Discovery Season Three

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Re: Discovery Season Three

Post by thelordharry »

On the whole, I'm enjoying Discovery s3. Hell, I enjoyed seasons s1 and s2 as well. Hell, I'll watch any Trek :D But leaving aside the obvious accusations of it being, for want of a kinder phrase, woke, I do wish they'd dial down the emotional milking a bit though. Trek to me is about provoking deep thought in how we can better ourselves, but also laughing at ourselves and not taking it all too seriously. I've enjoyed seeing canon, and Leonard Nimoy, and the Voyager J and the USS Nog. I've enjoyed the crossover and the name-dropping and a little peek at how the Trek Prime universe will be 700 on from where we left it. But one thing I'm getting really tired of is all the minor key music, and the emotional, heart-wrenching scenes where a torn Burnham can barely keep it together, the Disney deaths, or where everyone comes in for a group hug in the overly, touchy-feely way. The cloying sentimentality; It's all just too much. Like I've said previously, it feels like constant emotional milking. And the 'yea science!' bit is getting boring as well.

To me, something like Darmok or The Inner Light is perfect Trek. But if the Discovery writers had written The Inner Light, it might have been an hour-long episode of Kamen sharing his deepest, most heart-wrenching feelings about the anguish and turmoil he was going through to try and elicit tears from the watching audience. Yet the writers of the original episode managed exactly that by telling a simple story with engaging characters, all played stoically with a 'show, don't tell' method of delivery that let you draw your own conclusions and let you fill in all the blanks. The way Picard hugged the Ressikan flute in his quarters at the end was infinitely more powerful to me than watching Michael Burnham, yet again, mouth agape, tears in her eyes, barely believing what's going on to the backdrop of slowmotion and sad cello.

I don't know. What do you guys think? Am I being harsh?
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Re: Discovery Season Three

Post by Tinadrin Chelnor »

I am not to good with words, hence why I don't post much, but...

I just watched episodes 6 and 7 with my partner this weekend (finally have someone to watch and talk about Trek with!)

All in all, I have enjoyed Discovery from the beginning. There's plenty I don't like, but enough that I do. The TNG era are still my favourites, DS9 being number one.

I am enjoying season 3 of Discovery more than seasons 1 and 2, in fact so far I have enjoyed each season more than the previous.

I liked the mention of the USS Yelchin, a nod to Anton Yelchin, and other links to previous Star Trek shows. They also had a link to Star Trek: Picard that I noticed straight away in episode 7.

I did like to see Adira and Stamets bonding. Maybe a bit more story telling, and a little less emotional Michael, but all in all I am enjoying season 3 and look forward to what else is to come.

The Discovery likely could have been upgraded over a couple of episodes, but I like most of the new tech. Not so sure about the nacelle thing, but it's an ugly ass ship anyway.

I am more looking forward to "Strange New Worlds", as although I will watch anything Star Trek (almost, just not Lower Decks), I want to see them back exploring strange new worlds, and planet-of-the-week stuff.

Also I agree with thelordharry about "Darmok" and "The Inner Light", they were exceptional episodes of Trek.
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Re: Discovery Season Three

Post by T'Pau »

A multiple episode dive into the mirror-verse backstory looking at Phillipa al.

When it ended, I was looking for more as it kept my interest well. I had wondered how the spin-off with her character could happen with her in the future and the reported storyline was entwined with Section 31. Maybe these episodes will resolve that.

Loved TOS mirrorverse, still enjoying this as well. Supreme overacting reigns!
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Re: Discovery Season Three

Post by T'Pau »

Mirror-verse part two: what i expected it to be..stunning over-acting opportunities framed by a strong plot to establish vigorous spinning off possibilities...major set piece from the waaay back...a joy to watch television built to remove the viewer from real life for an hour, without a mention of Covid or pandemic!
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Re: Discovery Season Three

Post by T'Pau »

Trouble brewing with a bad bad lady (margo kidder's niece), lots of strong ladies proving themselves, negotiations not so friendly, all heading towards a big finale showdown next week.

Still a fun watch, if not becoming completely predictable most times. I would be happier with the short 10 episode season, rather than the filler episodes to hit 13...just sayin' :roll:
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Re: Discovery Season Three

Post by T'Pau »

Enjoyable finale to season three. Lots of action and danger and resolution and foreshadowing.

Nice touch pre-cedits to harken back ... all the way back!

