Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

Show us your fanfic, original stories, poems, etc
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Re: Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

Post by JudgeKing »

Roku Naruto: This is essentially a much more epic version of Naruto, though it's only in the Zabuza arc right now.
Last edited by JudgeKing on Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

Post by Lt. Staplic »

Some Eragon Fanfiction if there are any fans.
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Re: Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

Post by Sionnach Glic »

Eragon has fans? :P :poke:
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Re: Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

Post by Tyyr »

If Dragonball can have fans anything can.
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Re: Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

Post by Lt. Staplic »

Sionnach Glic wrote:Eragon has fans? :P :poke:
I actually like the books, ya you can tell it was written by a highschooler, but I like the book none the less.

Actually I'm writing a fanfic on there, it's not done yet, but I've got the first five chapters up.
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Re: Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

Post by Teaos »

What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

Post by JudgeKing »

Black Flames Dance in the Wind: Rise of Naruto. I even provided an excerpt from Chapter 14
Zabuza swung his zanbatou off of his shoulder and slammed it into the bridge, causing a large crack to form. It may have been dented and the blade may have been chipped and cracked in various places, but that was nothing new for the Kubikiri Houcho. It had been in this condition numerous times in the past, but it could still take lives just as well.

"Three-hundred opponents, eh?"

Naruto caught on instantly. "First to one-fifty-one wins?"

"You're on!" Zabuza and Naruto both blurred out of sight, then the chaos started.

Gato's men screamed as they were cut down one by one, and sometimes five by five. Gato could only look on in horror as his small army was reduced to bloody ribbons and fleshy red chunks.

Naruto swung the Black Soul at a man's head, reveling in the arterial spray and the meaty thunk of the man's head hitting the concrete. He spun around and sliced another man cleanly in half at the waist, his upper body slowly sliding away from his legs. Naruto then stabbed two men at once, making a human kabob out of them. He then ducked as a massive sword sailed over his head, decapitating about ten men in a row.

Naruto glared at Zabuza, who just shrugged. "Kill thief!"

Zabuza smirked and started using his bare hands to snap necks and break backs. He held out his hand and caught his sword mid-spin as it rounded back to him and cut two more men in half. He noticed that one had managed to avoid his sword for the most part, but still had his arm severed. Zabuza stalked up to the begging man and smashed the flat of his blade down on his skull, splattering his grey matter all over the ground. Zabuza suddenly jerked to the side as a black blur went by him, flashes of metal visible at certain points. When the blur stopped, revealing Naruto, about twenty men fell to pieces, literally.

Naruto looked back at Zabuza and flung the blood off of his blade. "One-hundred and six."

Zabuza growled. "One-hundred and three."

Both shinobi looked around them, then began killing again.

Naruto appeared in front of a group of men trying to flee, taking all four of their heads off at once. He then turned and impaled a man that had tried to sneak up on him in the chaos. He jammed his blade deep into the mans intestines and twisted it, then jerked it upward, cutting the man in half vertically. He turned his head and saw a man charging him from the corner of his eye. He ran at the man, dragging his sword along the ground, creating sparks and a loud screeching noise. When he neared the man, he swung his sword upwards, splitting him from his crotch to his cranium.

Zabuza had taken to simply batting thugs off of the bridge and smashing people with the flat of his blade. He smacked one man so hard his head was torn from his shoulders and flew into the water. He smacked another man in the ribs, completely shattering them and sending multiple fragments into his heart and lungs, leaving him to drown in his own blood. The Demon of the Mist smirked proudly as he looked at his handywork, which caused a strange feeling of nostalgia.

Zabuza ran a blood covered hand through his blood soaked hair, flinging the crimson liquid everywhere.

"Ah, this reminds me of the good old days." he released a huge amount of killing intent, causing two men near him to fall to the ground as their hearts gave out.

Naruto felt Zabuza's killing intent and saw the men fall. "So, you wanna play that game, eh?" Naruto released his own unholy killing intent, causing another five men to drop from heart attacks.

