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Re: Starfleet Public Information Database

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:56 pm
by BigJKU316
Lexington Class

Affiliation : Starfleet
Type : Battle-Cruiser
Unit Run : 1,044 (1 for 1 Sovereign Replacement)
Commissioned: NA

Dimensions :
Length : 710 m
Beam : 245 m
Height : 87 m
Decks : 24
Mass : 3,750,000 metric tons
Crew : 785
Armament : 20 Federation Type 30 Phaser Arrays with REDACTED Tera-Watts Per Unit
4 Mk. 16 torpedo rapid-fire quantum torpedo tubes total output of REDACTED RPS with 15,000 rounds

Defence Systems : Auto-Modulated shield system, total capacity REDACTED Tera-Joules
REDACTED cm Ablative Armor backed by Double Hull and Heavy SIF

Warp Speeds
Maximum Rated : Greater than Warp 9.99

Development History: The first ship designed as part of Starfleets Sustainable Modernization Program (SMP) the Lexington class was designed to at least double the upgraded Sovereign in all respects. Starfleet will not publicly release specifics on the design but say that the ship has "comfortably exceeded" its design goals after a somewhat protracted development cycle. As the test bed for a great many advanced technologies the ships were under develoment for nearly a decade and have served as the test platform for many of the SMP components that make up the new ships now reaching Starfleet.

Re: Starfleet Public Information Database

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:57 pm
by BigJKU316
Kir Class

Affiliation : Starfleet
Type : Heavy Cruiser
Unit Run : 1,553 (1 for 1 Baltimore Replacement)
Commissioned: NA

Dimensions :
Length : 435 m
Beam : 175 m
Height : 75 m
Decks : 20
Mass : 2,500,000 metric tons
Crew : 520
Armament : 10 Federation Type 30 Phaser Arrays with REDACTED Tera-Watts Per Unit
1 Forward HTLA of REDACTED Exo-Watts.
2 Mk. 20 rapid-fire quantum torpedo tubes facing forward total output of REDACTED RPS with 5,000 rounds
1 Mk. 10 rapid-fire quantum torpedo tube facing rear, total output of REDACTED RPS with 500 rounds

Defence Systems : Auto-Modulated shield system, total capacity REDACTED Tera-Joules
REDACTED cm Ablative Armor backed by Double Hull and Heavy SIF

Warp Speeds
Maximum Rated : Greater than Warp 9.99

Development History: With the introduction of the Des Moines Class Starfleet effectively bifurcated the role occupied by the Baltimore Class Cruiser. As such Starfleet design teams responded with a ship more oriented towards beam based combat rather than the Des Monies bias towards torpedo based combat. The Kir Class pioneered several new technologies including the REDACTED, otherwise known as the HTLA, designed to maximize the ships combat capabilities. The design objective was to at least double the effectiveness of the Baltimore class ships that we being replaced and this was comfortably acheived.

Re: Starfleet Public Information Database

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:08 pm
by BigJKU316
Ross Class

Affiliation : Starfleet
Type : Destroyer
Unit Run : 3,024 (1 for 1 Sisko Class Replacement)
Commissioned: NA

Dimensions :
Length : 205 m
Beam : 145 m
Height : 38 m
Decks : 5
Mass : 550,000 metric tons
Crew : 85
Armament : 4 Federation Type 50 Phaser Arrays with REDACTED Tera-Watts Per Unit
2 Mk. 25 rapid-fire quantum torpedo tubes facing forward total output of REDACTED RPS with 4,000 rounds

Defence Systems : Auto-Modulated shield system, total capacity REDACTED Tera-Joules
REDACTED cm Ablative Armor backed by Double Hull and Heavy SIF

Warp Speeds
Maximum Rated : Greater than Warp 9.99

Development History: The Ross Class was the final ship designed as part of the SMP but was the first to enter service. Contracted to a variety of private design firms to create a replacement with at least 2.5 times the combat capability of the Sisko Starfleet was hit with many proposals before settling one of the larger alternatives. By all reports Starfleet is very pleased with its new ships and it has begun one of its quickest adoption program in history to overhaul its destroyer fleet, which was most oldest component of the fleet.

The larger ship is more spacious, has greater deployment duration and by all reports gives up little in the way of manvuerability to the old Sisko Class ships that it will be replacing.

Re: Starfleet Public Information Database

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:22 pm
by BigJKU316
(OOC Note: This describes the deployment of last year. The fight with the KE forces happened the year before and the deployment described is for the coming year)

The Starfleet Task Force: A Rare Look Inside the New Starfleet

Starfleet recently accorded myself and a number of journalist the privilege of spending the better part of a year with one of Starfleet’s defense task forces. This is the story of that year from my point of view, as well as the history of these task forces.

January 10

We arrive at the massive fleet base located near Regulus to spend several days with the commander of 3rd Fleet before heading out to join on of the task forces. This facility in and of itself is remarkable. Capable of holding over 200 starships within its doors it is actively involved in supporting all 1,365 ships of 3rd Fleet. Normally at least one task force is located in the system undergoing major maintenance so the facility maintains an almost frantic tempo of operations at all time.

