On the whole, I'm enjoying Discovery s3. Hell, I enjoyed seasons s1 and s2 as well. Hell, I'll watch any Trek

But leaving aside the obvious accusations of it being, for want of a kinder phrase,
woke, I do wish they'd dial down the emotional milking a bit though. Trek to me is about provoking deep thought in how we can better ourselves, but also laughing at ourselves and not taking it all too seriously. I've enjoyed seeing
canon, and Leonard Nimoy, and the Voyager J and the USS Nog. I've enjoyed the crossover and the name-dropping and a little peek at how the Trek Prime universe will be 700 on from where we left it. But one thing I'm getting really tired of is all the minor key music, and the emotional, heart-wrenching scenes where a torn Burnham can barely keep it together, the Disney deaths, or where everyone comes in for a group hug in the overly, touchy-feely way. The cloying sentimentality; It's all just too much. Like I've said previously, it feels like constant emotional milking. And the 'yea science!' bit is getting boring as well.
To me, something like Darmok or The Inner Light is perfect Trek. But if the Discovery writers had written The Inner Light, it might have been an hour-long episode of Kamen sharing his deepest, most heart-wrenching feelings about the anguish and turmoil he was going through to try and elicit tears from the watching audience. Yet the writers of the original episode managed exactly that by telling a simple story with engaging characters, all played stoically with a 'show, don't tell' method of delivery that let you draw your own conclusions and let you fill in all the blanks. The way Picard hugged the Ressikan flute in his quarters at the end was infinitely more powerful to me than watching Michael Burnham, yet again, mouth agape, tears in her eyes, barely believing what's going on to the backdrop of slowmotion and sad cello.
I don't know. What do you guys think? Am I being harsh?