Zabuza shuddered as he felt Naruto's killing intent wash over him. 'Not even Kisame could release that much KI(Killing Intent obviously)!' he thought.

Soon both ninja met in the middle of the bridge, both covered in blood.

Zabuza's bandages, pants, and arm warmers were soaked in blood, and it dripped from both his hair and his sword.

Blood ran like a waterfall from Naruto's mask. His arms were covered in it and pieces of flesh were still clinging to his clawed fingers, evidence of his bare-handed maulings. His hair was stained with blood, giving it an orange tint.

"How many?" Zabuza asked, grinning madly.

"One-forty-nine. You?"


Both warriors looked around, trying to find at least two more victims. Both their eyes landed on two men that were trying to hide under the dead bodies of their comrads, hoping to be passed by.

But neither had any such luck as they were dragged out from under the carcasses and held captive by Naruto and Zabuza.

"Best kill?" Naruto asked.

"I'll go first." Zabuza grinned and looked at the man he held hostage.

The man looked back at him with unrefined terror in his eyes. "Please, have mercy!"

Naruto and Zabuza looked at each other, then laughed.

"Sorry, all outta mercy!" Zabuza grabbed the man's head with his right hand and held him down with his left.

With a primal roar his ripped the man's head clean off, taking a bit of spinal cord with it.

Naruto nodded appreciatively. "My turn." he grabbed his victim and lifted him over his head with ease.

Holding the man's leg in one hand and his neck in the other, Naruto slowly bent the man in half. The man screamed in unimaginable pain as he was bent beyond normal human limits. Naruto then slammed his arms together, folding the man in half and causing his midsection to explode in a bloody shower of flesh and organs. Blood, intestines, and other miscellaneous insides cascaded down on Naruto's head and shoulders. He then pulled on the body, ripping what remaining flesh, ligaments and spine connected it and separating the two parts. More blood and entrails rained down on the bridge and on Naruto and Zabuza.

Naruto tossed the two pieces of the corpse off of the bridge and into the water for the sharks to eat.


Zabuza hung his head and clapped. "You win. I don't think I've ever seen something like that before."

Naruto smirked. "You know what this means, right?"

Zabuza rose a non-existent eyebrow, the nodded. "One-fifty each."

Naruto nodded, then looked over to a cowering, blood soaked Gato. He was in the fetal position mumbling things about "Demons" and "Psychopaths" over and over again.

Both swordsmen slowly walked towards the short man, the only sound made was the squishing and wet pops of various organs being crushed. That and the occasional crunch of a skull being stomped on.

Gato lifted his head and screamed. He didn't see two humans walking towards him; what he saw were two grinning devils bearing down on him, looking for all the world like death incarnate.
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Re: Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

Post by JudgeKing »

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Re: Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

Post by JudgeKing »

Chunin Exam Day

This is a CMOA because it is so damn epically hilarious. This is from Chapter 65
So Team 7 was waiting in some apprehension. Those two factors alone would have been enough, but there was also the fact that Orochimaru and his false Grass team had been sidling up closer and closer, the Snake Sannin having recognized him as the boy to bean him with an apple core, when Anko arrived.

Seeing as she was in 'Test Proctor' mode, the special jonin gave no sign of the familiarity she felt with anyone, either by snuggling up to Naruto's bones or attacking her old teacher.

Instead, the woman who had with relentless practice become a fine actress (along with the rest of Clan Kitsune and their allied retainers) showed up giving no sign that she knew any of them at all. "You and you," she pointed to Sasuke and the disguised Orochimaru, seemingly at random. "You'll be the ones to be drugged for your teams."

Then she gave them a nasty, superior smirk, playing the 'vindictive proctor' role to the hilt. "Unfortunately, we've run out of the oral version, so you'll be forced to take it rectally." Two enema bags slapped them, one each in the chest. "And since I don't care to get my hands dirty, you'll administer it to each other."