The commander of 3rd Fleet is Vice Admiral Sarlec from Vulcan. Many would question why a Vulcan would find the task of commanding a fleet designed for war acceptable the admiral will tell you that it is simply logical. The best way to deter war is to prepare for it rigorously and to maintain constant readiness. 3rd Fleet reflects his serious approach from top to bottom.
Maintenance crews work frantically to keep the ships in top operating condition. Standards for quality and time are enforced at every level. Above each gantry connected to a waiting starship is a sign with the phrase “Always Vigilant” the motto of the 3rd Fleet.

This is reflected at every level of the organization. Upon entering the command area for the fleet one sees a large map display. 3rd Fleet has responsibilities that cover much of the rimward portions of the Federation as well as the Tholian, Klingon and portions of the Romulan border. Morning briefings cover a variety of issues as the deployment of friendly forces and the intentions of potentially hostile ones are run down for the commander.

A commander delivers a final briefing on the performance of the one of 3rd Fleets task forces in a recent run in with Klingon ships attempting to enter territory that was formerly of the Klingon Empire before the collapse. This territory is now part of the Federation after a vote by its citizens and 3rd Fleet takes their defense seriously.
Third Fleet lost three ships in this engagement which have to be replaced. The names are added to a wall in another part of the massive Starbase. Tens of thousands of names are on this wall. Most from the Dominion War.

January 15

We arrive by shuttle aboard the headquarters ships for task for 3.1 which is taking over patrol duties in the new Federation territory from task force 3.2, which is returning for maintenance after its stint in the area. Six months on, six months off. The routine rarely varies.

The USS Everest is one of the new Olympus Mons class sensor ships. Massing over 4.5 million tons the ship is essentially a large sensor array mounted on top of a starship. There is a traditional captain who commands the operations of the ship from the bridge. The command group rarely goes there. They have dedicated spaces and are responsible for managing the whole of the 338 ship task force.
Such task forces are commanded by a Rear Admiral, in this case Admiral Franklin a human from Alpha Centauri. He served as a captain and then a wing commander aboard Akira class ships during the Dominion War. Most of the crews find him affable enough, though like all senior offices of the 3rd Fleet he is serious about his work.

The admiral talks conversationally with us about many subjects during the deployment. Only once do I recall a question making him uncomfortable. When discussing the Dominion War another journalist asked him about the battle of the Tyra System and how that changed his life. The Admirals ship had been damaged in a previous skirmish and was unable to accompany 7th fleet into the conflict where the Federation lost 98 of 112 ships engaged. The admiral shifted uncomfortably in his seat before replying that his mission is to ensure such things never happen again.
Over the remainder of the patrol we learn the long history of the Task Forces that comprise the Federations first and last lines of defense. Started after the Shinzon incident shocked the Federation into the realization that the end of the Dominion War did not mean the end of conflict itself it had its beginnings in a motley collection of ships. Eventually standardized to three and then four types the force soldiered on through early conflicts with derivatives of older designs such as the Sovereign and Defiant class ships, or marginally successful experimental ships such as the Prometheus. This were upgraded over time and proved and adequate early force.

Learning from early combat experience with the minor conflicts with the Breen and Cardassian Union Starfleet was able to refine what it wanted. The proposal made to the council followed along the following lines. Starfleet pledge to throw itself in front of whatever danger faced the Federation, in turn they asked for ships that would ensure if called upon as many of them would return to their loved ones as possible.

New classes of ships of the Lexington, Kir and Ross class began to trickle into the fleet. Over the course of more than a decade these ships became the backbone of Starfleets defense force. Their crews and commanders are trained constantly.

Starfleet command won’t confirm but the crewmen all speculated on their capabilities. It is rumored that Starfleet ran an exercise of one new style task force against 2 old style ones. Then 3. Then 4. Then 6. Some rumors place it as high as 8 or 10 to 1 odds that were overcome in simulations. The higher ups won’t confirm or deny that any such study took place. The lower decks simply point to the battle with the Klingon raiders and the 50 to 1 loss ratio inflicted on the enemy. One things is clear, these crew members are not looking for a fight, but if they get in one they expect to win.

June 18

The patrol has been mostly unremarkable for the men of the fleet though quite illustrative for us observers. While asserting their presence in the formerly Klingon territory the fleet trains tirelessly. The admiral jets about conducting exercises between sub-units. The crews all display a quite professionalism and confidence in their abilities. They are also relentlessly competitive. The mock battles between sub-units are supposed to be learning tools, but the lower decks keep scores and track standings with all the fervor of the most devout sports fan.

Task force command is consumed with, other than daily operations, planning for the change over exercise that has become a tradition for 3rd fleet. With task force 3.2 coming to replace them there will be a large scale mock battle for training purposes. It is rare that two task forces occupy the same real-estate. They are far too valuable.

The real world does intrude into the constant training. A warning of the pending economic troubles in the Tholian Empire has many border worlds edgy. Portions of the task force cruise through the worlds close to the border. The admiral takes such warnings and worries in stride and when asked about it he says “I am not saying the Tholians can’t come. I am saying they are not getting by us.”

