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Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:33 pm
by Captain Seafort
Regardless of the specific mission the crew were engaged in, the ship should have been continuously scanning for potential trouble (especially given the problems wit the Andorians).
In any event, it was mentioned in FC that the Moon's gravity well would mask the E-E's depature from the Vulcans.
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:48 pm
by KuvahMagh
In any event, it was mentioned in FC that the Moon's gravity well would mask the E-E's depature from the Vulcans.
Did it? I thought it was only mentioned that it would protect them from general detection but it has been a while since I watched it so you are most likely right.
Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 5:39 pm
by Grundig
Perhaps the Mirror E-E didn't just hide behind the moon. They could have easily destroyed the Vulcan Mothership, assuming they traveled back in time.
Wonder what the Mirror Borg are like... Long ago there must have been some group of people to start the collective in the normal universe - maybe they were morally righteous in the Mirror Universe, and pursued some other method of progress.
Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:42 am
by Duskofdead
schizo-hal wrote:Perhaps the Mirror E-E didn't just hide behind the moon. They could have easily destroyed the Vulcan Mothership, assuming they traveled back in time.
Wonder what the Mirror Borg are like... Long ago there must have been some group of people to start the collective in the normal universe - maybe they were morally righteous in the Mirror Universe, and pursued some other method of progress.
Would be funny to see Mirror Grand Nagus Zek being served by a very tall Borg drone.
Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 1:18 pm
by stitch626
TThat's a great idea!
I want a Borg servant.
Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 2:31 pm
by Deepcrush
I'll take 7 of 9! That would be very very very very very very very nice. 8)
So many ideas!

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:00 pm
by Teaos
Many ideas?
I can't get past my first one...
Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:59 pm
by Sionnach Glic
I guess it sorta depends. I'm rather fixated on my first idea, but said idea is divided into quite a few sub-categories.

Re: "In A Mirror Darkly..." question
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 1:57 am
by Mark's a mind bender for you. In the origianal time line, both our universe and the mirror universe advanced technologically at the same rate (i.e. Constitution Classes at the same time). HOWEVER, with Defiant getting tossed backwards 100 years into the mirror universe, you would think that would give a definate leap forward for the Terran Empire. So, assuming we saw the origianal time line in Mirror, Mirror and in DS9, wouldn't it stand to reason that in the altered timeline that the Terran Empire not fall, since they basically just stole a 100 year tech leap?
Re: "In A Mirror Darkly..." question
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:16 am
by Teaos
No because the people that over threw the empire also had access to that tech. They didnt get over thrown by outside forces but by inside ones.
Re: "In A Mirror Darkly..." question
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:06 am
by katefan
Some observations on Mirror Darkly:
1) I don't know if the ship that landed was a shuttle or not. If it was not then a genius like Zephram Cochraine would have probably been able to easily decipher it's secrets. If it was a shuttle I could see possibly the humans using it to stage a coup on the Vulcan mother ship somehow, perhaps forcing one of the Vulcans to help.
2) I could also see humans conquering the Vulcans if they were indeed a more pacifistic race than the ones in the main universe. Even if they were not, it is possible there was a war between the humans and Vulcans, and possibly the humans allied themselves with other races to take them down, like the Andorians to do so. Then they screw over the Andorians to become the head of this new empire. Especially if the Andorians were used as cannon fodder or the humans manufactured a war between the races to soften them both up. There are a lot of potential scenarios to explain how humans wound up top dog.
3) In regards to Defiant, one possibility is a technological stagnation. If there are no new worlds to conquer then humanity's technological drive stumbled to a halt. Also, it seems to me that the largest leaps of technological genius take place in free societies. The Soviet Union had their successes, but their space program fell apart long before the United State's, and a majority of technological innovations have happened in places like Japan, Europe and the United States where Democracies thrive. So perhaps we see the same thing in The Empire, where after a war-fueled technological boom, we see it peter out after the revolts are suppressed.
Re: "In A Mirror Darkly..." question
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:17 pm
by Teaos
1) I don't know if the ship that landed was a shuttle or not. If it was not then a genius like Zephram Cochraine would have probably been able to easily decipher it's secrets. If it was a shuttle I could see possibly the humans using it to stage a coup on the Vulcan mother ship somehow, perhaps forcing one of the Vulcans to help.
It was a shuttle. I wondered how they either got the mother ship or the mother ship not coming back for it.
2) I could also see humans conquering the Vulcans if they were indeed a more pacifistic race than the ones in the main universe. Even if they were not, it is possible there was a war between the humans and Vulcans, and possibly the humans allied themselves with other races to take them down, like the Andorians to do so. Then they screw over the Andorians to become the head of this new empire. Especially if the Andorians were used as cannon fodder or the humans manufactured a war between the races to soften them both up. There are a lot of potential scenarios to explain how humans wound up top dog.
I could see the humans taking the Vulcans on. Add the Andorians and the other and it becomes a stretch.
3) In regards to Defiant, one possibility is a technological stagnation. If there are no new worlds to conquer then humanity's technological drive stumbled to a halt. Also, it seems to me that the largest leaps of technological genius take place in free societies. The Soviet Union had their successes, but their space program fell apart long before the United State's, and a majority of technological innovations have happened in places like Japan, Europe and the United States where Democracies thrive. So perhaps we see the same thing in The Empire, where after a war-fueled technological boom, we see it peter out after the revolts are suppressed.
While thats true there is also the arguement that warfare stimulates technology.
Re: "In A Mirror Darkly..." question
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:24 pm
by Captain Seafort
It's possible that the original timeline we saw was the one resulting from "In A Mirror, Darkly". We know that Trek is in virtual technological stasis, so the jump provided by the Defiant wouldn't have been as great as, say, a Nimitz-class carrier in 1900. It would simply gave given a bit of a push, which would have made the ISS Enterprise slight more advanced than the "real" one, but not by much. This is supported, albeit weakly, by Worf's flagship - Regency One is far more powerful than any Klingon ship in the "real" universe.
Re: "In A Mirror Darkly..." question
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:43 pm
by Mikey
Teaos wrote:I could see the humans taking the Vulcans on. Add the Andorians and the other and it becomes a stretch.
But now you have a weakened Andoria from fighting the Vulcans. It would be easy enough to create an artifical conflict between the Andorians and Tellarites, too.
Re: "In A Mirror Darkly..." question
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:48 am
by Teaos
Maybe but I see Terrans as more the type to go curb stomp someone out right rather than trick them.