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Re: The Motion Picture

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 2:58 pm
by Nickswitz
Not my fav. either, but it was good

Re: The Motion Picture

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:37 pm
by Mikey
GK is correct in that TMP needs to be appreciated on a different level than TWOK or something similar. My issue with the film doesn't stem from not having enough stuff "blow up real good," but from the fact that I don't really think it reached into the more philosophical questions as well as (to use GK's example) 2001 or even as much as some of the TOS eps.

Re: The Motion Picture

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:59 pm
by Deepcrush
Reliant121 wrote:the Excelsior is the best by far.
OH YEAH....! 8)

Re: The Motion Picture

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:38 pm
by katefan
I enjoy TMP for a lot of reasons:

VGer. I loved the idea of an old Earth space probe coming back home like this. Yeah, it ripped off Nomad a bit, but it was still a lot of fun to see Voyager.

The uniforms. People rag on them, but except for the utility coveralls I think they are fine. People say they look like pajamas, but it is supposed to be a culture hundreds of years from now so why not suggest a different ethic in this regard?

The Enterprise. Simply stunning.

The band getting back together. I love the feeling of the gang being re-united.

Kirk's struggle. I can understand where he is coming from; getting older, missing his old command, unwilling to let go. These themes are pursued later on in II when he seems resigned to giving up Enterprise at last and seemingly begins to live a life of regret. Perhaps this is one of the problems with the TNG movies where you do not get any feeling of people getting older and moving on. Riker never wants to leave, Picard is starting to act like an action movie star, Worf keeps coming back despite all logic, etc.

In TMP right off the bat we see Spock and McCoy have moved on. In the second film Spock is promoted and Chekov is a first officer. I like these elements. My only complaint is they were not more fully realized in VI. It was great fun seeing Sulu a captain, but I would have liked to have seen Uhura and Chekov perhaps get their due, too.

But in regards to TMP, just a great film.

Re: The Motion Picture

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:39 pm
by Sonic Glitch
The music is about the only reason I watch it anymore. That and the "Here's the new Enterprise after 10(or so..anyone know the time between the ending of star trek and the debut of the movie?)yrs" sequences. Maybe I'd like the directors cut better. I have the VHS version.

Re: The Motion Picture

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:35 pm
by Grundig
Tsukiyumi wrote:
GrahamKennedy wrote:Does anybody else think this movie is sadly underrated?
For the record, I really enjoyed Solaris; my attention span is longer than a few minutes between shiny things and explosions.

I think it's underrated too. Never saw Solaris.

Re: The Motion Picture

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:58 pm
by Graham Kennedy
katefan wrote:The uniforms. People rag on them, but except for the utility coveralls I think they are fine. People say they look like pajamas, but it is supposed to be a culture hundreds of years from now so why not suggest a different ethic in this regard?
I actually don't mind the uniforms all that much, because the way the movie treats clothing as a whole is actually pretty cool. When you see Stafleet command you see people in civilian clothing and it's all very lightweight, very ephemeral... compared to what the civilians are wearing the Starfleet uniforms are very heavy duty stuff. I think the intent is that with weather control on Earth you don't have to worry about ever being cold, or getting wet... clothing doesn't really need to be practical any more, it's just for basic modesty and fashion.

And hell, if you look at how uniforms have changed over the last three hundred years, the TMP uniform is not at all farfetched.

And that's the kind of thing I like about this movie. Somebody put an awful lot of thought into every little detail of it.

Re: The Motion Picture

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:18 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Didn't Alan Dean Foster write TMP? He's one of my favorite authors.

Re: The Motion Picture

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:20 pm
by Aaron
Tsukiyumi wrote:Didn't Alan Dean Foster write TMP? He's one of my favorite authors.
He's credited with co-writing it with Gene. I've heard rumors that he wrote the whole thing though and Roddenberry plastered his name on it.

Re: The Motion Picture

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:50 pm
by Mark
While I honestly have to say, of all the movies, this was my least favorite, I DO need need to give some credit. The sceen in which Kirk gets his first look at the newly refitted Enterprise while in the travel pod with Scotty honestly gave me goosebumps. Picking up with the lives of the crew where the show left off could have seen a little more screen time, but it still wasn't bad. I'm sorry, but when it came to the uniforms I HATED THEM. It seems forced, and to radical a departure from TOS uniforms to be dome all at once. That said, the uniforms and Kirks ignorance of the ship were really the only things in the movie that grated on my nerves. I wish that we didn't have to lose Decker though, but there couldn't be room for two first officers once Spock got back. They should have given Decker his own ship, (maybe a rebuilt USS Constellation in honor of his father). I would have like to see more of the Deltan culture, and why they must take said vow of celebicy, but overall, I'd still rather watch ST:TMP than alot of movies out there.

Re: The Motion Picture

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:06 pm
by Reliant121
I hated the uniforms too. The reminded too much of my fathers pajamas, when he bothers to wear any.

but my least favourite trek film is ST V

Re: The Motion Picture

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:14 pm
by kostmayer
The film did have an epic feel to it - I love the scene where Scotty and Kirk are approaching the Enterprise. And McCoy and Kirks exchange in the transporter room is brilliantly done.

TWOK may not have had the same epic film, but I do think its more then just an action film. For me, Kirks story is more important then the Khan storyline.

Re: The Motion Picture

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:37 pm
by Grundig
Mark wrote: I would have like to see more of the Deltan culture, and why they must take said vow of celebicy.
Wouldn't we all!

Re: The Motion Picture

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:44 pm
by Reliant121 not all of us would actually.

Re: The Motion Picture

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:29 pm
by Deepcrush
You would with the men right... 8)