December 21st

The fleet has spent the past 6 months in a minor stand down of a sort. Most major ships have been in to have work done inside the station. Crews have cycled home to see their families during this time of reduced operational tempo. Everyone is back now and the task force has been working up for a number of weeks. It is returning to its old stomping grounds again. This time it is not going alone. Joined by an additional task force from 1st and 4th Fleets as Starfleet command has elected to boost its presence in the region surrounding Klingon and Tholian space on concerns about the stability of Tholian leadership and the widening Klingon civil war.

Fleet HQ is as busy as it as ever been as the number of ships under operational command of 3rd Fleet will nearly double for the time being. The prevailing opinion among the crews is that the even the Tholians are not stupid enough to mess with the one or two task forces usually watching them, let alone the six that will be in the area for the near future.

As they board their ships the crew of the USS Everest reach up and touch the sign over the gantry as they head out for another patrol. Always Vigilant.

Re: Starfleet Public Information Database

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:01 pm
by BigJKU316
Starfleet Ship Inventory

Akira Class 288
Ross Class 3,675
Shi'Kar Class 320
James T Kirk Class 2773
Lexington Class 1111
Sisko Class 1440
Kir Class 1673
Des Moines Class 2221
Galaxy Class Mk 1 13
Galaxy Class Mk 2 25
Intrepid Class 286
Nebula Regular Class 100
Nova Class 1545
Nebula Mk II Class 95
Baltimore Class 1516
Olympus Mons Class 138
Columbus Class 176
Sovereign Class 1008
Endeavour Class 110

Re: Starfleet Public Information Database

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:49 pm
by BigJKU316
Riding Shotgun: Starfleet at War

Starfleet allowed several journalist to ride along during the recent Jacorn conflict. The following recounts their activities during the war.

February 2- 7th Fleet Cruiser Group

The fleet has arrived at a system known only as System 596 in a remote, rimward portion of the Federation. The engineers are busy establishing a supply base for future operations and the fleet is abuzz with speculation. This group, usually dedicated to supporting the frigate forces that patrol the border regions has been heavily re-enforced and combined with 2 other cruiser groups for this mission. All of those groups have been heavily re-enforced over the last year by the activation of reserve units making each of them formidable in their own right.

This has led to a great deal of talk on the lower decks. Normally offensive operations are the purview of 1st through 5th fleets. The opinion among the enlisted personnel seems to be split on if this is a good or bad omen. Some believe that if the fleet is so busy it can’t send proper forces for this mission it must expect a major attack by the Romulans and Cardassians at any time.

G-Day, go day, among the fleet is scheduled for February 3 when it is supposed to stomp across the Jacorn border and seize some planet known as J1 as a base for further operations. As the fleet approaches its jump off order crews tense up as they get ready for combat. Most expect not only to face the Jacoran traitors but substantial portions of the Tholian fleet as well. The atmosphere all around the ship is intense.

20 minutes before jump off Starfleet command sends an urgent notice to hold. Word never trickles down from above as to why this occurred but rumor quickly starts to spread that more forces are being allocated to this drive. Among the crew it is like the air being let out of a balloon. The mental strain of preparing for combat and then having it postponed frays nerves . Many head to holo-decks or shipboard gyms to work it off. By the next shift everyone’s spirits begin to pick up once more on the news that 2 front line task forces will arrive within a week and another 3 will arrive shortly after.

February 10- 3rd Fleet, Task Force 3.2 Fleet Flagship Mount Whitney

If one has never experienced a command center during a major military operation they would think it terribly chaotic. Two task forces from 3rd Fleet have been in extensive planning for the weeklong transit to the remote Jacorn front where they are to assume operational control of the drive for liberation. It has been a week of limited sleep for the commander of the fleet, Vice Admiral Nelson. A human from Alpha Centauri she is the senior female in the defense fleets at the moment and has a reputation of being stern and aloof from her crews.

Nonetheless no one doubts her abilities for organization and operational planning. Just 6 days ago she was preparing her fleet to react to any possible Tholian moves, something that Starfleet intelligence highly anticipated. Now she is shifting 5 task forces, 3 from another fleet, several hundred light years to go into a rolling attack over a hundred light years from the nearest Federation starbase. The best way I can describe it as an unwashed observer is that it was somewhat akin to playing a piano with your feet while driving a car and instructing thousands of others on how to drive their cars at the same time.

To assist with this herculean planning task Starfleet has equipped its fleet commanders and task force commanders with a mobile command ship unrivaled in the galaxy. The Olympus Mons class comes in three variations, two with various sensor outfits and one that is a command model. This ship houses the several hundred strong mobile planning staff for 3rd Fleet. Logistics, Operations, Communications, Ground Ops, Intel and all have sections on the ship. As information is amassed in each area it funnels into one great circular room.

At the center of that room is the command plot with the admiral and her direct aids. Orders flow from the fleet command ship to the command ships of the various task forces involved where the same process sends them further down the chain. Conceived after the debacle of the Dominion War where often times fleets were commanded from the bridge of Defiant sized ships one could fit several such ships into the area dedicated to command and control now.

