Re: ebook publishing
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:50 pm
If/when you do, I hope you like it.
On the contrary, that was absolutely cracking. One bit I think you could have done without was the Tenth Doctor's little cameo towards. While I can appreciate why you threw him in, it felt a little too in-your-face and jarring and pulled me out of the story, whereas the Dalek/Vong encounter worked as an interlude without really affecting the main story (besides removing the Vong of course).RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:I'm guessing it's, "Why the bloody hell did you have Q send the Vong to fight the Daleks?!" or something along those lines.
It's simply a matter of our relative, uh, interpretations of the relative technical strengths of 'Wars and 'Trek. You know what I'm like when it comes to technical debates, so it took a bit of effort to concentrate on the story itself and ignore the backdrop of technical parity that underpins it. If you want to go further, PM me - we're skirting versus territory as it is here.If you have any specifics, I'd love to hear them so I may improve for the next round.
Ah, okay. The tenth Doctor bit was put in as a request from a friend. But yeah, 'tis a bit silly.Captain Seafort wrote:On the contrary, that was absolutely cracking. One bit I think you could have done without was the Tenth Doctor's little cameo towards. While I can appreciate why you threw him in, it felt a little too in-your-face and jarring and pulled me out of the story, whereas the Dalek/Vong encounter worked as an interlude without really affecting the main story (besides removing the Vong of course).RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:I'm guessing it's, "Why the bloody hell did you have Q send the Vong to fight the Daleks?!" or something along those lines.
I... I'm not good at math. I'll admit that. I don't think I'll go further because it'll fly over my head. It's one of the reasons I stay out of technical debates here, actually. But thanks!It's simply a matter of our relative, uh, interpretations of the relative technical strengths of 'Wars and 'Trek. You know what I'm like when it comes to technical debates, so it took a bit of effort to concentrate on the story itself and ignore the backdrop of technical parity that underpins it. If you want to go further, PM me - we're skirting versus territory as it is here.If you have any specifics, I'd love to hear them so I may improve for the next round.
I've written stories myself before and put bits and pieces up for public consumption - DITL itself is fanfic to a degree, for that matter. I know for me there is always a nervousness in exposing my work to the public eye. Criticism can hurt, more so if it's justified. It's very easy to write stuff and stick it in some back corner of your hard drive, convinced that nobody could possibly want to read it. I've been lucky to get a generally positive reaction, to DITL and other things, but even with that "Mega-Hyper-Iso-Phaser" guy, yeah he was being absurd but at least he had the balls to do something and show it around. That's not an easy thing.Mikey wrote:Technically, your writing is a damned sight better than much that gets "professionally" proofed. As far as the quality of your work, it's also better than much that gets published. Further, with the e-publishing that GK mentioned... who cares? Throw it out there and let the public decide!RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:I'm talking about both. I do my damned best to proofread my fics, but I know mistakes seep in. Also, I try to maintain or strive for a certain quality of work. And i know what I write at isn't good enough to publish beyond fanfiction.
You would also have to do your own artwork. And, that may not be a problem if you know your way around Photoshop or Paint, or some other good (and possibly expensive) art program. My best work of Photoshop is amateurish at best. While an ebook doesn't need a cover like a real, paper-bound book, it's still a good idea to have good cover art for marketing purposes.GrahamKennedy wrote:Just curious, but with people writing stories here has anybody considered publishing their stuff as an ebook?
Amazon, for example, has self publishing. You simply upload your stuff, set a price, fill in some forms regarding how much to charge, how it's paid, etc, and that's it. Your work is available for sale. There's no checking or approval process, like you'd go through with a publisher.
Course you couldn't do it with fanfic based in an existing universe. But for original work, why not?
I'd look forward to anything you put up.Tsukiyumi wrote:Lucky for me, my best friend does all of my illustrations.
Now, to finish anything more than a short story...