Would not at all be surprised if season four is much more episodic, with 'alien race and their troubles' of the week :laughroll:
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Re: Discovery Season Three

Post by IanKennedy »

OK, something finally to really love about discovery. Even if it was only the music on the final title sequence of the season :poke:
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Re: Discovery Season Three

Post by Monroe »

Season 3 was a big step up from the garbage that was season 1. You can tell they got new writers in season 2 and now it's really paying off. I liked that they had the Guardian of Forever in the show. That said, I could use without the Mirror Universe episodes. They were good, don't get me wrong, but they were an unnecessary break in the show's rhythm that negatively impacted the season (and I liked the character they lost).

I really liked that Spock's destiny is manifest. You can see the result of his life-long work and Navar is an interesting planet. I can see where things are going with Picard and how it ended up.

There certainly were some mistakes in it like the Andorian with the antennae that suddenly can't regrow. But they could have explained that away, in ENT they mentioned their time travel was heavily mixed DNA, just say the Andorian had mixed DNA that made him lose that feature. I would have liked to see more of that.

I also like that the Federation grows much larger than it is in TNG times. It's hayday would probably be the 29th Century, which makes the comment about the 2200s being a golden age of technology a little silly. I would have had a goon say the remark and the scientist correct him and say the 29th century was the height but eh. 150 member worlds is the TNG count right? The show says 350, so it more than doubles. But really, if you think about how often we see a new alien race in Star Trek, even in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, 350 is still a tiny portion of how many alien races available. Hell, that's probably not even half of the races we've seen in the Alpha and Beta Quadrant. Had it been me I'd have gone with a number like 1300. But, I can also see that as watering down the human centric storyline too much.

I liked that they didn't do something crazy with the Trill. I guess that TNG episode is no longer canon? But the Trill look and act like they did in DS9. I'm curious who the 38 races that remained in the Federation were. It lost the Andorians, Humans, and Vulcans. Tellerites stay? Betazoids? Or many of the other familiar ones that seem very loyal to the Federation?

I'm dying to know what happened with the Borg and the Dominion. Were there other massive Empires? There would have to be right for future series? My guess is they won't explore these things too much. With Sisko coming back, my guess is we'll have to wait for that show before we know what happens to the Dominion.

I liked the Admiral and President a lot too. You don't need to make characters that are downright hostile but are also not completely agreeable. I thought the Admiral's concerns were realistic, though he kind of sucks at diplomacy.
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Re: Discovery Season Three

Post by petertalon »

thelordharry wrote: Fri Nov 27, 2020 1:08 pm On the whole, I'm enjoying Discovery s3. Hell, I enjoyed seasons s1 and s2 as well. Hell, I'll watch any Trek :D But leaving aside the obvious accusations of it being, for want of a kinder phrase, woke, I do wish they'd dial down the emotional milking a bit though. Trek to me is about provoking deep thought in how we can better ourselves, but also laughing at ourselves and not taking it all too seriously. I've enjoyed seeing canon, and Leonard Nimoy, and the Voyager J and the USS Nog. I've enjoyed the crossover and the name-dropping and a little peek at how the Trek Prime universe will be 700 on from where we left it. But one thing I'm getting really tired of is all the minor key music, and the emotional, heart-wrenching scenes where a torn Burnham can barely keep it together, the Disney deaths, or where everyone comes in for a group hug in the overly, touchy-feely way. The cloying sentimentality; It's all just too much. Like I've said previously, it feels like constant emotional milking. And the 'yea science!' bit is getting boring as well.

To me, something like Darmok or The Inner Light is perfect Trek. But if the Discovery writers had written The Inner Light, it might have been an hour-long episode of Kamen sharing his deepest, most heart-wrenching feelings about the anguish and turmoil he was going through to try and elicit tears from the watching audience. Yet the writers of the original episode managed exactly that by telling a simple story with engaging characters, all played stoically with a 'show, don't tell' method of delivery that let you draw your own conclusions and let you fill in all the blanks. The way Picard hugged the Ressikan flute in his quarters at the end was infinitely more powerful to me than watching Michael Burnham, yet again, mouth agape, tears in her eyes, barely believing what's going on to the backdrop of slowmotion and sad cello.

I don't know. What do you guys think? Am I being harsh?

My comment is basically in agreement. The emotional scenes never end. How many times will she be promoted or demoted. They didn’t do the crazy action scenes that look like they MIssion Impossible fights or Star Wars so much this year
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