The atmosphere here is one of cool professionalism, though the work is often conducted at a frantic pace. The fleet is crossing the border into Jacorn space. The admiral keys up her fleet wide communication system. Some seem to be expecting an inspirational speech but that is not the admiral’s style.

“The liberation of the Jacorn people is at hand. The Federation expects every person to do his duty.”

March 6- 118th Frigate Squadron over System 343

“You see, the real work and fighting is done by us scouts, not the pampered boys back at fleet. They won’t take their expensive toys anywhere we have not been before them,” remarked a young lieutenant on the USS Carpenter. He loves working in what he calls the "working man's navy" and likes the seniority he has already achieved on his small ship where he is 3rd in command just 2 years out of the academy. "You can't throw a spanner without hitting an officer on the big fleet jobs. I hear you need written permission from a commander to take a dump over there," he added for good measure.

The frigate forces had fanned out in front of their charges early in the conflict with a goal of fixing a location of the Jacorn fleet so “fleet” as they refer to it can destroy it. For those familiar with the polished boots and massive ships of the defense fleets nearer the core of the Federation the frigate navy is a large culture change. Spending the vast majority of their time on the extremities of the Federation the crews and captains are self-reliant and in many ways a bit strange.

The small crews of the ships are very close and often serve together near their local communities for the entire period of their enlistment. Most often concerned with running down wayward civilian ships and preventing smuggling they nonetheless train hard for their role in wartime of covering the major fleets in action.
Thus far it has been an easy war. Fleet has brought some of its special warfare toys that have blown the traitors coordination apart. To be frank it has been a romp. But this squadron has drawn a special mission.

Jacorn defectors have told of the presences of a planet based Ion Cannon on many major worlds. 3rd Fleet command wants to assess the threat before the main fleet arrives at Jacora. The orders given to this squadron involve them getting shot at intentionally, something the crews take with remarkable equanimity.
The squadron commander does not think much of ground based defenses, though he admits that if they are operating in concert with a planetary shield they could be potent. His job is to find out exactly how dangerous this weapon is.

The squadron drops out of warp above the world and fans out. 3 ships streak across the southern hemisphere in orbits at high relativistic speeds. Shots reach out from the surface chasing them. Most miss. One catches another Kirk class ship on its port nacelle leaving it dead in space and burning. Information gathered the squadron moves to exact its revenge.

From all points around the sphere the ships press in at high speeds, changing course randomly and dropping in and out of cloak but always keeping one of the surface bound weapons within its weapons arc. The weapons reach out vainly trying to swat at the small attackers but the closing rate is too quick and the ships are vanishing too fast for the system to deal with it. The range closes mechanistically, like a clock counting down to something terrible. 500,000 km, 400,000, 200,000.

At 200,000 km the fleet all materializes and fires their phasers at the ground targets. Most are hit on the first burst. The rest are cleaned up within seconds. Unable to move they are easy targets. The squadron moves on to collect its survivors and continue with its scouting mission.

Fleet will be here soon say the Lieutenant, “now that the real fighting is already done.”

March 9th- 5th Regiment, 2nd Division, 3rd Corps Fleet Marine Force

As 3rd Fleet pours in on Jacora in massive numbers a Marine Colonel pulls his regiment together aboard one of the fleets many Lexington class ships. They are assigned to seizing the starbase in orbit around Jacora and then seizing Jacorn leadership once the shield is down, along with contingents from 1st Corps. The Marine’s, being a relatively new service, are very proud of what they have accomplished. Leaders like Colonel Gregory are typical of the service, where ones regiment is viewed almost as a home for enlisted personnel.

There was a lot of scuttlebutt on the way in about potential operations against the Tholians that never materialized. But the troops are convinced it is just another high command SNAFU. After training in environmental suits for weeks they are now assaulting a normal starbase where people breathe normal air not toxic stew heated to the temperature of an oven. It is a welcome change for most, no one likes the environmental suits, and they take it like everything else in stride. For most, so long as they are with the unit, they seem willing to go wherever orders take them.
After going through the operational details of the mission he concludes as follows.

“We are going in with the first wave. Our backup comes from 1st Corps. You know them; they are those over-polished, over-sexed fops that hang around the core worlds with those assholes from 1st fleet all the time while we do the real work. Let me make one thing clear. We will seize this starbase. We will smash the opposition. We are going to show those prim and proper gentlemen who spend their time attending balls on Tellar and Andoria what the real fighters of the Fleet Marine Force are about and we will leave them nothing to clean up but the pieces. Do I make myself clear? Let’s go get us a space station.”

March 9th- 3rd Fleet Command

3rd Fleet, actually composed of two 3rd fleet task forces and three 1st fleet task forces, arrives over Jacora and broadcast the demand for surrender. Within the command deck they are preparing hard for a large battle against a well prepared Jacoran force.

Suddenly nearly half the Jacoran fleet begins firing on the other. It seems the president did not have the support he thought he had. Either that or faced with the spectacle of thousands of Federation ships entering the system those commands decided that firing on their own kin was the surer path to survival.
The admiral, in an effort to keep from downing the wrong ships issues a simple order; don’t fire on anything not shooting at you. The devastation among the enemy fleet is already great as 3rd fleet approaches to engage. Those few ships that show fight are promptly dispatched.

