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Re: Weapons and equipment of the Klingons

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:49 pm
by Deepcrush
I did think about giving them plus 1 attacks but here is why I didn't. Klingons have shown that they would rather cut you in half with one powerful swing vs dice you with a half dozen weaker wounds. The Bat'leth is a strong showing of this. Two handed weapon that moves slowly but seems to kill anything it touches. The Mek'leth is a rare weapon and I wanted to keep it that way. When I saw this weapon in Worf's hands, it was the first time I had ever seen a Klingon fight with speed over power. I set stats to match this.

As to assault vs rapid fire. Nothing in ST shows action to match a rapid fire (40k) weapon. Move and shoot is a universe wide action and so I wasn't going to form stat against Cannon.

Also the Klingons have a common place (Dagger) close combat blade as it is. They don't need two and I don't often see anyone with a Mek'leth.

Re: Weapons and equipment of the Klingons

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 7:03 pm
by sunnyside
I'm pretty sure it and other one handed weapons have shown up on a number of occasions.

At any rate it isn't any property of the weapon itself. If anything it should be a special ability the model pays points for.


On assault vs rapid fire.

The standard rapid fire rifle has a range of 24" however it can only shoot that full 24 if the unit stays still. Otherwise it is limited to 12" range(within which it fires twice). Also you can shoot with a rapid fire weapon and assault.

An assault weapon can fire and still charge into combat. The idea is that such a weapon is easy to shoot accuratley enough from the hip while running full tilt and is light enough that it doesn't get in the way.

Assault weapons also can fire at whethever their full range is while moving. Short range assault weapons, like shotguns, are used for firing as you charge in. But I don't know that Klingon rifles are short ranged.

When an assualt weapon is long ranged it's the "move and fire at full rate at full distance" part that becomes important because you can move to stay out of charge range while still pouring on the fire.

Re: Weapons and equipment of the Klingons

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 7:14 pm
by Mikey

Re: Weapons and equipment of the Klingons

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 6:27 pm
by Deepcrush
I have set up a new topic in the wargames section, please read and comment and changes or additions anyone can think of.