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Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:15 pm
by Aaron
6:15 PM Day One

Shortly after the last member of your party joins you a loud piercing alarm issues from the rooms vox grille. Followed by a voice you barely recognize as the ships purser.

"Honoured passengers, please secure yourselves for Warp travel." The voice cuts off and you hear the alarm once again, shortly followed by a gut-wrenching sensation as the ships engines tear there way into the immaterium. You feel an immense pressure on your skull and the sensation that your intestines are about to make there way out of your mouth. You hear what seems like the screaming of inhuman creatures and what might be the scratching of claws against the hull and bulkheads.

After what seems like hours the sensations suddenly cease and you realize that it's been barely minutes. There are a few extra dents in the bulkheads of your meagre accommodations and the glow globes flicker with greater frequency but your none the worse for the experience.

Once again the vox squawks and the pursers voice issues forth,"Honoured Lords and Ladies, dinner will be served in the mess in the next half hour. Please summon me if you require anything." As before the voice cuts off and you and your companions are left to their own devices.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:19 pm
by Tyyr
Phebia turns her face away from the rest of the acolytes, trying desperately to keep from being sick. Warp travel was painful to her, the translation of the damnable dimension always leaving her head pounding and her stomach in danger of emptying itself. Hearing the purser speak of dinner was almost enough to make her lose all control of her stomach right then an there.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:43 pm
by Lighthawk

Haxta nodded polietly to Phebia, the woman's smile making her feel a bit better. Still, she could think of little to say and thus fell silent.


Nearly calling out a reminder to Milo that they weren't suposse to wander the ship, the words died in haxta's throat at the barely audible threat from Phebia. She shifted uncomfortably on her bunk, electoo crackling again with nervous energy.


Aside from a nod of awcknolwedgement to Marco when he greeted the room, Haxta fell silent until the warning for the warp jump. The sensation was unpleasant, but too familiar to be truly discomforting. What was disconsorting though was the increased faultiness of the lighting in the room.

With a sigh of annoyance, Haxta stood and made her way to the nearest glow globe. It was certainly entirely pointless, and yet, she couldn't just leave it be. With practiced ease, she began to tinker with the light. If nothing else, the motions and rituals of repair were soothing to her.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:07 pm
by Mikey

After wandering the corridors of the Sky for a few minutes, the absence of Sebek, along with the glares of the ship's crew, convinced Milo to return to his berth. Pointedly ignoring the evil stare from the Sororitas, Milo relaxed on his cot and unconsciously began again his mumbled stream of litanies and prayers.


After the familiar and somewhat relaxing feeling of the Gellar field shrouding his mind dissipated, Milo eagerly sat up at Sebek's mention of food - and more importantly, hopefully drink - and scratched absently at the aquila symbol branded into his temple. He laughed humorlessly at the discomfiture of his comrades less used to warp travel, noting the ease with which both the black-clad killer and the engineseer seemed to take the trip. "Chow time," he said pointedly at the Sororitas. "Even someone as high and mighty as yourself still must need secular nourishment from time to time, no?"

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:52 pm
by Lighthawk

With a satisfied little "Hmm," Haxta replaced the cover to the last glow globe, which shone steady now, and slightly brighter than before. Not so much brighter as the 3rd one she had fixed, which actually might need to be tweaked back down to better match the illumination of the rest. Still, she considered it a job well done...and tried not to think about all the more serious repairs the vessel really needed.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:40 pm
by Tyyr
Phebia glared right back at Milo, keeping her face rigid even as the mention of food sent her stomach tumbling again.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:13 pm
by Tsukiyumi
6:23 PM

Pahr rose effortlessly from his cross-legged position and headed for the door; he felt some nourishment was probably needed at this point. He glided down the rusty, dimly lit corridor until he reached the dingy mess area; it was slightly larger than the cabin, just as poorly lit, and populated by a few rickety-looking chairs and small tables. He sat at one near a darkened corner, and waited to see what sort of slop would pass for a meal on this vessel.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:35 pm
by Aaron
As you enter the mess hall the first thing you notice is the state of the room itself. Like your accommodations, the room is rusted, smelly and full of furniture in poor shape. It's a stark contrast between the room and the smell of the food emanating from a series of steam trays placed on a long table at the back, as you approach you can see and smell practically every popular food stuff from roast grox to simple nutrient paste favoured by the Tech Priests.

Clearly the master of this vessel does not believe in starving his crew.

The food is served steaming hot by a squat, bearded and immensely fat man with no shirt and a greasy apron. As you approach he greets you with a friendly "what'll it be m'lords"?

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:09 am
by Deepcrush
6:30 PM
Enrick entered the mess hall. Not shocked to see it was as pathetic as the rest of this ship. "I left a perfectly good Cruiser for this piece of shit? What was I thinking..." More a statement then anything, why the hell did his superiors select him for this. Of course he knew why. They needed a nearby weapons expert, and he was the only one available at the time.

Walking over too the squat server. "Two cuts of the slab. Hold the fat." Taking his meal tray, Enrick picked a close table with his back to the wall and sat down.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:42 am
by Tyyr
Phebia fell quickly into line behind Enrick. Her stomach was still churning but her trainers had hammered it into her fellow trainees that when food is available you eat it. In the field you could never be sure when the next meal was coming. When the server ask what she wanted she pointed to the grox, a pile of vegetables, and a slab of bread. The meat was greasy, the vegetables were overcooked and limp and the bread soggy, not even close to the quality of food she'd enjoyed at the convent but it was actually not as abysmal as their accommodations. She followed Enrick to a table and sat down across from him.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:48 am
by Deepcrush
6:31 PM
Enrick looked up at Phebia as he ate his meal. "I'm going to the Armory later to pick up some ammo and spare parts. Care to join me?"

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:53 am
by Sionnach Glic
Karibi wandered into the mess hall after the rest of the group, still feeling somewhat quesy from the warp trip. Glacing around the hall, he was unsurprised though still dissapointed at its state. Wishing he was back in the serene, clean and well-ordered halls of the Academy, he picked up a small plate of fruits and sat down at a nearby table.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:47 pm
by Tyyr
Phebia nodded. "Let me do the talking to begin with. If anyone gives us trouble I maybe able to talk us through it."

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:15 pm
by Aaron
6:33 PM Day One

You notice that Sebek has entered the mess hall just after your party. The small man shuffles over to the food table and takes an assortment of the offerings, mostly bread and fruits along with a mug of water. He looks around at the tables and there occupants, finally stopping as he notices your party. His face breaks out in a slimy grin and he makes his way over and plops down beside Phebia.

He leans over and inquirers as to her liking of the accommodations and the food. He also asks if there is any services he can perform for them and her in particular, at that he gives a sly wink and starts to pick at his food with dirty fingers.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:12 pm
by Mikey

Typical shipboard fare. Lots of variety, but all prepared the same way - for more servings than would allow for any decent cookery. Milo finished his meal in a corner of the room, used as he was to the mistrust of the people around him, as well as his own mistrust of relying on others. The Navy shaped him, but if anybody knew about the failings of the individuals within...

Milo rose, brought his empty tray back to the sideboard, and nodded a curt greeting to the cook. "Been aboard long?" he asked the enormous cook, trying to get a sense for this possible contact.