The assigned units move to support the assault on the orbiting starbase.

Back on the command deck casualty reports begin to come in. There is light damage across the fleet, nothing that can’t be repaired here. There are a handful of casualties among the troops seizing the station, highlighted by a Colonel who personally led the regiment in storming the command center seconds after landing. Medical reports that he will likely survive his wounds.
The admiral begins to deploy the fleet for the siege of the system, expected to take some days. Fire commences from extreme range to limit the impact of any surface defenses. Suddenly the shields starts to weaken, then it drops entirely.

The Jacorn president has committed suicide. Fleet Marine troops, most of them of the specially trained civil affairs division start landing on the planet in large numbers. Task forces are dispatched to the remaining Jacorn worlds to take control.

The process of rebuilding will likely be a lengthy one. But for the rest of the day at least Admiral Nelson orders every person to be given a day of shipboard leave over the next week as a reward for a duty well done.

Re: Starfleet Public Information Database

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:32 pm
by BigJKU316
March 27th- Civil Service Detachment 416, Jacora

The civil service division of the Fleet Marine Force was created largely for situations like this one. Recruiting heavily from planetary police forces and civilian government they specialize in administering populations and transitioning them to democratic government. Created in the aftermath of the awkward Tzenkethi situation, where Starfleet found itself with nothing but what amounts to specialized commandos to attempt to control a large populace. Their local commander, Governor Kir'Tal hails from a small Vulcan colony and has a grim determination not to let this first deployment go awry.

The troops get along well with their Jacorn counterparts so for an initial deployment this job is blessedly easy. Jacorn laws are broadly similar and most are genuinely happy to see the Federation rid them of their oppressor.

Still, there are a large variety of local issues the commander has been forced to deal with. Among the local Jacorn populace the more extreme pro-democratic factions have been bending the ear of Starfleet personnel at every opportunity. They have developed, and a large portion of the Jacorn populace has followed suit, a hand sign signifying their hopes for the galaxy. One finger is extended pointing down, then the rise is rotated and two fingers are held up. To the locals this signifies one dictatorial regime down (the Jacorn President) and two to go (Romulans and Cardassians).

The governor had to step in when Starfleet personnel began making the signal in greeting to one another and Jacorn civilians as the local commanders don't want their troops making political statements. However talk of "finishing the job" abound among the fleet still in Jacorn space.

Re: Starfleet Public Information Database

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:35 pm
by BigJKU316
Present Status

Attribute Detail
Commanding officer Fleet Admiral Clark
Complete number Commissioned: 18,513
Active: 14,832
Unified combat strength: Net: 166,015,596
(191,540,198 all up)
Current Destroyer Classes Sisko Class (DD)
Ross Class (DD)
Current Frigate Classes James T. Kirk (FF)
Current Cruiser Classes Baltimore Class (CA)
Kir Class (CA)
Des Moines Class (CL)
Current Battle Cruisers Classes Sovereign Class (BC)
Lexington Class (BC)
Command Class Nebula Class (CC)
Olympus Mons Class (CC)
Spaceborne Warning Class Nebula Class (SWAC)
Olympus Mons Class (SWAC)
Electronic Counter-Measures Nebula Class (ECM)
Olympus Mons Class (ECM)
Exploration Class Ships Nova Class (FF)
Nebula Class (CL)
Galaxy Class (BC)
Shi’Kar Class (CA/SWAC)
James T. Kirk Class (FF)
Intrepid Class (FF)
Columbus Class (FF)
Endeavor Class (BC)

Starfleet has rebuilt entirely from the Dominion War and is on its way to commissioning a second group of warships under the fleet modernization and sustained procurement program. Starfleet maintains a large 3,000 ships exploration presence and is compelled to secure a great many borders from incursion and piracy. As such only around 7,000 ships are dedicated into tactical fleets. The remainder are dedicated to border security and maintaining law and order.


Starfleet is organized into 5 tactical fleets, 5 border defense fleets and 1 exploration fleet as can be seen below.

Starfleet Command (Earth)

CINC- Fleet Admiral Clark
Operations and Planning- Vice Admiral Sarlec
Training and Doctrine- Vice Admiral Morris
Intelligence- Vice Admiral Dryson
Base & Logistics- Vice Admiral Ebhat
Exploration Command- Vice Admiral Riker
Science Command- Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Doran’Tan
Procurement- Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Marcus
R&D- Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Jeffries
Personnel- Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Mickelwhtie
Fleet Marine Security Detachment- Commandant Reagan

Each tactical fleet is divided into a number of task forces as listed below.

