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Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:58 am
by Teaos
Well Mikey and him were couple so he couldnt go
But the really funny thing was that since Rochey and Monroe both had kind of hardcore characters who werent all nice and cudly Blackstar hated them, he lobbied twice to have them thrown out of the RP. I cant even begin to tell you how much easier Gamma Mission has been to do with out Blackstar here.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:01 am
by Mark
Well, I DO have to admit I thought the stink that s\he made over naming the Intrepid Class ship the Pegasus was kind of ridiculous. I'm assuming stuff like that was par for the course?
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:09 am
by Teaos
Oh yeah, that was tame compared to the normal stuff.
If he wanted something he either got it or if we wouldnt allow it said we were ganging up on him, everyone hated him and that no one ever agreed with him.
We had a 15 page flame war because we wouldnt let him take the position that someone else alreadt had... yeah thats right, he wanted somone else to give up their position so he could have it. And when we said no... flame war.
Another beauty was when he was trying to get the highest possible rank for his character and we were pointing out that a 23 year old character cant be a commander...
You know that rule I have that no one is allowed a command of a ship? Yeah I made that up to stop him getting one, while its best that not everyone has a command its not a huge deal, I just didnt want him having a ship.
He is also the reason that I made the "No supermanning" a official rule rather than something I hoped people would follow.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:36 am
by Mark when he wanted his other character to be 10 years old and "own" his own private ship...........silly Chakat.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:59 am
by Captain Seafort
Bloody hell's teeth...
I knew Blackstar was f*cking idiot from the debates I had with him, but this... I'm glad I got out of the RP after that initial Founder nonsense.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:10 pm
by Teaos
Yeah Alpha was crap. Beta was good mainly cause I just said no to Blackstar on almost everything.
And now that he has gone Gamma mission is going great.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:27 pm
by Reliant121
Hopefully Gamma will be but one of many.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:46 pm
by Teaos
I already have an idea for a follow up to Gamma, or to be honest I stole an idea that someone mentioned in a debate ages ago. But since this mission would very well last 6+ months it has a while to wait.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:55 pm
by Sionnach Glic
But the really funny thing was that since Rochey and Monroe both had kind of hardcore characters who werent all nice and cudly Blackstar hated them, he lobbied twice to have them thrown out of the RP.
Eh? When did he try to have us thrown out? Did he mention it in one of the threads, or in a PM to you?
Well, I guess me and Monroe had the last laugh in the end. Me and Monroe directly orchestrated his character's downfall.

Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:58 pm
by Mikey
I'm ashamed to admit that I got suckered in to Blcakstar's crap, and RP'd it instead - my character almost killed it once or twice.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:00 pm
by Sionnach Glic
I don't recall you doing anything notably bad.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:06 pm
by Mikey
Yeah, but I got pretty frustrated. A Seafort - the big battleship still needs an engineer, I think, now that Blackstar's gone...
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:19 pm
by Captain Seafort
Thanks for the offer, but no. I'm much preferring the Enterprise setup where I can dip in and out of the story without messing up the overall plot if I don't feel like participating for a bit.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:08 am
by Teaos
Eh? When did he try to have us thrown out? Did he mention it in one of the threads, or in a PM to you?
I remember twice in the threads where we were talking about new missions he said both you and Monroe should have to make new character since your present ones werent good
Then he PMed me once... cant remember when, to say that I should be more "selective" on the types of people I let into the RP.
I didnt respond but I felt like pointing out that the RP I founded has more than triple the posts of the next closest and the biggest player base, while his one was lucky to a post a month and had from what I saw absolutly no plot line.
I can't even begin to tell you the amount of will power it took me not to hop into the Starbolts topic and laugh at him over his race idea, remember the semi flame war that started in Daystrom when I wouldnt let it happen because it was a sh*t idea? I suggested he take it to Starbolt... and what do you know, the idea flopped. I even gave him a list on why it wouldnt work and it turned out all the points I made happened.
He came up with idea that were cool for his guy and screw everyone else.
The race was gonna fail for many reaons:
1) It was a forgone result who won since Blackstar kept wa*king on about how his guy was the best pilot ever, he wasnt going to let anyone else win it so there was no point in it happening unless everyone felt like stroking his ego.
2) His guy was the only pilot out of all of us, so none of us could enter or if we did our guys would logically have to be sh*t.
3) If we didnt enter our posts would consist of "And Teaos watchs a tiny speck of light shoot by in 0.0001 of a second"
4) RPing a race would be even more boring than watching a race on tv.
I should find the part of the thread where it happened cause he made a few funny lines in it, when he first brought up the idea he said he got it while watching the speed racer movie, a passing thought.
Then when I said no to the idea he said something like "You guys have no idea how muh thought and effort I put into all my ideas for you guys to just throught them out!"...
This thread is nice and theraputic for me, its let me get out all my built up agression against Blackstar.
Hey Blackstar if your reading this I just want you to know that you are the single worst RPer I have ever come across, and that saying a bit since the Daystrom is the 4th one I have been in. Your ideas suck, your characters are retarded and your plots are laughable. Whats more you have absolutly no idea how to run an RP. Its not to be treated as your own personal kingdom where you get everything you want and everything revolves around how awsome your guy is. If you wanna RP like that stay with your furry friends and have a beastiality orgy.
You now what... I honestly feel better, man that guy was retarded.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:35 am
by Mikey
Glad would could help. We bill at $255/hr.; please see the secretary for a follow-up appointment.