Orochimaru's face split into a grin so wide it nearly bisected his face. It probably wasn't possible for anyone to grin wider, and he forgot all about his petty revenge on the apple core boy in thinking about his sudden access to Sasuke's boyish bottom.

The Snake Sannin couldn't decide which made him happier, the opportunity to fondle Sasuke's ass, or having The Uchiha touch his in return.

"Try not to enjoy yourself too much, Sasuke. We all know you don't like girls," Sakura teased, which had the Uchiha pale dramatically and glare at her, while Naruto broke down laughing, as she'd stolen the words out of his own mouth a moment before he could speak them.

Orochimaru's grin, if possible, got dramatically wider. At this point it had to have had something to do with those anatomical jutsu of his, as a grin that wide should not be possible. It clearly wasn't natural.

Anko, in an amazing display of acting prowess, did not reveal one tiny hint of what she was thinking for the moment, simply shooting her thumb in the direction of the nearest tent without the slightest crack in her 'vindictive proctor' facade. "Right, you two lovebirds go off and dose each other. Try not to spend too much time enjoying it or you'll be late for the test."

Casting subtlety aside, Orochimaru picked a suddenly horrified Sasuke up by his tongue and raced off into the tent indicated, all other plots forgotten for the moment.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!" came a mortified scream a moment later as his pants came flying out the tent flap, only to be drawn back in by a tongue a moment later.

Anko had already joined the two remaining genin of Team 7 in rolling around on the grass in helpless laughter, clutching their guts as they wept tears from their eyes.

The two fake Grass genin stared at each other uncomprehendingly.
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Re: Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

Post by JudgeKing »

XSGCOM has been updated.
The Kull Warriors are here.
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Re: Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

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XSGCOM: Terra From the Deep has just been started.
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Re: Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

Post by Captain Seafort »

Re-write of Voyager

Pretty good - basically "Caretaker", redone to make some sort of sense - it's in progress, with somewhat unpredictable updates, but an excellent read.
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Re: Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

Post by JudgeKing »

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Re: Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

Post by Tyyr »

Based off your previous recommendations and the posted exerts, I'm not clicking any of those links.
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Re: Fanfic Reccomendation Thread

Post by Coalition »

For the ones I've read, I added a basic description
JudgeKing wrote:Glennfiddich12
*Over the Horizon - oBSG running a Stargate program
*The Glory of Their Days - Stargate/Romans?
*The Unlikely Road Taken- Stargate - an experienced new recruit

Bob Regent
*Consequences of Actions Part 1 - Stargate ship arrives during Earth-Minbari war
*Consequences of Actions Part 2 - part 2
*Enterprise Squared - Ent-C and Ent-D - where they salvage the Ent-C
*Reunions are a Bitch - nBSG/SG-1 crossover

*Altered Destiny: Divergence Point - Stargate Battle of Antarctica where Thor arrives in time
*Another Way - Stargate Atlantis - where they destroy the Attero device
*Flight of the Orion - Stargate Atlantis: Alternate idea of how the battle where the Orion was destroyed
*Stargate: New Frontier - Alternate Stargate, where humans never spotted the gate, and made their own small empire

John Harper
*Chronicles of the Crusade Part 1 - Babylon 5 / Stargate
*Chronicles of the Crusade Part 2 - part 2

*From Glory to Ash - prologue to nBSG?
*Dust of the Stars - Cylon War

*XSGCOM: Mirror Image - Very good story, it is an X-Com/Stargate crossover
*XSGCOM: Terra From the Deep - reading it now, not sure yet

*Asura Path - only 1st chapter read, a nanotech warrior fighting Wraith?

*Voyage of the Aesir - Stargate/Star Trek wjere Thor shows up during the Dominion War

*Smite 1701 - SGC finds a derelict Star destroyer

*Reaper's Origin - Mass Effect/Stargate crossover

*Stargate: Project Arctic Circle - Canadian Stargate program

Other enjoyable ones:
Baattletech/Real life earth
Relativity Calculator
My Nomination for "MVAM Critic Award" (But can it be broken into 3 separate pieces?)
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