1st Fleet CINC- Vice Admiral King

Task Force 1.1 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 1.2 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 1.3 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 1.4 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 1.5 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)

2nd Fleet CINC- Vice Admiral Ozawa

Task Force 2.1 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 2.2 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 2.3 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 2.4 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)

3rd Fleet CINC- Vice Admiral Nelson

Task Force 3.1 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 3.2 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 3.3 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 3.4 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)

4th Fleet CINC- Vice Admiral Kren'Turan

Task Force 4.1 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 4.2 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 4.3 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 4.4 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)

5th Fleet CINC- Vice Admiral Longwood

Task Force 5.1 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 5.2 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 5.3 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)
Task Force 5.4 (Rear Admiral, Upper Half)

Lesser Divisions within Task Forces

21 Heavy Wings (Rear Admiral, Lower Half)
84 Heavy Squadrons (Fleet Captain)

21 Heavy Cruiser Wings (Commodore)
126 Heavy Cruiser Squadrons (Fleet Captain)

21 Support Crusier Wing (Commodore)
126 Support Crusier Squadrons (Fleet Captain)

42 Destroyer Wings (Fleet Captain)
252 Destroyer Squadrons (Captain)

5 Independent Destroyer Squadrons (Captain)

5 Command Attachments (Various)

General Design Theories

Starfleet ships in most cases give up some firepower in exchange for the best protection that can be afforded the ships. The belief is that if a ship is able to stay in combat and keep fighting its offensive value will be multiplied many times over. Ships are expected to fight well above their standard combat rating, which generally is heavily influenced by offensive firepower.

In general ships are placed into initial service and then a refit is done shortly after during the meat of the construction so that all can be refitted to the latest standard before the first construction run ends. If a final refit is needed it can be done later.


The Sisko Class was the backbone of the reformed fleets but is being replaced as rapidly as possible by the Ross Class. The Sisko Class featured a combat rating of 3,061 in its present configuration and a top speed of Warp 9.99. Rather than update the class it was replaced with the Ross Class.

The Ross Class features a combat rating of 14,101 on a mass only 200,000 tons larger than the Defiant and is highly maneuverable at a standard rating of 14,000. It has a short range firepower of around 30,000 and a defensive rating of around 40,000. The Ross Class Mk II 18,943 and a defensive rating of 67,821.


The oldest cruiser deployed in likely combat roles are the venerable Akira Class cruisers which operate exclusively with the Federations border patrol fleets. These ships are mostly used to chase pirates and scare off any small incursions across a border. They will be replaced in this role by Des Moines Class Crusiers.

The Des Moines Class cruiser program was designed to fulfill two roles. The first was to provide a torpedo heavy cruiser to the tactical fleets in a way that would provide a base of fire for the remaining fleet. The second was to eventually replace the Akira Class. Thus the production run for these ships will be very large, well over 2,500 will be procured.

The class features a combat rating of 15,767, long range firepower in excess of 42,000 and a defensive rating of nearly 40,000. It will enter service with all tactical fleets in full strength by the end of the coming year.

The Baltimore Class was the standard line cruiser for the tactical fleets after the Dominion War. It featured a combat rating of 5,794 and was based on the older Prometheus class ships. It will be replaced by the Kir Class which was designed to complement the Des Moines Class as the original role of the Baltimore Class is being split between the two.

The Kir Class is an attack cruiser. It features a heavy, fixed forward firing phaser array known as the High-Throughput Linear Phaser Array (HTLA) rate at 1,000,000 TJ and is optimized for short range combat in contrast with the Des Moines Class. It has a combat rating of 20,387, a short-range combat rating of 51,313 and a defensive rating in excess of 40,000. The class is designed to slice through shields in swarms. Mk. II designs are underway and should enter service in a few years with comparable leaps to the Ross Mk II.

Battle Cruisers

The Sovereign Class is the mainstay of the fleet at the moment. A combat rating of 8,300 was good enough when it was designed. However this ship will shortly begin being replaced by the Lexington Class.

The Lexington features a combat rating of 18,832 with a robust defensive rating in excess of 50,000. Designed to both give and take a beating it has a balanced torpedo and close range armament. This ship has replaced the Sovereign in front line service and a Mk II variant is less than 5 years from entering service.

Specialist Ships

Starfleet fields a variety of specialist ships. The Nebula Class has been refitted into three separate variants. One provides command and control, offering the admiral of a fleet a secure and large place to house a command staff that is well back from a forward battlefield. Additional Nebulas have been refitted as sensor ships designed to provide a robust sensor bubble for the fleet. Finally a handful have been refitted as electronic warfare ships, able to listen into communications and jam both communications and sensors.

The Olympus Mons Class is designed to replace the Nebula Class in all respects, providing a larger and more capable platform as well as the ability to fire the LRHVODS munition with a range of 50 light-years. Each ship carries 64 of these munitions emplaced in Silos and they all feature configurable warheads capable of carrying anywhere from 1 to several dozen quantum torpedoes, hundreds of self-replicating mines, remote sensor packages or remote jamming devices.

Critical Installations- Class 1 through 3 systems

Critical Core & Production Systems

Earth- 200,000 KT shipyard, 9.1 million tons AM annually, 175,000 KT of Ore, 57.2 Billion Citizens, Political Capitol
Vulcan- 200,000 KT shipyard, 1 million tons AM annually, 60,000 KT of Ore, 32.2 Billion Citizens
Tellar- 200,000 KT shipyard, 1 million tons AM annually, 60,000 KT of Ore, 32.2 Billion Citizens
Alpha Cent.- 200,000 KT shipyard, 1 million tons AM annually, 7,500 KT of Ore, 32.2 Billion Citizens
Andoria- 200,000 KT shipyard, 1 million tons AM annually, 500,000 KT of Ore, 32.2 Billion Citizens

Summary: These systems collectively comprise the following percentage of production and assets for the Federation.

