S32E6: The Almost People

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Re: S32E6: The Almost People

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Captain Seafort wrote:
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Yeah. I saw those green flashes when River went Laura Croft and thought to myself, "What the hell... is that... how in the blue hell does that work?!" So now every time he disdains from using a gun, we can stamp 'hypocrite' in big red letters on his forehead.
Not much of a difference from his historical actions, especially as it's impossible to tell what exactly he was doing with the sonic. The Seventh Doctor was probably the most anti-gun of the lot of them, and look at some of the stunts he pulled.
I know, but it's still, "I don't like guns, now watch as I use my sonic like a gun!"
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Re: S32E6: The Almost People

Post by Captain Seafort »

RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:I know, but it's still, "I don't like guns, now watch as I use my sonic like a gun!"
To do what? Kill them? Stun them? Dazzle them? Foul up their weapons?
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Re: S32E6: The Almost People

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

I dunno. It was just... there was definitely a vibe of, "This isn't like with the Silurians" for me.
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Re: S32E6: The Almost People

Post by Captain Seafort »

I assume you're referring to the initial Wenley Moor incident? There have been very few cases in which the Doctor has been as strenuously pacifist has he was then, and few Doctors as strenuously pacifist as Three. Observe One wanting to bash a caveman's skull in, Two manipulating the Daleks into a civil war, Four, Five and Six's use of firearms, Seven, well, being Seven, Eight or Nine blowing up Gallifrey and Ten treatment of the Family of Blood (whom he didn't kill largely because he was in too bad a mood to be that lenient). The Doctor has no qualms about being extremely violent when necessary.
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Re: S32E6: The Almost People

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Captain Seafort wrote:I assume you're referring to the initial Wenley Moor incident? There have been very few cases in which the Doctor has been as strenuously pacifist has he was then, and few Doctors as strenuously pacifist as Three. Observe One wanting to bash a caveman's skull in, Two manipulating the Daleks into a civil war, Four, Five and Six's use of firearms, Seven, well, being Seven, Eight or Nine blowing up Gallifrey and Ten treatment of the Family of Blood (whom he didn't kill largely because he was in too bad a mood to be that lenient). The Doctor has no qualms about being extremely violent when necessary.
Actually, I was referring to Cold Blood and the specific use of the sonic there where he simply took out their weapons instead of using it in some possibly lethal manner like he did against the Silents. ;)

And yeah, I know how bloodthirsty he can be. I've got An Unearthly Child on DVD. ;) Comes with The Daleks and Edge of Destruction.
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Re: S32E6: The Almost People

Post by Foxfyre »

Captain Seafort wrote:
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Yeah. I saw those green flashes when River went Laura Croft and thought to myself, "What the hell... is that... how in the blue hell does that work?!" So now every time he disdains from using a gun, we can stamp 'hypocrite' in big red letters on his forehead.
Not much of a difference from his historical actions, especially as it's impossible to tell what exactly he was doing with the sonic. The Seventh Doctor was probably the most anti-gun of the lot of them, and look at some of the stunts he pulled.
Maybe he just like coming up with amore inventive way to nuking them? I don't know, I was hoping they would get rid of the damn sonic. I loved the 9th doctor episode The Unquiet Dead for the simple fact that the sonic makes a limited appearance (in the beginning and its being used a tool for maintenance or something and that’s it).
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