Archer's Worse Mistakes?

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Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

I thought... wait, did Phlox have the cure? I thought all he could do was ease their symptoms...

*MUst go back and watch*
Sionnach Glic
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Post by Sionnach Glic »

My question is this, how does a species just not work anymore from a genetic defect?
I can't remember if it gave specific info on the virus, or defect, or whatever the hell it was. But its possible that it may cause damage to the reproductive organs, although this could be solved through cloning technology.
I thought... wait, did Phlox have the cure? I thought all he could do was ease their symptoms...
I'm almost positive that Phlox had the cure, but refused to give it to them due to some screwed up Prime Directive style belief.
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Re: Archer's Worse Mistakes?

Post by Andrew82 »

Take us out :laughroll:
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