100% of the shipyard capacity
37% of Anti-Matter Refining capacity & reserves
33% of Ore Mining Capacity & reserves
15% of Population

Critical Resource Systems

Anti-Matter Tons (Annual Production)
Aldebarran- 2.4 Million
Regulus- 2.9 Million
Daran V (11)- 1.4 Million
Trotoval VII (10)- 2.4 Million
Izar- 1.4 Million

Summary: These systems collectively comprise the following percentage of production for the Federation.

30% of Anti-Matter Refining capacity & reserves

Ore Kilotons (Annual Production)
389- 200,000
383- 200,000
384- 200,000
393- 200,000

Summary: These systems collectively comprise the following percentage of production for the Federation.

33% of Ore production and reserves

Overall Summary of Class 1 through 3 Systems

100% of the shipyard capacity
67% of Anti-Matter Refining capacity & reserves
66% of Ore Mining Capacity & reserves
21% of Population

Logistical & Positional Systems- Class 3 through 6 systems

Cardassian Front

Critical Logistical Systems

Bajor- Gamma Q. wormhole, central front lynchpin, forward base
Betazed- Northern front lynchpin, forward base
Upsilon Volantis IV (31)- South-Western Front Forward Base
Izar- Northern Front, support base
Theta Cygni- Main Western Front Base
Chi Persei Prime (2)- Logistical Connection with Breen

Critical Positional Systems

Trill- Allows for flanking strike towards Theta Cygni while bypassing major fortified location of Bajor and Betazed

4, 6, 9, 13 & Gamma Trianguli- Fall of these systems opens the Federation core to penetration by the opposition.

Summary: The key to holding the Western areas of the Federation lie in holding onto these major bases, both as defensive positions and as jumping off points for any penetration of the Cardassian Union. Upsilon Volantis is somewhat out of position to counter a strong thrust from the Southern portions of the Union but any Federation forces cut off rimward (south) of a penetration occurring North of that area could use it as a base to cut supply lines for the Union and no offensive from there can reach critical systems in a timely manner. More critically the amassing of a major force in this area seems unlikely as it would uncover Cardassia Prime to attack by our forces. The Cardassians are somewhat prisoners to the fact that they must maintain strong forces near Cardassia Prime or risk loss of their capitol system. This limits their creative capacity somewhat and a drive direct from CP or near to it through the Trill corridor is estimated to be the most likely offensive approach as it will draw our forces in the region away from Cardassia Prime.

In the Central and Northern fronts holding Bajor and Betazed is desierable, though both could be sacrificed to buy time. Bajor is home to a major potential CU ally in the Dominion and must be held more stoutly of the two. If those fall the defensive line becomes Theta Cygni to Izar with the possession of Theta Cygni being of the most importance in any campaign in this area.

Romulan Front

Critical Logistical Systems

Daran V (11)- Main North-Eastern Front Base
Regulus- Main South-Eastern Front Base
Benzar (7)- Northern-Central Forward Base
Delta Maenali VI (12)- South-Eastern Forward Operating Base
Alpha Erindari- North-Central Romulan Front Forward Base
Acamar- South-Central Romulan Front Forward Base
Epsillon Hydrae- Key Logistical Connection with Klingon Empire
Eta Leonis Prime (15)- Key Logistical Connection with Klingon Empire
Omicron Persei 8 (17)- Shields Logistical Connection with KE
Ivor- Extreme Northern Front, Shields Ore Producing Colonies

Critical Positional Systems

Galondron Core & Qualor- Systems immediately opposite Romulan Capitol system. Not strong garrisoned. Strategic void into which to entice Romulan forces so they can be cut off with pushes from Alpha Erindari and Acamar. Should be garrisoned with ground troops if situation allows to compel enemy to spend time occupying.

Typhoon, Tardod & 5- Fall of these systems would potential cut off use of large ore stockpiles and production in several colonial worlds.

Calder, Barrada, Draken & Yadalla- Fall of these systems would represent a threat to the Klingon-Federation connection.

Summary: The key positions to holding the Eastern Federation lie in Daran V, which has a critical position astride the major routes from Romulan core systems towards the Federation core. The Romulans are faced with the same strategic problem the Cardassians are faced with in that any attempt at a flanking maneuver opens up their political center of gravity to a sudden counter-stroke by our forces.

A more limited war strategy by the Romulan's might see a drive against resource rich Federation colonies in the North.

Tholian Front

Critical Logistical Systems

Bellatrix- Forward Operating Base
Vendar XII (22)- Support Base
Sigma Iota- Southern Claim Support Base
Mira- Southern Reserve Support Base

Critical Positional Systems

20, 21 & 23- Fall of these systems would represent a threat to the Klingon-Federation connection as well as the Federation-Jacorn Connection.

