Crossover: The Reality Bomb

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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Rhinox turned to him. "Aren't you curious to why we're here? And what sort of being could transport us all from different realities across the timestream to here? I for one would like to meet him. And I think this human knows him, don't you?" he said. "You mentioned Q. What is it?"
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Sionnach Glic »

"Ready to move out, Commissar." Ferik Jurgen said, appearing just next to Ciaphas Cain, preceeded as always by his rather unique scent. Cain looked around, giving the meltagun his aide was still carrying a bemused look. He'd never qute figured out just where Jurgen had aquired the weapon from, and felt it was better to simply not ask.

Cain turned around, just about to ask Jurgen to find a transport of some kind, when there was a bright flash of light. The next thing either of them knew, they were in a large metal room of some sort. Instinctively, Cain drew his laspistol, spotting several figures around the room. It was a confusing bunch. Several humans in odd uniforms, a few members of the Astartes (including, to his surprise, a Dreadnought), and some figures which looked distinctly non-human. None of them seemed intersted in attacking either the Commissar or his aide, however. Indeed, they didn't even look particularly surprised by the sudden appearance of two people in their midst.

Feeling that, for now at least, they were in no danger from their companions, Cain holstered his laspistol and took a step forward, gesturing for Jurgen to lower his melta.

"I am Commissar Ciaphas Cain of the Valhallan 597th regiment." He announced, looking around the room. He gestured as his companion. "My aide, Gunner First Class Ferik Jurgen. Would anyone like to explain just what's going on here?"
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Monroe »

The Federation officer nodded a greeting, "Well we're just missing a couple according to the list that was forwarded. So I can fill you in until the Admiral gets here. In another universe a bomb was detonated that tears apart the atoms of everything. The blast radius has already engulfed that universe and possibly countless others as it moves across the multiverse. From our understanding different realities are floating around in the cosmos like Galaxies in our universe is. The closer to the explosion the more distorted it is but the explosion will reach all of our universes eventually."

The other Federation on deck were standing as hostilities seemed more and more remote. The officer continued, "A powerful being known as Q needed a team to shut down the Reality Bomb before it goes off. However Q can't exist in that universe its already too damaged so he needs a team to do it and that's why you're all here and the Kirk is your ride."

Zanitav's eyes raised in surprise at the explanation but he lowered his shields and power blades, "Adun be with us." He murmured.

Xan looked at the others then asked, "No pay, no audience?"
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

After the FLEJIA bomb exploded in the Tokyo Settlement, Kallen and her new Guren STIEN were pulled in and suddenly transported to the shuttlebay of the James Kirk. She groaned as she straightened herself in her cockpit, and looked around.

"Where the hell am I?" she opened the channel. "Zero? Oghi? Any Black Knight, can you hear me?" She activated the optical sensors and looked around.
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Primal turned to Xan. "I think 'pay' is the least of our concerns, friend, if what this human says is true. And I have a feeling it is..."

Rhinox walked up to the STEIn, looking up. "Hello, there! You might want to exit your suit. We seem to have a situation here." He turned back, shaking his head. "Now, what sort of energy could... no. It couldn't be that!"
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

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Kallen blinked down at the human sized robot. Deciding to do what Rhinox said, she pulled out the activation key and opened the cockpit and hopped out. She kept her 9 mm pistol on her hip just in case as she looked up at Rhinox.
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Mikey »

Ashok turned toward Huron-Fel and Phebes and said with no regard for discretion, "They're telling the truth. We are nowhere near the Astronomican. A being of great power brought us all here, and they perceive the danger to be real." Turning to the newest arrival he nodded and said, "Commisar? The Emperor protects." Suddenly Arawden sent a thought to Ashok. May Ynnead come to protect us! With the smell of the one called 'Jurgen,' a blind greenskin could hit him at a hundred paces!
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Aaron »

"Borderline malnutrition but I don't think there's...", Cpl Dietrich was cut off mid-sentence as there was a bright flash of light and she found herself deposited in the corner of a large room, festooned with shoddy looking barrels and crates and occupied by a bizarre group of aliens and large metallic beings. "...Any permanent damage", she finished. With med-kit in hand she was good and fucked, her incinerator slung over her shoulder. Feeling discretion was the better part of valour she kept her hands on her kit and simply asked, "what the fuck happened to the Lt. and the kid?"
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Monroe »

The starfleet officer explained the the newest arrivals what was going on as Zanitav walked around the hangerbay. A being of psychic energy was here... Zanitav paused and looked up at the catwalk where the Eldar was. The Praelet's own psychic abilities were rather premature as he had just begun studying to become a Templar but he could recognize a powerful being in those arts still. Zanitav looked over the Eldar's body. Not that dissimilar to his own. If the Terrans proved untrustworthy perhaps the Eldar would be the one to speak about it, Zanitav decided.

Xan meanwhile looked over Kallen's armor and couldn't help but feel a twang of jealousy. He wanted to fly too. But he said nothing of it.
How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None. They always surrender right before they finish the job and never tell you why.

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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

Kallen grinned proudly at her Guren. "Never seen a Knightmare Frame before?" she asked Xan.
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Rhinox, standing next to Kallen, shook his head. "Kid, I doubt most of us have seen our equipment before. Nice lines, though. Reminds me of a friend back where Primal and I came from."

Optimus looked across from where he stood with Huron-Fel. "Make sure Airrazor doesn't find out about that little comparison, Rhinox." He crossed his arms and sighed. "All I wanted was a simple exploring. Nothing much, a planet or two..."
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

"...I was trying to help beat Britannia off of Japanese soil when that treacherous bastard Suzaku activated a superweapon when I beat his Lancelot Frame," Kallen said with a growl, closing her eyes. "The blast enveloped me but I managed to help Zero get out of the blast Zone...and then I found myself here."

(PS, Striker, can you sign onto AIM?)
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Monroe »

"Zero? Suzaku?" Xan asked, "Your words mean nothing to me. Actions speak."

Zanitav meanwhile began to climb onto the catwalk, more than a little awkward for a being the size of a Protoss, "En Taru Adun," He said to the Eldar and sat down next to him.
How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None. They always surrender right before they finish the job and never tell you why.

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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

Monroe wrote:"Zero? Suzaku?" Xan asked, "Your words mean nothing to me. Actions speak."

Zanitav meanwhile began to climb onto the catwalk, more than a little awkward for a being the size of a Protoss, "En Taru Adun," He said to the Eldar and sat down next to him.
Kallen looked to Zanitav, and her jaw dropped. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?" she yelled, barely stopping herself from whipping out her nine mm.
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Aaron »

"By your command Brother-Librarian", Phebes addressed via inter-suit vox. Turning to the Dreadnought he switched through his vox frequencies until he found Huron-Fel's, "you appear damaged Brother, do you require assistance?" Raising his arm and indicating his Narthecium, "I have some small experience in these matters, though as time goes on you may have to accept help from our smaller companions here", though Phebes visor remained expressionless those gathered with him in the bay could swear they sensed a small smile behind the blank eyepieces as he nodded toward the armoured female that had just arrived.
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