. What species did you create? Oh, and this was not the proper place or time to bring that up. If you have a problem with me and my choice of fursona, do it properly in messege or seperate forum topic, not as an insult that has nothing to do with this topic and is inaccurate in everyway I know of.
Anyway, the hull design has no need to be that close to Vulcan designs in space. I'm just saying that it's more likely to be lineage related in this specific case then for it to be a coincidence.
It's good of you to tell me not to get personal right before you tell me I have no imagination. And if you think Bernard Doove didn't create chakats because he had an impressive list of fetishes he wanted to express, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn and a whole bunch of other metaphors for your gullability. I'm not even going to touch 'respected member of the furry community', though. I've met a lot of respected members of the furry community, so I can't imagine someone wanting to be called that.
And I'm saying it's a complete coincidence and they don't even look that much like each other. If there was a Vulcan influence in Romulan shipbuilding, it would be evident in more than one ship. You've latched onto this irrationally because I decided to point out how tenuous a connection it is.
Oh, please get over yourself. I'm just expressing my opinion. Your the one who made it personal. As far as my imagination comment it's a well known fact that some people's imaginations are better suited at some things then others. Mine can make seemingly absurd conections between two seemingly unrelated things. That's all I meant. Nothing personal.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:18 pm
by Reliant121
HEY!! Look! What is the damned point, Darnit! If you have a point to prove then PM Your argument!!!! or make a thread about it or something!!Not on my thread please!!!!!
I BEG YOU!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:43 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Reliant121 wrote:HEY!! Look! What is the damned point, Darnit! If you have a point to prove then PM Your argument!!!! or make a thread about it or something!!Not on my thread please!!!!!
I BEG YOU!!!!!!

Sorry I didn't see your post until after I posted.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 2:15 pm
by Reliant121
if i was a Cuban or a Jamaican or something, i would be laying back...OH MY GOD!!!! I never want to see the Top of the pops recording of The can can by Bad manners again! Anyway. I would be laying back with a huge cigar in my mouth. I would say "No worries, Man"
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 2:21 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Reliant121 wrote:if i was a Cuban or a Jamaican or something, i would be laying back...OH MY GOD!!!! I never want to see the Top of the pops recording of The can can by Bad manners again! Anyway. I would be laying back with a huge cigar in my mouth. I would say "No worries, Man"
You know when ever I try to do a southern accent it comes out Jamaican. It started out as a joke, but now I can't do a southern accent.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 2:25 pm
by Reliant121
southern as in southern american? and i wouldn't have a cigar. I'm not old enough.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:46 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Reliant, one thing you'll quickly learn about this forum, is that nothing here ever sticks to the original thread. We
always end up arguing about something completely different.
Regarding the Vulcan nacelles:
Dear Gods. The stupid. I've finaly found someone with an even worse engine design than the Feds. Talk about having a bulls-eye painted on your ship. I just hope they're less volitile than the Fed ones...
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:53 pm
by Captain Seafort
I wouldn't call it a bad design. Yes it's a big target, but any warp nacelle design is going to be a trade off between efficiency and vulnerability. I don't recall any Vulcan ship being destroyed as a result of the nacelles being hit, and the examples of that happening to Fed ships (notably "Cause and Effect") were due to poor warp core design rather than solely due to the exposed nacelles.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:13 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Reliant121 wrote:southern as in southern american? and i wouldn't have a cigar. I'm not old enough.
Like um...south side of the US. Southern Drawl? I'm not sure how to describe it to a non-american/statesman. I'm sorry, US citizens are a bit self-centered when discribing ourselves. We call ourselves Americans despite the fact that there's three other countrys in North America, and at least a dozen in Central and South Americans.