24, 25, 27 & 26- Fall of these systems would potential cut off access to the Southern Claim for the Federation as well as the Federation-Jacorn Connection.

Summary: The Federation does not hold many key positions in the South that would be subject to critical risk by a Tholian advance. While the occupation of systems is not desirable of the three major aggressor concerns the Tholian area is the least critical.

Of some concern it is also the least well provisioned from which to stage a major offensive. If Bellatrix can be held Starfleet is well positioned. If not further preparations would have to be made before forces could move decisively against the Tholians.

Major Rearward Support Bases

Aldebarran- Provides support to Southern, South-Western and South-Eastern

Trotaval VII (10)- Provides support to Western, North Eastern and Northern Operations

Theta Cygni- Provides support to Western Operations

Regulus- Provides support to South-Eastern Operations

Daran V (11)- Provides support to Eastern Operations

Federation Core- Provides support to all operations

Major Starfleet Force Concentrations & Assignments

Fleets & Marine Detachments

1st Fleet & 1st Marine Expeditionary Corps- Federation Core
Primary War Plan Assignment: None
Primary Reserve Force: Green, Yellow
Secondary Reserve Force: All

2nd Fleet & 2nd Marine Expeditionary Corps- Theta Cygni
Primary War Plan Assignment: Yellow
Primary Reserve Force: None
Secondary Reserve Force: All

3rd Fleet & 3rd Marine Expeditionary Corps- Regulus
Primary War Plan Assignment: Grey
Primary Reserve Force: Green
Secondary Reserve Force: All

4th Fleet & 4th Marine Expeditionary Corps- Trotoval VII (10)
Primary War Plan Assignment: None
Primary Reserve Force: Yellow
Secondary Reserve Force: Green

5th Fleet & 5th Marine Expeditionary Corps- Daran V (11)
Primary War Plan Assignment: Green
Primary Reserve Force: None
Secondary Reserve Force: All

Defensive Priorities Against Likely Avenues of Attack

Listed in Descending Order

Romulan Central Front
Cardassian Central Front
Cardassian Northern Front
Romulan Southern Front
Romulan Northern Front
Cardassian Southern Front
Tholian Front
Present Logistical & Financial Situation


Reserve: 80,487,171
Annual Production 35,002,308
Consumption 34,100,288
Excess 902,020

Wartime Usage 54,101,541
Base Shortage -19,099,233
Years Supply @ Base 4.3 Years

Potential Add Backs
Trade Reduced 50% 6,550,000
Annual Shortage 12,549,223
Years Supply @ 50% 6.4 Years

Trade Reduced 100% 13,100,000
Annual Shortage 5,999,223
Years Supply @ 100% 13.25 Years

Summary: The Federation has a strong anti-matter position that can support a lengthy war but might make considerable demands on the economy. We have alleviated some of this pressure by executing a contract with the Ferengi that allows us to purchase 2 million tons of anti-matter per year at 500,000 credits. Additionally the contract gives us options to purchase 20 million tons of anti-matter on 30 days notice at the contract price of 5 million credits and another 40 million tons of anti-matter on 12 months notice at the contract price of 15 million credits. Essentially the Federation can purchase anti-matter sufficient to fuel Starfleet for three years over the course of 13 months from the Ferengi government. This should facilitate operation of an expanded fleet or some losses from the reserves handily.


Reserve: 25,964,175
Annual Production 2,390,000
Consumption 990,000
Excess 1,391,000

Wartime Usage* 5,042,833
Base Shortage -2,652,883
Years Supply @ Base 9.5 Years

*Estimated at doubled rates of ship construction, plus 1 major starbase per year, plus 10 million soldiers per year and transport for the same.

Summary: Absent major reductions to reserves via hostile action against stockpiles the Federation can support a war from its ore resources far longer than any war could likely continue given the financial strain, potential casualties and likely erosion of popular support.


Liquid Reserves
Cash 335,890
Potential Domestic Borrowing* 100,000,000
Less Current Borrowing 0

Total Cash Accessible in 12 Months 100,335,890

Cash Flow
Tax Income 34,621,522
Tariff Income 9,126,101

Total Income Annual 43,747,623

Mandated Expenses

Interest Expense 100,000
Colonial Expense 7,250,000
Resource Production 900,000
Ship Construction 7,988,138
Operations Expense 2,050,000
Payment to FKI for AM 500,000
Starfleet Maintenance 20,001,253
Ground Forces Maintenance 1,130,000

Total Mandated Expenses 39,919,391

Base Cash Flow 3,828,232

*Calculated at 25% Debt Service to Tax Revenue with present interest rates and tax level

Summary: The Federation could support major expansions of both ship production and other military related expenses if needed during a war. Considerable increases in the operating fleet size and the ground forces could be accommodated without borrowing. A combination of tax increases and borrowing can bring many millions into the fold each year. A 2% tax increase brings in additional revenue of 1.8 million credits per year which could in turn support 37.5 million in borrowings without impacting the remainder of the budget at present interest rates. It is not unreasonable that in a major crisis taxes could be increased 10-20% if need be which would generate up to an additional 18 million in revenue per year or support 300 million or more credits in borrowing if necessary.